Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1208: Stay dead and live

There are many ranks in the Mojia Ancestral Hall.

Mo Beichen saw the ranking of his grandfather Mo Qing and his father Mo Yunxuan at a glance.

Mo Beichen put their ranking to the highest place, and then swept the other rankings out of the shrine.

Outside the ancestral hall, the little cricket who was vaguely trying to clean up was hit by the flying ranks.

Xiao Xi, who had wanted to scold, saw a pile of rankings on the ground, and suddenly the three souls went to the two souls.

Peeping at the people in the shrine, the little sister hurriedly ran out to report.

The white raccoon glanced at the back of the small urn, and did not stop, but followed Mo Beichen to incense Mo Qing and Mo Yun.

After hearing the news, Mo Yunli, Mo Xixiao, and Mo Nanyun rushed over.

Mo Yunli was furious when he saw the ranks standing on the ground.

"Mother!" Mo Nanyun cursed by holding up a ranking: "Who dares to lose my mother's ranking, do not want to live."

Xiaoxu was so scared, she knelt down immediately, "It's not small, there are people in the temple."

Mo Yunli blackened his face and yelled, "I'm not happy to put away these rankings."

"Yes." Xiao Yan responded and quickly packed up.

Mo Yunli entered the shrine angrily. He wanted to see who was so bold that he dared to lose their Mo's ranking.

Mo Nanyun and Mo Xixiao also followed immediately.

"It's you!"

Seeing Baiju, Mexi Xiaoxiao blinked brightly.

"Mo Dongxian!" Mo Nanyun saw Mo Beichen suddenly out of breath: "You're crazy, why don't you lose my mother's ranking."

Mo Yunli also darkened his face and glared at Mo Beichen: "What the **** is going on? If the explanation is unclear today, you are waiting for food."

Hearing that family rule, Baitan instantly thought of the whip wound on the back of Mo Dongxian before, and the hidden Yinxian burst out instantly.

Mo Beichen's face was more gloomy and terrible: "I'm not Mo Dongxian."

In a word of Mo Beichen, Mo Yunli was stunned.


Mo Nanyun pointed at Mo Beichen as if thinking of something, his face became hard to look at once.

"Mo Beichen?"

Mo Yunli thought of something, and looked ugly.

"You're not dead yet!" Mexi Xiao shuddered in surprise.

Mo Beichen didn't speak, so he looked at them with a somber face.

Seeing some guilty conscience, Mo Nanchen swallowed his mouth inexplicably: "Even if you are Mo Beichen, you can't lose my mother's ranking."

"Ah ..." Mo Yunli coughed gently. "Well, now that you're back, let's stay for a while, wait for your father to come back, and then correct your name."

Upon hearing that Mo Beichen wanted to correct his name, Mo Xixiao exploded instantly: "What's his name? Mo Dong's strings are optional side branches. What is his correct name? Does he still want to be a master of the Mo family?"

Since his grandfather acknowledged Mo Dongxian, he has become the second master, and now he has another Mo Beichen, then he has to go back one more time.

"Hum, who is the side branch, who knows clearly." Mo Beichen didn't speak, but Baitan couldn't help it.

Mo Yunli's face changed and he watched Mo Beichen vigilantly: "What the **** do you want to do?"

"Mo Hongming is dead." Mo Beichen lost another heavy news.

Mo Yunli they were blown up instantly.

It is impossible that the father (grandfather) is dead.

"Dare you curse my grandfather, I will kill you." Mo Xixiao directly drew his sword to Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered, and a wave of his hand waved out a powerful force. Mo Xixiao, Mo Nanyun, and Mo Yunli all flew out.

"Boom", the three fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

"Cough ..." Mo Yunli covered her chest and looked at Mo Beichen in horror: "What do you want?"

He didn't believe that his father was dead before, but now that he has seen his power, he understands a bit in his heart.

The cultivation of this man is unfathomable. Even if his father may not be his opponent, his father should have died in his hands. He must have come to avenge this time.

Mo Beichen glanced at them expressionlessly: "I don't want anything? The Mo family is mine, I just want to go back to my house."

Here are his most precious memories, which they have occupied for a long time and should be returned to him.

Mo Yunli's face turned white: "Even if you are the Mo family, you can't drive us away. We are also the Mo family, and we can live here."

"Yes, you drove us away, so where do we live?" Mo Nanyun answered immediately.

She can't leave. She is the Miss Mo Family. If she is kicked out of Mofu, she must be laughed to death.

"Stay dead, go to work, choose for yourself." When Mo Beichen said this, his body showed a powerful force.

The faint source of purple power saw Mo Yunli tremble with fear.

"Let's go!" Mo Yunli struggled to stand up, dragged Mo Nanyun and Mo Xixiao and ran out.

"I won't go. I'm Miss Mojia. Who dares to chase me ..."

Hearing the screams of Mo Nanyun, a sneer of ridicule was evoked by the beaver's lips.

Xiao Yan, who was standing outside, was already frightened.

When Mo Beichen and Baiju came out, Xiao Yan immediately scratched his head: "Don't kill me, the little one doesn't know anything."

Mo Beichen glanced disgustedly at the rank in his arms: "It's all burned."


I stunned and responded immediately, rushing out holding the ranks.

Mo Beichen led the **** to the main hospital.

The courtyard is large and exquisite, with carved beams and painted walls, and pavilions without steps are exquisite and luxurious.

Mo Beichen looked at an old locust tree in the courtyard and remembered: "This was once the home of my grandfather."

Now he is occupied by the enemy Dove.

Mo Beichen turned and entered the room. The room was still that room, but the appearance in the room was completely different.

"Young Master!" The maid in the house saw Mo Beichen and came over to salute.

Mo Beichen fixedly looked at the word on the wall: "Except this word, everything is cleared out."

This was a word he wrote with Mo Dongxian. At that time, his grandfather praised them for writing well, and he made people show it in the room.

Mo Hongming kept this blessing and wanted to ridicule his grandfather.

The maids froze for a moment, and looked at each other. They did not understand what Mo Beichen meant.

"Did you hear?" Mo Beichen glared in cold light.


The maids responded immediately and began to move.

Baitan came to Mo Beichen and patted his shoulder comfortably: "Don't be sad, they won't want you to be unhappy."

Mo Beichen grabbed Baiju's hand: "If I come back earlier, will he not die?"

"Don't think wildly, you did nothing wrong." Seeing the blame in his eyes, the **** hugged him gently.

She knew that he had always been worried about Mo Dongxian's death, but he really couldn't blame him. In fact, he walked very peacefully, maybe he didn't want to live like this.

"Young Master, the patriarch invited you to the Mojia Zongtang."

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