Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1085: Chu's Secret

Chu Xiangjun was shocked, immediately guarded the raccoon behind him, and begged Chu Chuan: "Mother, she doesn't know anything, please let her go back."

The white raccoon's eyes lightened, and he looked at Chu Yan with vigilance.

Did she imprison her mother-in-law, so the mother-in-law didn't return to Yunjing?

Lan Yanyu was also on the alert. Although his mind is still chaotic, if anyone wants to bully Bai Shimei, it will definitely not work.

The atmosphere became tense, Chu Yan's eyes flickered, and he looked at Chu Xiangjun softly, "What is your child talking nonsense, your girl is so old, and she is not afraid of her jokes."

Chu Xiangjun looked at Chu Chu with a kind face in her eyes, but she could not react to her change.

Suddenly, Chu Xiangjun looked at Baici, "This is a raccoon, looks like your mother."

Chu Yun looked at Bai Jue's pair of eyes with certainty, as if looking at another person through her.

The **** frowned at Chu Yun, with too many doubts in his heart.

Chu Yan seemed to see her mind and beckoned to her kindly, "Child, come with me, I will tell you everything you want to know."

The **** hesitated for a moment, and then followed Chu Yi away.

"Beaver ..."

Chu Xiangjun immediately shouted to the **** impatiently.

Hearing the shout, Baitan turned and smiled at Chu Xiangjun: "Mother, I'll be back soon."

Chu Yan brought the **** into her room.

"Sit down, kid, let's sit down and say."

The **** sat across from Chu Yi, staring straight at her, "You deliberately led me to Chu's house and made me recognize my mother."

Baitan said with certainty that judging from the situation just now, who had invited her to Chu's house was very clear.

"You are really smart." Chu Yan smiled with admiration, as if very satisfied with Baiju.

The **** frowned. "Why?"

She could not think of the reason why she had to let her stay in Chu.

Even her mother-in-law didn't pay much attention to it. She didn't believe her child born outside. What was the reason for her?

The **** was too clever, so clever that he caught him a little unprepared.

Originally, she didn't plan to talk too much with her, but now it seems that if she doesn't say anything, she may not be able to achieve her idea.

Chu Yan sighed and looked at the beaver, "You should have a Suzaku mark on you."

Suzaku mark?

The **** frowned, "Just for this?"

Seeing that she did not deny it, Chu Yan raised her lips, "You lifted the seal and activated the Suzaku Demon Beast."

Beaver's heart was stunned, and he was immediately alert.

What does she mean? Is it to grab the Suzaku demon beast?

"Don't be nervous, Suzaku God Beast has chosen you as its master long ago, and no one can take it away." Seeing the **** nervous, Chu Yue calmed down.

The beaver's frowned brows loosened. "What the **** do you mean?"

Chu Yu didn't answer directly, but spoke after drinking a cup of tea, but she didn't seem to be talking about Suzaku.

"A long, long time ago, this place was not called the God Continent, and the place where you stayed was not called the Yunjing continent. The two continents are connected and collectively called the land of Kyushu. Because of the uneven distribution of Reiki, Kyushu finally became two. At this extreme, the peaceful world no longer exists. Some people have lived in the aquatic fire ever since, but some people have daily enjoyment by enslaving others. "

Such a **** story, Chu Yan said very calm, as if these things are not true, but just a legend, a story.

"The killing will one day end, and the righteous God appeared. He divided the land of Kyushu into two continents, God of Demon and Yunjing. In order to prevent the killing from happening again, he left four big beasts and chose The four families guard the beast, and our Chu family guards the Suzaku beast. "

The **** frowned, not understanding the meaning of the four great beasts, but she didn't interrupt, and still listened to Chu Yan's story.

"After God chose the ancestors at that time, they sealed the four great beasts. Since then, every family owner of the four major families will have the seal of the beast. This has also become the only consideration for the family to choose the owner."

Bai Tan's eyes flickered, and she suddenly realized what she meant to keep her at Chu's house. Did she want her to be the current owner?

Chu Yan looked at her and laughed, "You think so well, you are the next owner of my Chu family."

She wasn't so sure before, but after seeing her fight doctor, she decided her idea.

This girl is not only superb in medicine, but also smart and calm when she is in trouble. She is very good at home. The most important thing is her talent. She can reach the **** level at the age of eighteen, and there are few people even in the continent of God. Such a genius was born to her. The Chu family is the blessing of her Chu family.

"If the mark on my body is so important, why do you find me now?" Baitan frowned for a moment, asking what she couldn't figure out.

If the Chu family attaches such importance to such imprints, then she should have been stunned when she was a child.

"It ’s a long story. The owner ’s imprint of the beast will disappear after giving birth to the imprint heir. At that time, it was your aunt who had the imprint of the immortal beast. There will only be one imprint heir of each family and each generation. The mother did not have the mark, and your cousin also had the mark, so I did n’t know that you would have the mark of the beast. It was not until I felt the awakening of the Suzaku beast that day that I finally understood. ”

The **** raised her eyebrows in surprise, no wonder her mother was not valued, and it was her eldest daughter that had been imprinted, but how could she have the imprint and the big cousin.

"You're not saying that there will be only one imprint heir in each generation, then why do I and Sister Cosmo have imprints on my cousin?"

"She was fake, and I only knew about it." Thinking of the previous things, Chu Yan still felt a little stunned.

She knew this before feeling the awakening of the Suzaku **** beast. At that time, after seeing the mark on Xi Yao's body turned into water, her heart was cold.

It is a terrible thing that the Chu family did not mark the heirs.

That night, she hurriedly searched the body of everyone in the Chu family, even those side branches who invited her to Chu's house in the name of using hot springs, but there was no mark.

She didn't dare to speak up. The Suzaku mark of the Chu family disappeared in this generation. If the other three big families knew what the consequences would be, she would not dare to think about it.

She could only let Xi Yao repaint the Suzaku mark, and she was posing as such.

In fact, she also thought about the bloodline in Yunjing, but she asked Xiangjun that she did n’t have the mark on her and she was really hopeless. It was n’t until that day that she felt the awakening of Suzaku. Come to hope.

The white **** pouted, it turned out to be fake, this big family really was dark enough.

"A final question, where is my father?" Baitan looked nervously at Chu Yun, waiting for her answer.

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