Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 117: Father Bai returns

Chapter 117: The Return of Father Bai

Words of swearing passed into Bai Ruoyu's ears, which made Bai Ruoyu extremely embarrassed.

She clenched her fist tightly, her red eyes filled with hatred.

She hated Zhao, hated Bai Tingrui, hated Beaver, hated the three ladies, hated the old lady ... and even hated herself, hating everything.

What happened during this time was like a boulder falling from the sky, so that she could not breathe a bit.

Zhao's personal communication, Bai Juer's design, has pushed her to the edge of the cliff, but she has nothing to do.

"Papapapap ..."

The slaps of the three ladies who opened their bows screamed again and again, "Ah ... Grandpa, Grandpa save me ..."

It's okay for Zhao not to call, this name is even more furious.

"You're a bitch, Grandpa also called you. I won't rip your mouth today."

The third lady, like crazy, punched and kicked at Zhao.

Zhao was terrified, curled up naked to the ground, and desperately reached out to grab Bai Tingrui's feet.

"Master, save me, kid, our kid ..."

Everyone was stunned when we heard that sentence.

The third lady stopped and looked at Zhao Weiweilong's abdomen.

"Child ... you even have children, Bai Tingrui, you die."

At this moment, it was considered to be stinging the horse honeycomb. The third lady was completely crazy, regardless of Zhao's, and rushed to the bed directly, facing Bai Tingrui's face, it was a crazy fan.

Bai Tingrui finally woke up like a dream, and looked at Bai Qingyan, Bai Chulan, Mrs. Xu, and Bai Tingrui in the house. She was so horrified that she ignored the fists of the three, and regardless of Zhao's pleading, Pulling over the clothes in a panic, he hurriedly put on the body.

Listening to the scream of Mrs. Three, the outside was boiling again instantly.

"It's shameless to have a child."

"That is, it must have been a long-term relationship. Maybe Uncle Bai just passed away ..."

"Where is Madame Xiande, the **** is almost the same."

"Well, have you noticed that the situation of the Baiye Sanye and Zhao's is the same as the story in that play?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's also the death of the general. The wife is in love, leaving her niece, uncle and uncle, and secretly pregnant. It's exactly the same."

"Hey, this story is true. Then you said that the old lady of Baifu knew that they had been intimate."

"Yeah, and that niece, isn't he born of an uncle?"

For a moment, everyone looked scornfully at Bai Ruoyu.

Bai Ruoyu's head was lowered, and her red eyes were panicked at the moment.

No, she is the daughter of Bai Tingxuan, the daughter of General Bai, the daughter of Zhengyipin Zhongyihou, not the daughter of Bai Tingrui, never ...

In the room, the clothes and pants were torn by the third lady several times, and Bai Tingrui was finally angry, and impatiently pushed the third lady to the ground. "Okay, stop."

Where did the third lady have been treated by Bai Tingrui, she burst into tears and grieved at the moment.

"You shameless, did such a scandal yourself, dare to push me, I want to break up with you."

While the three ladies and Bai Tingrui were in a big trouble, Zhao picked up the clothes on the ground and shoved them around him.

Outside the house, Murong Yu, Xue Qingyu, Yun Shaoning rushed together.

"Beaver ..."

"It's Prince Edward."

"Why is your Royal Highness here?"

Seeing Murong Yu and others, the ladies consciously gave way and stepped aside respectfully.

"Why are you here?" Baitan frowned frantically at the three men who were rushing.

"Are you OK?"

The three rushed to the **** together and asked in unison.

The beaver's eyes narrowed. "What can I do?"

Seeing Bai Hu's well, the three breathed a sigh of relief together.

Here, Rong's and An's saw that Xue Qingyu and Yun Shaoning, who only had beavers in their eyes, were black lines.

I really forgot my mother when I had a daughter-in-law. The two living people were so naked and ignored.

"Beaver, you ..."

The three people who passed over God finally noticed the change of the beaver.

Murong stared at Bai Tan's amazingly beautiful face, Jun's face could not help quietly turning red.

Xue Qingxi looked at the **** stupidly, and Jun's face turned red.

Yun Shaoning stared in shock.

"Little sister, your face, your hand, your ..."

Seeing Yun Shaoning staring at the beaver's chest, Murong and Xue Qingyan were both black-faced, and punched together at the top of Yun Shaoning.


Yun Shaoning immediately cried to Baiju with tears in his face and asked for comfort, "Little sister, they bullied me."

A cold wind struck, Yun Shaoning couldn't help hitting a cold slap.

What kind of ghost weather is this? It's only late autumn. How can it feel like it's winter and the moon is so cold?

After another cold beat, Yun Shaoning rubbed his arm and rubbed it.

Murong Yu and Xue Qingyu also felt the chill, and at the same time they looked away.

Someone on the tree in the distance had a dark face and vinegar flying, and the cold in his body continued to erupt uncontrollably.

Murong Lingshan and Liyang Bingwei looked at the star-shaped moon beavers, all jealous.

