Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1162: Nanfeng Qi and Fan Lihua cooperate

Saint Xuanzong, Lihua Pavilion.

Fan Lihua was fortunate to have two male pets. The louder sound than the louder sound, the disciples who listened to the vigil outside were red and red.

"Who?" The air fluctuated, Fan Lihua's sharp eyes shot somewhere.

"Is it you?" Seeing the person, Fan Lihua immediately smiled and waved back the two male pets, "Go down first."

The two male pets put on their clothes and bowed down.

"Master of the Nanfeng Palace, it's a rare visitor."

Fan Lihua went straight to Nanfeng Qi without wearing any clothes.

"Why, come to this suzerain so late, do you want to ..."

Fan Lihua smiled and wanted to pounce on Nanfeng Qi, but before she posted it, Nanfeng Qi ducked away in disgust.

After a moment's blow, Fan Lihua's complexion changed instantly.

Seeing that Nan Fengqi was not interested in her, Fan Lihua slowly put on her clothes and sat down at the table and poured a cup of tea.

"Since you don't want to be happy with this suzerain, what did you do to this suzeem so late?"

Nanfeng Qi glanced at Fan Lihua quietly, "The main lord wants to make a deal with you."

Fan Lihua raised her eyebrows with interest, "Oh, come and listen."


Rarely, Chu Xiangjun didn't get up very early.

It was Bai Tingxuan and Mo Beichen who practiced swords in the yard early in the morning.

Bai Tingxuan was still a bit inflexible because his body had just recovered, but he felt a little excited after touching the sword again after so long.

Mo Beichen and Bai Tingxuan did not dare to use their full strength against the sword, but even if he was not physically fit, he could still see that his sword skills were good.

After practicing with Mo Beichen for a while, Bai Tingxuan also saw that his swordsmanship was good.

"Dad, A Mo, come and drink tea, rest for a while." Baitan came out with the tea.

The two took the sword obediently and sat together at the stone table.

The **** poured a cup of tea for them and laughed, "Dad's health is getting better and better, and it should be a full recovery soon."

Bai Tingxuan also laughed. The days when the body was out of his control were really uncomfortable. Now it is much better.

"Dad, who brought you to the gods in the first place?"

Beaver looked curiously at Bai Tingxuan and asked the questions he had been asking.

Bai Tingxuan's eyes deepened, and he squeezed the tea cup tightly: "Protecting ...".

Law protection?

The **** frowned, "You mean the protection of Saint Xuanzong?"

Bai Tingxuan nodded. At first, he was taken away by a man in black. More than ten years ago, the cultivation of that man was already above Yin Ling. He was not his opponent.

Later, when he arrived at the Emperor Xuanzong, he learned that the man in black was the protector of the Emperor Xuanzong. He was looking for food for the Emperor Xuanzong Fan Lihua.

He was inconvenient to speak now, so he went into the room, took a pen and paper, and wrote his story to the beaver.

After reading Bai Tingxuan's writing, the beaver's eyes instantly burst into angry killing.

"That old demon dare to practice in such a disgusting way, it's a pervert!"

Fortunately, my dad has been disobedient, otherwise I am afraid that he will not be able to live now.

"Little ... heart!" Bai Tingxuan looked at the **** anxiously.

That Fan Lihua is obviously not dead, maybe she will shoot them.

Baitan nodded and looked at Bai Tingxuan comfortably. "Daddy, rest assured, I will be careful."

The old demon she would destroy her. If she was kept, I don't know how many men will be harmed in the future.

"Master Qilu, there is a letter from you." A young sister sent a letter.

The **** received the letter, and his face changed greatly after reading it.

"what happened?"

Mo Beichen frowned when he saw that Bai Tan's face was not good.

Bai Tingxuan also looked nervously at the beaver.

"It was Liu Yuanshan who was rescued." Beaver frowned, passing the letter to them.

Mo Beichen was also dignified.

Baitan stood up and looked at Bai Tingxuan and said, "Dad, I have to go back to Yixiangu."

Bai Tingxuan got up, "Go ..."

"I will leave some dark guards for you and your mother. Remember that medicated diet every day, it should be good for your body."

The **** said uneasily, and took a bunch of things out of his arms to Bai Tingxuan, "This is the antidote for the soft muscles, and you also have these poisons and signal bullets in case you need them."

Bai Tingxuan rubbed Bai Tan's head and laughed, "Relax."

"Then we go."

Bai Tan left four groups of dark guards in Chu's house, and before she left, she went to Chu Chu uneasily. Chu Chu promised to protect Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun with special care, and she finally left.

After leaving Chu's house, Baiju went straight to the small courtyard of Mo Dongxian.

"You came just right, I was just looking for you." Seeing the white **** coming, Lan Yanyu greeted immediately.

"Elder Yu also sent you a message?"

Lan Yanyu froze and blinked, "What does Elder Yu believe?"

The **** frowned. "Don't you tell me about Liu Yuanshan's rescue?"

Lan Yanyu was a little surprised, "Is Liu Yuanshan rescued? I don't know."

Seeing Lan Yuyu's face surprised, Baitan wondered, "What are you doing to me?"

Lan Yanyu went back to God, took out a letter and handed it to the beaver, "I just sent a letter from Leng's side saying that Elder Bu was gone."


The **** was frightened, and looked at the letter anxiously.

"How come, Master, why did he disappear?"

After reading the contents of the letter, Baiju was even more anxious.

"Don't worry, maybe he is not missing, but he left." Mo Beichen quickly comforted.

The **** frowned, worried, "Where will he go, then why did he suddenly leave Fengshen College?"

"What to do now? Back to Yunjing or go to Yixiangu." Lan Yanyu was a little confused, why all things came together, headache.

The **** thought for a while, and suddenly shouted, "Miyaichi."

"Subordinates are there." A dark guard in black appeared in front of the **** instantly.

The **** frowned and looked at Gongyi. "You are the master's person. The master is missing. Are you planning to tell me about the master?"

Gong Yi looked at the dilemma, "Please ask the Gongzhu to forgive him. Without his master's order, his subordinates can't make false statements."

Unexpectedly, Miyaichi still refused to say, and Beaver frowned again. "What is your opinion about Master's disappearance?"

As the master guard, they should know something.

Gongyi thought for a while and thought, "The master should have left by himself. Gong Jiu was beside him. If the master had an accident, he would definitely send us a message."

The **** nodded and nodded slightly.

If really like he said, Master should be safe right now, but where would he go?

The **** frowned and thought, "Let's go to Yixiangu first."

Now that Master is temporarily safe, let ’s resolve Liu Yuanshan's affairs first.

Lan Yanyu nodded, and everyone rushed to Yixiangu together.

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