Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1089: Chu Yan's Secret

Chu Xiangjun gave a strange glance at the beaver, "Why did you ask this suddenly?"

The **** chuckled and leaned on Chu Xiangjun's shoulder and said, "Are I just curious? You and your aunt and aunt shouldn't be a father?"

She was interested in this issue because of the fox tribe blood in her body.

Before, she always thought that her mother was a fox, or her grandmother had a relationship with the fox, but obviously they were not foxes.

Now that both grandfather and grandmother are excluded, there is only grandfather.

Chu Xiangjun frowned and thought: "I really don't know who your grandfather is. I haven't seen him since I was born, and no one in the government has talked about him, but I'm really not your aunt or aunt. Father. "

She was sad for this reason for a long time as a child. She didn't know who her father was, but she knew that her mother's coldness to her must be because of her father.

Beaver blinked suspiciously. Her grandfather was really mysterious. It seemed that she had to ask her grandmother to know the answer.

Chu Xiangjun uncovered the beaver's clothes and gently rubbed the Suzaku mark on her back. "Your grandmother wants you to stay in the Chu family, is that because of that?"

The **** nodded, "I activated the Suzaku Beast, so she wanted me to be the heir of the Chu family."

Chu Xiangjun was a little surprised, and I didn't say a word for a long time.

She never thought that her raccoon could activate the Suzaku mark. She was taken aback when she was born with that mark. After all, she did not inherit the Suzaku mark, but the mark appeared on the raccoon. And at the time, she knew that Xi Yao also had this mark, so she was particularly afraid that others knew that Tanuki had a mark too.

Until recently, she did not know that the mark on Xi Yao was false, but depending on her sister's fierceness, she did not dare to tell her mother that there was a mark on it, and she did not want to let the beast fight for the title of the owner. She just wanted her **** to live peacefully and happily in Yunjing.

But after all, they couldn't escape fate. In the end, Tanuki came to sacrifice God. Whether she wanted to or not, she couldn't escape the fate of this fate. Even if Tanuki didn't want to fight for the title of the owner, the elder sister was afraid she would not let her go.

But as a mother, she would never be soft-hearted if someone wanted to harm her child.

Seeing Chu Xiangjun's worry, Baitan immediately smiled at her calmly: "Mother, don't worry, I've grown up, I have the ability to protect myself, and I can protect you and my father."

No one wants to bully her and her family.

Chu Xiangjun moved his eyes wet, and drew her into her arms again, "We raccoons have grown up, but unfortunately, my mother didn't look at you, my mother was sorry for you."

Failure to accompany her grow up is the most regrettable thing in her life.

"Don't say that, you and Dad are all right, I'm already very happy." Bai Tan with red eyes, hugging Chu Xiangjun tightly, "We will never be separated from one another in the future."

Chu Xiangjun nodded with tears in her eyes, "Well, never again."

Chu House, Dongyuan.

Chu Yan sat in the study room for a long time, and finally took out a picture from the dark grid behind the bookshelf.

Opening it gently, the man on the scroll appeared little by little in front of her.

Flowing ink, flying red shirt, peerless looks, and those demon eyes, all seemed to be deep in her heart, and most of her life passed, but she could not forget it for a while.

That child is more like him, especially those eyes, more like him than Xiangjun.

She escaped all her life, but it was his children and grandchildren who could save her Chu's family.

Blue House.

"You said that girl is the Chu family?" Lan Yetian looked at Lan Yanyu in shock.

Lan Yanyu shrugged and said helplessly, "Yeah, I didn't think she would be the Chu family."

He was also surprised today. After seeing Uncle Bai and Aunt Bai, he felt that the **** he knew was too strange.

He thought he knew her enough, but he didn't expect she would know so many secrets.

Lan Yetian froze, and for a moment a lot of thoughts poured into his mind.

No wonder that Chu Yun was going to ask him about his girl. She always thought that girl was his granddaughter and daughter of his blue family, but she did not expect that she was the granddaughter of Chu family.

But if the girl is the Chu family, then the relationship between her and Yuer will be easy.

Lan Yetian's heart opened up at once, and it seemed that the knot that had been tangled for so many days suddenly opened, and everything had the perfect solution.

Lan Yuyu didn't know Lan Yetian's thoughts. After drinking a cup of tea, she curiously looked at Lan Yetian and asked, "Grandpa, what happened to the three maidens of the Chu family? Why haven't I heard that the Chu family has three Where's the lady? "

Lan Yetian raised her eyebrows. "Three maidens of the Chu family, it's the secret of the Chu family. You naturally don't know."

"What's the secret?" Lan Yanyu suddenly became interested, and immediately passed over.

Lan Yetian was so happy that she spoke to Lan Yuyu with great interest.

"The three daughters of Chu's family were not born of Chu Yun and her husband, but she was pregnant after her husband's death. After getting married, the third lady of the Chu family didn't seem to be taken seriously by Chu Xi, and the third lady of the Chu family didn't leave the house often, so she was forgotten. I didn't expect that girl to be that Where are the three women of the Chu family? "

Lan Yanyu nodded silently after listening to the entire story.

It turned out that this was because the Chu family didn't value her, so she ran to Yunjing, met Uncle Bai, and gave birth to Baier.

When Lan Yetian saw Lan Yanyu being so concerned about the beaver, she immediately laughed and joked, "Don't you like that girl? How about your grandfather going to propose you tomorrow?"

"Ah ..." Lan Yuyu was suddenly stunned by tea, and said with a guilty conscience: "That, it's late, I'll go back to bed first, grandpa, please rest early."

After Lan Yuyu finished speaking, she fled without waiting for Lan Yetian to finish speaking.

"This child is still shy." Lan Yetian laughed at the back of Lan Yanyu.

"I'm going to propose you tomorrow, what am I going to do?"

Lan Yetian turned into his small storeroom and picked things up excitedly.

Lan Yetian was happy, but Lan Yanyu was depressed.

This is over, Grandpa is staring at Master Shi, and this drama can't be performed for a lifetime. Besides, the big vinegar jar of Mo Beichen has appeared now.

No, he must go to the **** tomorrow and find a way.

Lan Yanyu returned to Nanyuan with a pained expression, but happened to meet Mo Beichen who was looking for someone.

Lan Yanyu immediately ushered in, and before the man asked, he said, "White **** is living in Chu tonight."

The man was promised and flew out.

Lan Yanyu looked at the back of the man like lightning, and blinked in surprise.

Mo Beichen is Mo Beichen. I haven't seen Xiuwei so high for a few years.

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