Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1214: Xiaoyan is here

Lan Yanyu couldn't wait to open a few boxes, and immediately flashed in front of her: "Wow, these boxes are obviously better than before. This fan Lihua has selfishness."

Previously were gold and silver jewellery. These were all jade treasures. Although gold and silver jewelry are also valuable, jade treasures are obviously more precious.

"She should have given you the benefit on purpose. If you don't want these things, she'll just take them back." Lan Yanyu took an eight-bottle jade bottle and let it go.

The **** loves gold alone, and she doesn't care much about these jade treasures, but since these things can be exchanged for gold, she naturally has no reason to dislike it.

"A lot of secrets here."

Zhuo Qingyun looked for a few boxes, and finally found a class of secrets.

Everyone crowded over.

"Wow, there are so many secrets." Lan Yanyu picked up a copy and turned it around: "This seems to be the exercise method."

Yun Shaoning also picked up a look: "This book seems to be a book about blood sacrifice."

"Let me see." Mo Beichen took the book in Yun Shaoning's hand with interest, and looked.

"It is indeed a blood sacrifice."

Various **** and brutal methods of blood sacrifice.

The **** frowned. "Since it's not a good book, it's better to burn it."

"Anyway, there is no distinction between righteousness and evil in this book. Many of the methods in it are still very useful. Since it is in our hands, we can improve it." Mo Beichen returned the book to Yun Shaoning.

These things can be passed on to the world, naturally it has his truth, they don't need to worry about destroying them.

The **** nodded and continued to look for the Jiugong Poison Roll.

"I've found it." Lan Yanyu lifted a half-worn secret magpie from another box and handed it to the beaver: "Look if it's a Jiugong poison roll?"

Beaver picked it up quickly and looked around.

"Should be." Baitan became more excited after reading the content. "Where did you find it?"

"It's in this box." Lan Yanyu pointed to the large box around him, "there are some broken swordsmanship and the like."

The disciples who wanted to come to Shengxuanzong also used their hearts to distinguish the complete secretive exercises and these shabby exercises.

The white raccoon took out the half of Jiu Gong's poisonous roll that Bu Yangzi had given her from the storage ring and overlapped with the half of her hand.

"This is the Jiugong poisonous roll, there is nothing wrong with it." Looking at the tight seams, Baitan immediately became excited.

Fortunately, Jiu Gong's poisonous rolls have not been lost, and now Master can rest assured.

The white raccoon went to Buyang's ovary again and handed him two and a half copies of Jiugong Poison Roll: "Master, I found the other half of the Jiugong Poison Roll."

"Just find it." Bu Yangzi caressed Jiu Gong's poisonous roll, tears in his eyes.

For a long time, Bu Yangzi looked up at Baiju: "The tanuki."

"Master." The **** immediately went over to the bed.

"Now I'm officially giving you the Jiugong Poison Roll, you must remember that you must let it fall into the hands of the wicked." Bu Yangzi handed the entire Jiugong Poison Roll to the beaver.

Baitan solemnly took over: "Master, rest assured, I will take good care of the Jiugong poisonous rolls."

A Mo is right. The book is not divided into righteousness and evil. For example, this Jiu Gong poisonous book is about how to make poison and detoxify. If it falls into the hands of an evil man like Xi Gongchi, the consequences will be unthinkable , But if it is in her hands, she can also use it to save millions of people.

For a few days, the **** was in Yixiangu to deal with matters.

Previously, the **** allowed those punished disciples to heal the sick people free of charge. Everyone did a good job. Many people went to the doctor Xiangu for medical treatment.

The current medical fairy valley is more popular than Liu Yuanshan when he was the owner.

Baitan later introduced a policy of paid consultations. Anyone who wanted to treat the elders of Xiangu, or even the Blue God, went to the hospital in person. Of course, the consultation fee was definitely very expensive.

As soon as the new Beaver policy came out, it was immediately agreed by the elders.

This hanging pot is necessary to save the world, but they can't always not pay for medical treatment, after all, medicines and the like are still very expensive.

Elder Yu is also very much in agreement, especially with the beaver, the new valley owner, he is even more satisfied.

As the ancestor of Chengxian said, Gu Zhu is indeed capable, and she will surely lead Yixian Gu to glory.

In the courtyard, Bu Yangzi was sitting on a rocking chair and basking in the sun.

In these few days, he's very well, and he has finished eating the elixir in the little white bottle, so his body is basically no big deal.

"I heard that Nan Fengqi took the disciples of Wuji Palace to attack Dongteng." Lan Yanyu took a stack of peanuts and leaned against the stone table.

Mo Beichen and Yun Shaoning frowned at the same time and did not speak.

Beaver was surprised, "He really went?"

She thought she and A Mo did not agree with him, and he gave up.

"Go there, where Dongteng and Beichu are fighting orthogonally, guess what?" Lan Yanyu threw a peanut meter into his mouth and said leisurely.

"What's wrong?" Baitan asked in his words.

"Hey!" Lan Yanyu laughed twice. "Nanfeng Qi wanted to attack Dongteng, and was directly killed by Dongteng and Beichu."

The **** frowned frantically: "So Nanfeng Qi is dead?"

Mo Beichen and Yun Shaoning also looked at Lan Yanyu together.

Lan Yanyu pouted his lips: "I really don't know if Nanfeng Qi died or died, but this time the Wuji Palace must have suffered heavy losses. I heard that most of the disciples in the Wuji Palace died."

Yun Shaoning frowned, and felt very upset.

He really doesn't understand Nanfeng Qi, why is he always so persistent?

Knowing that Nan Qi is unlikely to return to the country again, why should he bring his disciples to death?

Murong Yue went to Yun Shaoning and patted him comfortably on the shoulder.

Yun Shaoning turned back and gave Murong Yu a soothing look. He just regretted those disciples of Wuji Palace.

"Wuji Palace is over this time." Bai Tan also sighed.

No matter how strong a sect is, it can't stand Nan Fengqi's frustration. It's really sad that the disciples at the Promise Palace have such a master.

"The Lord Qiu Gu, the high priest, the disciples of the Promise Palace asked for a meeting." Several people were talking, and one disciple came in to report.

The **** frowned and Yun Shaoning stared at each other, and together they arrived at the main entrance of Yixiangu.


As soon as a few talents arrived at the door, a woman ran over and flew into Lan Yuyu's arms.

Lan Yuyu was dumb, and couldn't react at all.

Seeing Qi Shuya, Baijue unconsciously narrowed his eyes.

Where did this woman come from, this time Lan Yuyu is going to be unlucky.

The **** peeked at Zhuo Qingyun's dark face that was about to condense into a frosty handsome face, and could not help but mourn for Lan Yuyu in her heart.

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