Damn, Brother Huang and Xue Qingxi are really fascinated by this fox spirit. One day, sooner or later, she will tear off Baijuer's mask to let everyone see the nature of Baijuer's poplar flower.

The plan failed this time, and Beaver's alertness was getting higher and higher. She had to find a way to get rid of her as soon as possible.

Bai Ruoyu lifted his eyes and stared at Murong Yan standing beside Baiju.

Why they are not getting closer and closer, but farther and farther than she can reach.

She's tired, but she doesn't want to give up.


The **** coughed and looked up at the three men. "Speaking of business, what are you doing here?"

As soon as Murong Yu and Xue Qingyu were about to answer, Yun Shaoning rushed to speak. "I just received a note saying that you were in an accident, so I rushed here.

Yun Shaoning looked at the **** with a look of invitation, like a kitten waiting for his master to admire the fish.

Murong Yan glanced at the people in the courtyard and frowned, "Is something wrong?"

The beaver's eyes flashed lightly, and his lips croaked, "Nothing, a little housework."

Listening to the constant cursing noises in the room, the three gradually figured out what happened?

It should be that someone wanted to design a raccoon, but was designed by raccoon.

Murong's deep eyes narrowed dangerously.

Fortunately, they did not succeed, otherwise he would let them die.

Xue Qing's sharp eyes swept coldly across Murong Lingshan and others.

These people are really more and more unscrupulous. It seems that they don't give them any lessons. They are really bullies.

Yun Shaoning sneered dismissively.

These people are trying to frame his little sister in this way. Isn't this equal to trying to die?

Yun Shaoning raised his ears curiously, listening to the curse in the room.

"Well, who's in this room? It's so energetic."

Hearing the words of Bai Tingrui and Zhao Shi, Yun Shaoning's eyes flickered brightly.

God, uncle's adultery, this news is breaking news, tomorrow there will be new materials in the Imperial City Tea House.

Looking at Yun Shaoning's gossip-like look, Xue Qingxuan shot him aside directly.

"Beaver, Master is back."

Speaking of Bai Qiyuan, Xue Qingxi smiled. Master has been out for two years and finally returned.

The **** wide-eyed and narrowed his eyes. "What did you say?"

"Father Bai is back. He was chasing us just now."

Yun Shaoning came forward with excitement.

This father Bai is worthy of being the first **** of Zixiao, that skill is not covered. If he hadn't met Xue Qingyu and the prince halfway, and then relied on them, he must have been thrown away by the old man ten thousand miles.

"You guys run fast."

A thick voice came, and everyone raised their eyes, only to see Bai Qiyuan stepping into the air.

"Father Bai is back."

"Looks like, Master's cultivation is a lot of improvement."

"How dare you walk in the air, how profound is this Master Bai's cultivation?"

Baici also looked at Bai Qiyuan with admiration.

Grandpa's way of playing is different, handsome.

Seeing Father Bai, Murong Yu, Xue Qingyu, and Yun Shaoning, all of them stood in a row like a schoolboy.

Bai Qiyuan flew in front of the three and patted the three shoulders one by one like a tutor.

"Light work is considered good, but I don't know if this martial art has improved. Come and discuss it later."

Bai Qiyuan smiled and squeezed Murong's shoulder, Murong frowned, and stepped back unconsciously.

Xue Qingyu also pumped in the corner of her eyes, and quickly took a step back.

Yun Shaoning was even more exaggerated, flashing directly behind the **** like a little daughter-in-law.

With his three-legged cat's work, consult with him, isn't this trying to die?

Looking at the three kittens frightened by Bai Qiyuan, Baiju looked down and chuckled.

Bai Qiyuan finally noticed Baiju, looking at Baisha's ridiculous face, and blinked blinkingly.

"Girl Tanuki ..."


Bai Tan raised his eyes and smiled at Bai Qiyuan playfully.


Looking at Bai Ling's smart eyes, Bai Qiyuan's heart surged into turbulent waves.

Is it ...

The beaver's eyes flickered, and his lips were slightly raised, "I'm fine, you won't have to run around for me again."

Bai Qiyuan heard his eyes red for a moment, and nodded.

"Okay, OK, OK."

The tears in the corner of his eyes slipped secretly. A generation of heroes now cried like a child.

Looking at the tears in the corner of Bai Qiyuan's eyes, Bai Tan's nose was sour, and he flew into Bai Qiyuan's arms.

Bai Qiyuan nodded with a pampered face, "Okay, grandpa won't leave anymore. He will accompany Tanuki at home every day."

Everyone looked at the scene where their grandchildren were reunited, and they all moved their faces.

Only someone in the big tree in the distance had a sour face.

As if feeling something, Bai Qiyuan turned his eyes, sharp eyes shot directly into the distant tree.

Mo Beichen was startled and immediately leaped behind the tree.

"Bai Tingrui, Zhao Xinger, you two **** must not die."

The sudden scream drew Bai Qiyuan's attention.

"What's going on inside?"

Bai Qiyuan frowned, his severe face full of discomfort.

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