Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1087: It's me

"He cares about you very much." Chu Xiangjun watched Lan Yanyu, joking at the beaver.

The **** raised his eyebrows. "OK."

She also cared about him very much. When he heard that he was going to get married, he rushed over to help, and he should care about her.

"That child belongs to the blue family?"

"Yeah, the little magician of the Lan family." Bai Tan nodded, quite proudly.

"He likes you?" Looking at Baiju's expression, Chu Xiangjun laughed and joked.

"Where is it?" The **** flushed, and immediately guilty deny.

He used to disregard him, but he doesn't like her now.

Chu Xiangjun raised his eyebrows and looked suspiciously at the suspicious blush of Beaver's face. "Then you like him?"

"Ah ..." Baitan suddenly coughed with saliva and blushed. "Mother, don't think about it, we don't like anyone, we are close friends."

"Good friend?" Chu Xiangjun smiled at the **** with a playful smile, apparently disbelieving her words.

"Mother, I ..."

"How will you be here?"

The **** reluctantly wanted to explain, but was interrupted by a sharp voice.

"Is it you?" Baitan turned and saw Chu Yuning raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"I asked you, how could you be in my house?" Chu Yuning stepped forward, poking her beaver's chest with her fingers.

Bai Tan's eyes lightened, and he directly squeezed Chu Yuning's fingers and forced them.


Chu Yuning suddenly called out like killing a pig.

"Yu Ning?"

Chu Xiangjun didn't understand why Chu Yuning knew Bai Jue, and was anxious to see that Bai Yu hurt Chu Yuning, "Beaver ..."

"Don't dare to do it next time, it's not that simple." The **** used another strength to push Chu Yuning out of disgust.


Chu Yuning fell down and sat on the ground, mourning with pain.

"Miss Er!"

Chu Yuning's two maids, Xiao Yan and Die Er, finally came back to their feet and came forward to help her up.

Losing his big face again, Chu Yuning shuddered with anger, "You **** woman, even dare to do something with me in my house, see that I don't pick your skin."

She didn't dare to touch her in Wuhe City before, but now that she has let her go, she won't believe her.

"Come, get me this bitch."

When Chu Yuning ordered, a guard immediately appeared and rushed to the beaver.

"I see who dares." Chu Xiangjun hurriedly guarded the beaver, staring coldly at the guards.

"Three ladies."

Seeing Chu Xiangjun, the guards immediately bowed to salute.

However, Chu Yuning stared at Chu Xiangjun politely, humming coldly: "Chu Xiangjun, you can't protect yourself, you also take care of other people's affairs."

Chu Xiangjun was expressionless, as if he listened more to such scorn.

But Baitan couldn't hear Chu Yuning's disrespect for Chu Xiangjun, flashed directly in front of Chu Yuning, and fanned her in the face.

"Slap! Slap!"

Two exhausted slaps, not only confiscated Chu Yu, but also confiscated the guards and maids. Even Chu Xiangjun was stunned there, and did not return to God for a long time.

"Dare to disrespect my mother next time, I twist your head directly."

The **** stared at Chu Yuning viciously. If she were not Chu family, she would not let her live now.

Chu Yuning, whose head was buzzing, then came back to him, looking at Bai Tan's face similar to Chu Xiangjun, "She is your mother?"

"Mother, let's go." Bai Tan ignored Chu Yuning at all and pulled Chu Xiangjun directly to the courtyard.

Chu Yu stared blankly at the back of the two, and it took a long time before they finally reacted, stamping angrily, "Damn **** woman, dare to hit me, I want to kill her."

Chu Yu went to her mother's house in a whimper.

Back at the courtyard, Chu Xiangjun held Baijuan's hand and rubbed it back and forth painfully, "Did the hand hurt?"

"It hurts." Baitan pouted aggrievedly.

Chu Xiangjun gave her a strange glance, "It hurts, you still work so hard."

Chu Xiangjun said, grabbed her hand again, and gave her a blow.

The **** chuckled and looked at Chu Xiangjun with a smile, "Mother, I'm not a kid anymore."

Obviously she is already so old, she still treats her like a child.

Chu Xiangjun's body was stiff, and suddenly his eyes were red. "Sorry, my mother hasn't been able to protect you by your side."

When she left that year, she was still nagging. For those who have n’t had a father or mother for so many years, she must have suffered a lot.

The **** also had a sore nose, and fell into Chu Xiangjun's arms, choking and choking, "I know the mother didn't leave me on purpose."

Chu Xiangjun caressed the long beaver's long hair lovingly, and Tears-eyed mother-in-law said, "I hope I can watch you grow up."

For this child, she missed too much.

The beaver's eyes were red, and after a long while, he said, "Mother, let's take dad home. Grandpa misses you very much."

Grandpa would be very happy if he knew that both father and mother were alive.

"Um." Chu Xiangjun's eyes slipped a teardrop and nodded seriously, "Let's go home."

If it was not for healing Ting Xuan, she would have returned to Yunjing with him long ago. For her, Tingxuan and Tanzi are home.

The white raccoon hugged Chu Xiangjun tightly, thinking silently about returning to Yunjing.

"Chu Xiangjun, come out for me."

Sudden screams made both mother and daughter stunned.

"Don't come out." Chu Xiangjun explained the Beaver nervously, and hurried out.

Outside the room, Chu Yuning was swollen with a pig's head and stared angrily at the room.

Next to her was a middle-aged woman with a face similar to her, and the woman was also angry.

"Second sister."

Chu Xiangjun came out to see Chu Yuning with Chu Xiaopan, and his face was a little bad.

Chu Xiaopan looked at Chu Xiangjun and snorted, "I haven't seen you for a few days. My three sisters are so capable that they can get started with their niece."

Chu Xiangjun glanced at Chu Yuning's swollen pig's face, frowned, and didn't speak.

Chu Xiangjun didn't speak, but Chu Yuning couldn't help but, "Mother, it's not her, it's a wild seed daughter she doesn't know where she was born."

As soon as Chu Yuning's words fell, Chu Xiangjun rushed forward, and slapped her head in the face of her pig head again, "You can scold me, but you cannot insult the raccoon."

Chu Xiangjun's two slaps were no lighter than the two slaps that Baiju had just had, and Chu Yuning was suddenly beaten again.

"Okay, Chu Xiangjun, you dare to do it."

Seeing that his daughter was beaten again, Chu Yuning was suddenly angry and waved a white mysterious power towards Chu Xiangjun.

But before that white mysterious force hit Chu Xiangjun, there was a force to blast Chu Xiaopan out.

"It's me who's doing it, and I'm not allowed to move my mother." Bai Tan stopped in front of Chu Xiangjun, staring at Chu Xiaopan.

"court death!"

Chu Xiaopan narrowed his eyes narrowly and raised his hand to hit the **** again.


Just when the **** was secretly lucky, Chu Yan appeared.

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