Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1203: Dead without regrets

Mo Beichen hugged the **** to the top of Fengshen Mountain.

"Your strength is awakened?" Bai Tan asked, holding Mo Beichen's neck.

"Um." Mo Beichen chuckled and kissed the corner of her lips.

"Will that Mo Yan trouble you?" Beaver was a little worried.

Previously, A Mo had no awakening power. Even if Mo Mo knew that A Mo's existence might not be in his heart, now it is different. A Mo's power has been restored. I am afraid that Mo Mo's eyes are now stabbed with flesh.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrow indifferently. "Anyway, he is not my opponent."

He never looked at that person.

Seeing Mo Beichen's self-confidence, the beaver's frown frowned.

"I don't know where the grandmothers are?" Baijue looked up at Fengshen Mountain, unable to tell the direction.

"No hurry, their souls can find the flesh." Mo Beichen released the souls of the three unhurriedly.

The three souls were still in a coma, and Mo Beichen directly awakened their souls with mystery points.

"Maternal grandmother." Seeing Chu's soul awakened, the **** stepped forward immediately.

"Lier, are you okay!" Chu Yan looked at Baiju nervously, his eyes full of concern.

The **** shook his head. "It's all right."

"Where are Yu Yu and Yi Han?" Lan Yetian was worried when he didn't see Lan Yu Yu and Leng Yihan.

"They're all right, they'll be here in a while." The **** immediately relieved to see them anxious.

Lan Yetian and Leng Yuanxun both let down their hearts and asked, "What about the four great beasts, didn't let Mo Hongming capture the divine power."

The **** chuckled, "No, Mo Hongming has died out, and he has no chance to do evil again."

The three nodded silently, and at the same time relieved, they all felt a little stunned.

Although Mo Hongming has not been close to them, they have always regarded him as a member of the four major families, and he did not expect that he would end up in this end.

However, this is also his self-injustice. As the guardian of the four great beasts, he persecuted the four great beasts with evil intentions, and it was his due punishment.

"Maternal grandmother, the two predecessors go to find the flesh first. It is not good for you to leave your soul too long." Mo Beichen looked at the three.

There was a flash of light in Lan Yetian's eyes, "Can we be resurrected?"

Chu Yan and Leng Yuanxun looked at Mo Beichen with anticipation.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows. "Of course, I won't let you die."

The three nodded excitedly and floated towards their bodies together.

The two followed them to the place where they had fought before, and sure enough there were more than a dozen corpses lying there, including three of them.

"In a while, I will use mysterious methods to make your body and soul fit together. You must not have any resistance, otherwise the mystery will fail." Mo Beichen looked at the three souls.

"OK." The three responded together.

Mo Beichen took a super move and held the souls of the three to the palm of his hand.

Just when Mo Beichen was casting, Lan Yanyu rushed over.

"this is……"

Looking at Mo Beichen's movement, everyone glared in surprise.

"Shh!" Bai Tan turned and snorted at them, and everyone dared not speak for an instant.

Mo Beichen held Chu Yan's soul under her palm, and then she carried magic to penetrate her soul a little bit into her body.

Everyone saw a strong purple power covering Chu Xi's entire body.

The time for a whole cup of tea is over.

Mo Beichen regained his strength, and Chu Yun's soul was gone.

"Maternal grandmother ..." Baiju looked at Chu Yan who was still awake and worried.

"She will wake up in a moment."

Mo Beichen went to Lan Yetian and Leng Yuanxun's body again, and he went straight to both hands, carrying his hands at the same time.

It is also the time of a tea, and the two are physically and spiritually complete.

At this point, Chu Yan had already woken up.

"Maternal grandmother, what do you think?" Baitan quickly stepped forward to help her up.

Chu Yan looked at his hands and feet and laughed, "I'm fine."

It still feels good to be down-to-earth, the feeling of being able to float is really bad.

Seeing that there was nothing strange about Chu Yan, Baiju finally relieved himself.

Soon, Lan Yetian and Leng Yuanxun also woke up.

Lan Yanyu and Leng Yihan also stepped forward and helped them up.

"Hey, I didn't expect that we could still live this time, God is not mean to us." Leng Yuanxun laughed heartily.

Lan Yetian nodded his face with emotion as well. He experienced a lot of life and death this time.

"Unfortunately, your cultivation is gone." Lan Yanyu frowned.

Beaver looked at them with regret.

All three of them are about to break through the order of God. The cultivation in this life is gone, which is really a pity.

But Leng Yuanxun laughed brightly, "It doesn't matter, people are old, what can we do, as long as you are good."

They were all dead, and now God has given them a chance to live again. What do they care about?

After Leng's house was handed over to Yi Han, he stayed at Fengshen Academy, playing chess with Pu Yangzi and their elder brothers for a few days, drinking tea, which was good.

"The Chu family has a successor, and I have nothing to worry about. If there is no cultivation, only a grandson will do." Chu Yan also looked at Bai Tan and Mo Beichen with a smile, looking very expectant.

She is old and should have let go, but the Chu family has not had a suitable successor, and now she has found Tanuki. Her husband is so powerful that no one dares to bully her Chu family.

"The White Tiger and the Beast awakened, and I was worthy of the ancestors and ancestors, and I will leave the rest to you." Lan Yetian seemed to unload the burden, and patted Lan Yuyu's shoulder with ease.

His biggest wish in his life was to awaken the White Tiger. Now that the four great beasts have gathered, he is truly dead without regrets.

Seeing that they didn't care, Baitan finally laughed happily. "Okay, let's go back now, Xi Gongchi's guy hasn't solved it yet, we have to solve him."

"Yes, Xi Gongchi's guy is so wicked, we can't let him go." Lan Yanyu immediately answered angrily.

Mo Beichen summoned the blue dragon directly as the mount.

Others have learned everything, and the **** summoned Suzaku, and the blue bird feather and Leng Yihan also summoned the white tiger and basalt.

The **** helped Chu to sit on Suzaku's back.

"Isn't it good for us to call the beast like this?" Chu Zheng said uneasily.

Lan Yetian, who sat on the side of Bai Hu's back, laughed, "This life is really dead without regrets."

Leng Yuanxun touched the black wings of Xuanwu God Beast and smiled: "It's true."

I did not expect that he could sit for a while in this life, it was really worth the death.

The remaining Murong Yu, Yun Shaoning and Zhuo Qingyun climbed onto Qinglong's back together. Compared to other gods and beasts, that is definitely the most powerful thing for Qinglong.

Several people drove the four gods and beasts to the **** of gods.

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