Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1096: Friends are really not white friends

Seeing Chu Xiyao's hands, Bai Tan's eyes lightened, and he dared up without fear.

You and I fought in the hall when they came and went.


Chu Xiangjun was suddenly anxious, she looked at Chu Xi anxiously, "Mother ..."

Chu Yan looked at Chu Xiyao and Baiju with a black face, but he did not mean to stop it at all.

Even the grandmother Chu Chuzhen did not come forward to stop it, and the full house guests were naturally happy to watch the theater.

Lan Yanyu looked at the two men who fought in the field, and came to Leng Yihan's ear. "This Chu Xiyao really can't help it. How can she beat Baijuer on her own."

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Xiyao ’s sharp moves. This Chu Xiyao is not bad. Although it can be repaired by a female stream, it is not bad at all. No wonder it would be the choice of the Chu family. When I reach Baijuer, I am afraid that I will plant a big heel.

After just two dozen moves, Chu Xiyao felt struggling.

She is also a white step, but did not expect to play against this wild species, but still has no upper hand, has she reached the **** step?

Impossible, how old she is, impossible to reach the **** step.

Chu Xiyao gritted his teeth, pulled out his sabre around the waist, and hacked at the beaver.

The raccoon sneered, and yelled, "Feng Mingjian!"

The crisp sound of Fengming rang through the entire hall, and a dazzling red light flashed. A red phoenix-shaped giant sword appeared in front of everyone.

When they saw Feng Mingjian, everyone instantly widened their eyes.

"It's Fengming Excalibur!"

"It's not easy for the Chu family to find Feng Mingjian."

"The old lady of the Chu family even passed Feng Mingjian to this beaver, and it seems that she really decided to pass the position of the owner to her."

Chu Yan frowned as he looked at Fengming Jian in the air, his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Feng Mingjian was contracted by Tanuki, which is great.

Mo Hongming, Lan Yetian, Leng Yuanxun frowned at the Fengming sword.

The wife of Chu even found Feng Mingjian, which was a good job of keeping secrets.

Leng Yihan and Lan Yanyu looked at Feng Mingjian and raised their eyebrows together. These people thought that Feng Mingjian was obtained by Mrs. Chu. They did not know that this Feng Mingjian was actually obtained by Baitaner in Yunjing Continent.

It is a pity that apart from Long Yin Jian and Feng Ming Sword, neither Tiger Xiao Sword nor Xuan Zong Sword appeared.

Chu Xiyao looked at Feng Mingjian in the air, and a moment of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

My grandmother passed on the Fengming sword to this wild species, awful!

Chu Xiyao raised his sword indignantly towards the beaver.

A white **** with a Fengming sword raised his hand and slashed towards Chu Xiyao.

With a bang, Chu Xiyao's long sword was cut off instantly.

"Feng Mingjian is indeed an artifact, so powerful!"

Looking at Chu Xiyao's chopped sword in their hands, everyone immediately became excited again.

Chu Xiyao was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. She angrily threw the sword in her hand to the ground, and then she uttered a very white mysterious power.

This mysterious force is fierce and fierce, as if to put the **** to death.

A shadow of Bai Yin flashed in Bai Tan's eyes, and a silvery mysterious power was hurled toward Chu Xiyao.

Since she doesn't miss sisterhood, she has no reason to be soft.

Everyone was instantly excited when they saw the silver mysterious power of the beaver.

"It's Silver Spirit!"

"How old is this girl, and she dared to get to Yinling, which is amazing!"

"Small young age has even reached the **** level, no wonder this old lady of the Chu family wants to pass the title of the owner to this Chu beaver."

The dazzling silver mysterious power instantly swallowed up the white mysterious power and struck Chu Xiyao's heart.

Chu Xiyao was frightened for a moment, and stood there with a pale face, not even hiding.

How could she have reached the **** level? This is impossible!

Chu Xiaoqing squinted her eyes narrowly, just when the silver mysterious force was about to hit Chu Xiyao, she finally shot.

Chu Xiaoqing embraced Chu Xiyao with one hand and waved a stronger silver mysterious power than Baiju with one hand.

Looking at that familiar mysterious power, Beaver frowned.

It was her last night!


Seeing Chu Xiaoqing's help, Chu Xiangjun and Lan Yanyu, Leng Yihan, they all followed.

Seeing Lan Yuyu and Leng Yihan's shot, Lan Yetian and Leng Yuanxun frowned at the same time.

Several people got together in an instant. Chu Xiyao saw Lan Yanyu and Leng Yihan come out to help, and suddenly angrily said, "Leng Yihan, Lan Yanyu, what do you mean, our Chu family handles family affairs, what is your business? "

Lan Yanyu glared at Chu Xiyao and said, "The family of the Chu family is not our business, but the beaver's business is our business."

Leng Yihan also said with a cold face, "No matter who wants to move Baijuer, I must first move me cold and cold."

"You ..." Chu Xiyao was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Listening to the words of the two, a flash of warmth flashed in Bai Tan's eyes.

This friend really isn't a friend for nothing. At the critical moment, he still has to rely on friends.

The onlookers did not expect that the relationship between Baitan and Lan Yanyu and Leng Yihan was so good, all looked at Baitan with envy.

I originally thought that the newly recognized grandchildren of the Chu family did not have a patronage. Now it seems that the patronage of others is big. The two young masters of the Leng family and the Lan family are protecting her so.

Chu Xiaoqing squinted and flew away a few people, then accepted the move.

This **** can move, but Lan Yanyu and Leng Yihan can't move.

The fighting stopped, and Chu Yong finally came forward, "Why not fight?"

Listening to Chu Yun's somber voice, Chu Xiaoqing and Chu Xiyao immediately lowered their eyes in guilty conscience.

Chu Yan looked at the two coldly, "I repeat, Chu Tan is the owner of our Chu family in the future. You should know the end of the initiative with your family."

Chu Xiyao raised his eyes sharply, and stared angrily at Chu Yun, "I don't agree, what is her **** to be the owner of my Chu family?"

"Just because she is the blood of my Chu family, and because she has the Suzaku mark, she should be the owner of my Chu family." Chu Yi slammed the dragon's head and snarled.

A word from Chu Yan, everyone was boiling instantly.

"What's wrong, isn't Chu Xiyao with Suzaku's mark?"

"Isn't it the sister of Xi Yao who has the Suzaku mark?"

"Isn't this mark of the mythical beast inherited by only one person per generation? Why would there be two people in this generation of the Suzaku mark?"

Chu Xiyao stepped pale, his face embarrassed.

Chu Xiaopan and Chu Yuning both looked at the **** in shock.

She had the Suzaku mark, no wonder her mother (grandmother) took her so seriously.

Lan Yanyu and Leng Yihan also looked at the **** with surprise.

I have known her for so long before I knew she had the Suzaku mark.

Mo Hongming, Lan Yetian, and Leng Yuanxun finally understood why Chu Yi passed the position of the owner to the beaver.

"I don't believe she has the Suzaku mark." For a long time, Chu Xiyao looked like a magic wand and grabbed the clothes on Baiju's body.

As the **** frowned, his back felt hot as soon as he frowned.

A fiery red light suddenly flashed from Beaver's back, and everyone held their breath for a moment.

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