Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1091: Marriage of a meal

When Baitan returned to the courtyard, Chu Xiangjun was still waiting for her.

"Mother, you haven't slept yet." Bai Tan looked at Chu Xiangjun apologetically.

When Chu Baijun came back safely, Chu Xiangjun breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Who was that person?"

"He is ..." Bai Tan originally wanted to say that he was her husband, but thinking of the problem between the two, he dim his eyes and said, "My friend knows I'm here, so come to me."

Chu Xiangjun nodded and said, "Don't chase people so recklessly next time, this is no better than the cloudscape."

"Yes, I won't." Baitan's eyes warmed, and Chu Xiangjun was pulled into the room.

"It's getting late, let's go to sleep, mother, you should hug me to sleep." Baitan climbed into bed and nestled directly into Chu Xiangjun's arms.

"You girl." Chu Xiangjun petted Baijuan's head.

"Mother, tell me something about you and my dad." Bai Tan raised his eyes and looked at Chu Xiangjun with anticipation.

Before that, she had always been curious. What kind of mother of God of War, who made Uncle Huang so admired and Quan Yunjing's people remember for decades?

Chu Xiangjun poked the beaver's forehead lovingly and began to tell.

"Because I felt that my mother didn't value me, and my eldest sister didn't take me as my sister. The life of the **** God made me feel very depressed. When I was fifteen years old, I learned from the second sister that except for the **** god land, There is another continent, so I went to Yunjing. "

Beaver raised his eyebrows. "How do you know my dad?"

Chu Xiangjun recalled with a light smile, "It was actually very simple. At that time, I first arrived at Yunjing and went to a restaurant to eat, but because I brought all mixed stones, I did n’t have the money to pay the bill. As a result, your father saw it. You paid for it for me, and then I met. "

The raccoon was dumbfounded, and said a little unexpectedly, "That's it, then my dad married you at a meal. He's too lucky."

Dad's luck is so good, he won the love of his mother with a meal.

Chu Xiangjun smiled and looked to the next door. "It is not him who is lucky, but me."

It was her luck in her life to meet him in this life.

Baici nodded heartily, she could understand this feeling, and she was the luckiest to know A Mo in this life.

The mother and daughter talked a lot, and Chu Xiangjun also asked about the Bai family.

Baizi probably told her something, but she did not talk about her previous bullying, but only said some good things, such as Bai Yihan and Bai Ruyue became biological children, Bai Ruxuan grew up, and the old man closed the retreat. .

However, there was one thing Baitan did not hide from her, that was Murong Shuofeng's death.

Upon hearing the news of Murong Shuofeng's death, Chu Xiangjun was surprised and sad. How could she never have thought that Murong Shuofeng had died at such a young age.

For Chu Xiangjun, Murong Shuofeng is not only the king of Zixiao Kingdom, but also Bai Tingxuan's best friend, but also her friend. She would not have gone so smoothly without him. She still remembers it well He promised to help her take care of the raccoon.

It was an unpredictable thing that such a spirited person had gone that way.

There is also Jian Jiayi, such a proud woman who finally gave up her life for her husband and son, only to suffer the young son who is still lingering.

The mother and daughter talked a lot, and finally Beaver Nest fell asleep in Chu Xiangjun's arms.

She hadn't experienced the taste of sleeping in her mother's arms in this life, even in the fox family. This night, she slept exceptionally sweet.

Chu Xiangjun patted the beaver's back, like coaxing a child, just coaxing her to sleep.

And she was asleep all night. The child who was so small in her arms had grown so big. She seemed to dream all day.

She never expected that she would see her child again. Thinking of Murong Shuofeng and Jian Jiayi, Chu Xiangjun only felt that God was not mean to her, at least they had a chance to reunite.

After a good night's sleep, the **** woke up warily.

"Mother!" Baitan went to the kitchen to find Chu Xiangjun, and hugged her from the back like a coquettishly. "Thank you mother, this is the best night I have come to sleep."

Chu Xiangjun turned back and pinched the beaver's face distressed. "I'm so sleepy, would you like to go to sleep again?"

The **** chuckled, "I'm not a pig, how can I feel so much. What are you doing, I will help you."

The **** said that he was choking his sleeves and was going to help, but Chu Xiangjun was kicked out of the small kitchen directly. "No more, I'll just have two bowls of noodles, and this will be fine."

The **** could not help but sit in the yard and wait.

After a while, Chu Xiangjun came out with two bowls of noodles.

"Hungry, eat it." Chu Xiangjun brought the noodles directly to the beaver.

"I'm really hungry." The **** smelled the scent, picked up chopsticks and ate it gorgingly.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Chu Xiangjun smiled helplessly, and clamped all the meat and eggs in the bowl into the **** bowl.

"Well, it's delicious. I didn't expect that you would cook noodles." Baitan did not forget to praise Chu Xiangjun while eating.

Chu Xiangjun said gently, "It wouldn't have been taught by your father."

Although her mother didn't value her, but she wasn't shorter than her in eating and wearing, so she used to be nothing, but Ting Xuan. Because her mother died early, she entered the barracks at the age of 13, so it ’s normal. Everything will be done, and he also taught her how to cook noodles.

Thinking of Bai Tingxuan, Chu Xiangjun was a little surprised. I don't know when his poison can be solved, and he has never seen a raccoon again.

Knowing what Chu Xiangjun was thinking, Bai Tan comfortably shook Chu Xiangjun's hand: "Mother, believe me, I will definitely cure my father."

"Huh." Chu Xiangjun raised his eyes, nodded with a smile, "Hurry up, it will be cold for a while."

The two were having breakfast, and the housekeeper Li of Chu's house brought a group of waiters over.

"Three ladies, Miss Tanuki, this is what the old lady ordered to send it earlier."

As soon as Li Po finished speaking, Xiaoxiong put the food in her hand on the table.

"Slow down, please."

After delivering the things, Li Li led them away.

The **** looked at the pile of food on the table and suddenly felt full.

Chu Xiangjun frowned, a little uneasy.

"Ma'am, don't worry, I'll find my grandmother in a while."

Chu Xiangjun looked at Baiju with a gentle expression on his face. "Everything is chosen according to your own thoughts. Don't be controlled by anyone or change for anyone."

Whether she chooses to leave or stay, she supports her.

"Um." Baitan nodded earnestly, then got up and went to Chu Yuan's yard.

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