Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1222: Blue night sky


Lan Yanyu was frightened and looked at Lan Yetian helplessly, wondering what to do?


Lan Yetian roared again, then turned inward, no longer paying attention to Lan Yanyu.

Looking at Lan Yetian's back slightly, Lan Yuyu's eyes reddened.

He understood what he meant, but he hesitated.

Is he really going to give up the Blue House?

He didn't understand why Zhuo Qingyun and the Lan family couldn't coexist?

After tangling for a long time, Lan Yanyu finally knelt down.

"Take care of yourself!"

Lan Yanyu red-eyed her head and slammed her head for three times before getting up and leaving.

Hearing the sound of his departure, Lan Ye turned around twiddling, but saw the door slowly closed.

"This unscrupulous kid."

Lan Yetian gave a wet curse and wet eyes, then turned angrily again.

"what happened to you?"

Seeing Lan Yanyu's red eyes return, Baijue and Zhuo Qingyun were startled.

Lan Yanyu dropped her head, and said things roughly in a low mood.

Everyone heard and spoke with bright eyes, Zhuo Qingyun breathed a long breath.

"Grandpa Blue agrees, why aren't you happy?"

The **** frowned, seeing his unhappy look.

Lan Yuyu grinned awkwardly: "I don't want to leave the Blue House."

He didn't understand why he had to leave the Blue House if he liked Zhuo Qingyun?

"Grandpa Blue has let you go. You haven't left yet, aren't you stupid?" The white **** poked at his head with an ironclad.

It took her a lot of words to talk to the father, and he even hesitated.

"Why do you have to go?" Lan Yanyu pouted and looked at the beaver.

The **** glared at him: "You want Grandpa Lan to send you a little sister-in-law and find a lady, then you don't leave."

As long as Lan Yuyu stays in the Lan family for one day, Grandpa Lan cannot stop him from marrying. But if Lan Yuyu is not around, Grandpa Lan is afraid he can't help it. This is probably why Grandpa Lan drove him away.

Lan Yanyu lowered her head in sorrow.

Zhuo Qingyun walked to him and patted him on the shoulder calmly: "We leave first, and after a while his old man's breath is gone, let's come back to see him again."

Lan Yanyu frowned at Zhuo Qingyun and nodded.

The two went to Nanyuan to bid farewell to the blue father and blue mother.

The blue mother learned that Lan Yuyu was leaving, and the tears in her eyes couldn't stop.

Father Lan looked at the two with black faces. Other children's children were not good at scolding them. Their own children were reluctant to scold them. In the end, they could only stare and say nothing.

"Yu Yu, don't leave." Lan Mu pulled Lan Yuyu to cry like a child, "You go, what do you let your mother do?"

"Mother, I am not coming back forever. I might come back to see you in two days." Seeing Lan Mu crying like this, Lan Yuyu was uncomfortable, he patted Lan Mu's shoulder softly.

"Do you really come back in two days?" Lanmu looked up with tears in her eyes.

"Um." Lan Yanyu nodded and promised, "I will definitely be back."

When Grandpa was still angry, he would come back to see her secretly.

Blue Mother finally relieved her heart and shed tears: "Then you go."

Unexpectedly, the blue mother was so simple, and the blue pheasant stunned for a moment, and then scratched her head again before leaving with Zhuo Qingyun.

"Why did you let him go?" As soon as Lan Yuyu left, Father Lan complained about Mother Lan.

Lan Mu stared at him with red eyes: "Don't stop him while he's here, now blame me."

"I'm not ..."

Father Lan opened his mouth and tried to justify it, but when Mother Lan started to cry again, he immediately swallowed back to his mouth. "Well, he said he would come back, don't cry."

"I'm crying, I'm uncomfortable." Lan Mu cried with tears.

This is even worse than marrying a daughter.

Father Lan sighed slightly and took Lan Mother into his arms: "Don't cry, wait for them to stop, we can also watch them."


The blue mother cried and looked at the blue father.

Father Lan raised an eyebrow: "Of course it is true."

As he said, he laughed again: "Wait, it won't be long before the old man asks us to find someone."

The one who hurts Yu Yu the most in this family, except for the old man, no one else. I used to read it all the time when I didn't see it. After that, Yu Yu is not at home, and the old man can not miss it.

Mother Lan laughed when she heard what she said.

Also, maybe after a while, the old man would accept Yan Yu and the child, and then the family would be together.

The **** asked Lan Yanyu to go to Mofu first, but she stayed in Lanfu temporarily to cure Lan Yetian.

There was a **** standing at Lan's house. Lan Yuyu went to Mofu with Zhuo Qingyun at ease.

At night, the **** went to give Lan Yetian a needle again.

Taking the pulse to Lan Yetian and discovering that his pulse was unstable, Baitan frowned, "You must remember the imagination and worry about labor in this disease. If you don't take care of yourself, I'll be useless to feed you elixir"

Lan Yetian gave her a glance: "You're so embarrassed to say, who harmed me to think wildly?"

The Beaver chuckled, and he was not afraid of him: "The cricket that your grandson has killed is nothing to do with me."

Anyway, the dirty water couldn't spill on her head.

Lan Ye's weather was staring.

Looking at his scruffy beard, the **** also stared: "Then, don't be excited, don't look back and have a stroke, but you will lie in bed all your life."

Hearing that he would lie in bed all his life, Lan Yetian quickly took a few deep breaths and pressed down his chest.

When he sees him, he will self-regulate. Beaver is happy: "That's right, the old man should be like this, don't be angry and be bad for your health."

Lan Yetian was too lazy to stare at her, crooked on the big pillow and ignored her.

Baitan is not annoyed, and still considers himself: "Wait for you, you can often go to Chu's house to find my grandmother to play chess and drink tea. Don't be bored at home, it is easy to think wildly."

When it comes to cranky thoughts, Lan Yetian slapped her coldly again.

If it wasn't for this girl to tell him something, could he let the kid go?

Anyway, he calculated this account on her.

Hearing his voice, the **** pouted.

Obviously he wanted to let it go, how could it still rest on her head.

The **** stopped talking, and gave him a needle with a sullen head.

The **** didn't talk to him, Lan Yetian couldn't help it: "That kid is really gone."

The **** raised his eyebrows and gave a strange glance at Lan Yetian: "Away, didn't you let him go?"

"Unscrupulous boy." Lan Yetian hummed again.

The **** ignored him and only focused on the needle.

She now thinks that this old man has a strange temper, like a child.

"Okay." After the needle was applied, Baitan took out a few bottles of elixir and handed it to him: "This is Lan Yan Yu Lian. When you finish eating these, there is basically no problem."

Lan Yetian stared at the familiar porcelain vases, slightly stunned.

"Today is the last injection. I won't stay in the house to disturb you. If you have any problem, let someone go to Mofu to find me." The white **** packed up the medicine box and left.

Looking at the beaver's back, Lan Yetian suddenly said: "Warn the kid named Zhuo for me. If he dares to bully us, I will not let him go."

Listening to Lan Yetian's words, Baiju bended her lips and opened the door.

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