Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1210: No one knows who his ancestors are

The elder was stiff and looked up incredibly, as if he did not believe what Mo Beichen said.

Everyone else was stunned, and no one expected that Mo Dongxian was dead.

Mo Xixiao and Mo Nanyun heard the news of Mo Dongxian's death, but they were a joy in their hearts.

The annoying Mo Dongxian finally died.

However, Mo Yunli's face was white, and he had a bad feeling to be unlucky.

"He was killed by Mo Hongming." Mo Beichen flushed his eyes and shot at Mo Yunli.

Feeling the killing intention of Mo Beichen, Mo Yunli's legs were soft and he almost knelt down.

Mexi Xiao and Mo Nanyun also shrank their necks in fear.

Several elders kept silent, one of them murmured: "How can this be?"

Mo Beichen sneered and looked at the elders: "Don't tell me, you don't know how Mo Hongming treated him. It is your pampering that killed him."

In the last sentence, Mo Beichen almost roared out.

He never seemed so excited, but he really hated them.

The elders all bowed their heads in guilt.

They knew that Mo Hongming was not good for Mo Dong's strings, but he didn't come back at that time. Mo Hongming's cultivation was so high. What did they care about?

The **** thought of those lashes, and suddenly red eyes.

After a long while, Mo Beichen relented: "I won't be a homeowner. The Mo family is mine. They are not eligible to live at all."

When Mo Beichen said, he took the **** out and walked to the door. He turned and looked at the elders with sarcasm: "Also, whether they are Mo family, you know better than anyone else."

The last bit of the shame was opened mercilessly, and several of them suddenly flushed with old faces, anxious to get into the seam.

Mo Beichen stopped paying attention to them and turned to leave, but was stopped by Mo Xixiao: "Mo Beichen, what do you mean?"

Even if they are side branches, that's the Mo family. Does he need to kill them all?

Before Mo Beichen spoke, Baitan sneered, "You don't even know who your ancestors are. What else do you have to see your benefactors?"

When he heard the word “En Family”, Mo Yunli and several elders changed their faces at the same time.

Mexixiao frowned, "What kind of family?"

"We are the Mo family." Mo Nanyun also rushed forward, emphasizing.

"Mo Hongming ..." With the wrong word, Baiju immediately corrected: "No, it was your grandfather who said that he is a descendant of the En family. The real Mo Hongming died long ago. Your grandfather was not the Mo family. You How could it be the blood of the Mo Family. "

He also whispered about what the Mojia branch was, and he couldn't even touch the Mojia side. I really didn't know what they were proud of.

The **** said and turned to the elders again, and said coldly, "It's funny that you can't tell the difference between you and your neighbors, and you only have interests in your eyes. Such a family can't go far."

If it wasn't for their malicious indulgence of Mo Hongming, maybe Mo Dongxian would not die at all. All the crimes that Mo Dongxian has suffered in recent years are the driving force of that evil.

"Don't talk nonsense with them." Mo Beichen took Baiju directly out of the Mojia Zongtang.

He didn't want to stay here anymore, and the words had been made very clear. His things, he would never give up. Those people could not kill, but they could not return to the Mo family.

Baitan held Mo Beichen's hand tightly and comforted him silently.

She is his family and she will always be with him.

Mo Beichen held Baiju's hand tightly with his backhand and led her back to the Mo's house.

Let Xiaoxi clear all of Mo Hongming's stuff out of the mansion, and the two re-arranged the Mo family mansion.

Mo Beichen restored many scenes according to his memory.

Outside the main courtyard, Mo Beichen stood at the corner and looked at the old locust tree, remembering the scene when he and Mo Dongxian climbed from the tree to the roof when he was a child.

The **** walked to him, followed his gaze and looked at the old locust tree: "Still thinking of him? I don't think I should leave you here anymore."

This place was the place with the most memories for him, but those memories seemed too heavy for him.

Mo Beichen returned to her and took her into her arms: "Which yard do you want to live in?"

The **** raised his eyebrows and thought: "Beijing."

The main courtyard is where my grandfather lives. Dongyuan is reserved for my father and mother, while Nanyuan continues to be reserved for Mo Dongxian. Xiyuan is considered a guest garden, so they will live in Beiyuan.

It happened that Beiyuan hadn't lived before. If she had been lived by Mo Nanyun and Mo Xi Xiao, she would have responded.


Like he thought, he also wanted to live in Beiyuan.

Mo Beichen held Baiju to Beiyuan.

Although the courtyard of Beiyuan is unoccupied, the cleanups of the little sisters are very clean.

The two entered the main hospital, carefully arranged, and looked very warm.

In the evening, Bai Tan lay in the arms of Mo Beichen: "A Mo, where do you want to bury your mother?"

"Mo's ancestor's grave." Mo Beichen didn't think much else, he just thought that his mother should want to be with his father.

The **** nodded, no matter if she was the master of the Nanqi Palace or not, she was the daughter-in-law of the Mo family.

In the early morning of the next day, the two found an artificial grave for Nanfeng Youge.

Mo Beichen lifted up the bones of Nanfeng Youge and buried them with Mo Yunzhang.

This is Mo Beichen's first time to see his parents in so many years, and it is also the first time Beaver officially meets his in-laws.

They formally incense them and scratch their heads.

In addition, Mo Beichen also built a clothing mound for Mo Dongxian.

After a busy day, the two returned to the Mo's house, but met several Mo's elders at the door.

"Come back, your mother ..."

The elder stepped forward to say what, but guiltily didn't know what to say.

"My mother's affairs are not secure, and you don't come to me in the future."

Mo Beichen dropped a sentence and led Baiju into the house.

"What now?" The elder frowned, looking at the closed door.

The elder sighed remorsefully, "What else can I do? Continue to wait."

In any case, the Mo family cannot have a homeowner. Now that Qinglong is alive, there is no better homeowner than him.


"I heard that those are still at the door. Would you like someone to drive them away?" Baitan frowned after listening to the maid's report.

Mo Beichen took her into her arms: "Don't worry about them, they are willing to wait and let them wait."

The **** nodded, the old guys were really abominable and it was time to teach them something.

Mo Beichen froze her neck intimately: "Tomorrow we will go and see father and mother, if they want, we will take them over to live.

Bai Tan's eyes brightened: "Okay."

Now this big mansion only has the two of them living, and it really has a little space.

Mo Beichen held out a small flame with a clump, and the thin, **** lips ran from the neck to the red lips.

Feeling his enthusiasm, she closed her eyes slowly.

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