Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1234: Sleep with you today

After discussing the settlement, the **** was quite relaxed.

In the past two days, I have turned around a few small buns. The children have grown up a lot, and they are even more pleasing.

"My elder sister loves children so much, and I have to have one with my elder brother." Seeing Baijue staring at the little buns, Bai Ruyue teased. "The elder brother and elder sister are so good-looking, the little baby must be super cute."

The **** pursed his lips: "I think so, isn't it urgent?"

Qi Ziling chuckled: "What's the matter, you are still young, there will always be."

"Miss, Lord Su and Princess Su are back." Qi Wen pressed the curtain into the room.

Bai Tan's eyes brightened: "Aunt is back, please go and call father and mother."

"Yes." Qi Wen answered and went to Juntingyuan.

Bai Tan and Bai Ruyue and Qi Ziling arrived at the main entrance together.

Two carriages stopped in front of Baifu Gate.

Before the carriage stopped, Bai Qingyan hurriedly drove the curtain: "tanuki."

Seeing Baiju, Bai Qingyan jumped out of the carriage quickly.

"Aunt." The **** greeted together.

Murong Jinhong from behind quickly jumped off the carriage: "You can't slow down."

The carriage was not parked yet, and I was not afraid of falling.

Bai Qingyan ignored his uncle, and only looked anxiously at Baiju: "Are your father and mother really back?"

"came back."

"Yaner." As soon as Baitan finished speaking, Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun arrived.

"Brother." Seeing Bai Tingxuan again, Bai Qingyan opened her eyes in disbelief and walked step by step to hold his hand tightly, "Tell me, I'm not dreaming."

"Yaner." Bai Tingxuan's eyes were red and she hugged Bai Qingyan.

"Brother ..." The tears in Bai Qingyan's eyes couldn't help falling anymore.

Twenty years have passed, and my elder brother is dead again.

Murong Jinhong watched Bai Qingyan cry like a child in Bai Tingxuan's arms, and couldn't help but feel a little bitter, but also happy for their brother and sister.

After crying for a while, Bai Qingyan closed her tears and looked at Chu Xiangjun: "Thank you, Grandma."

I really want to thank her for bringing her elder brother back, otherwise their brothers and sisters will never see them for a lifetime.

Chu Xiangjun smiled softly: "Thank you for what I do."

Whether it is taking care of Ting Xuan, or bringing Ting Xuan back, it should be.

Murong Yuchen and Murong Yuqin got out of the carriage together.

Xuan Er is already a slender girl, and Xiao Qin Er is four or five years old. She is very cute.

Murong Min helped Shu Min to get down from a carriage behind.

Looking at Shu Min's slightly swollen belly, the **** was a little sad again.

It seems that she is the only one behind.

"Uncle, my cousin, my cousin ..."

"Cousin Tanuki."

"Cousin Tanuki."

Everyone greeted each other.

The **** hugged Xiao Qiner like a hug. Qin Er was a little bigger than Huai Jin, but did not have the meat dumpling holding a heavy hand.

"This is Dasao, and she really looks like her mother." Murong Yuxi looked curiously at Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun. "The big aunt is also very beautiful, and looks like cousin Tan.

"It's a puppet, it's a real show."

Even though Bai Tingxuan had never seen the niece, she also guessed who she was when she saw the face that resembled her own sister.

"Yuer looks really like you." Chu Xiangjun also smiled and said to Bai Qingyan.

"Ma'am, ma'am."

Murong Yu also brought Shu Yi to salute.

"I'm going to be a dad." Bai Tingxuan patted Murong Ye's shoulder lightly.

He is more familiar with Murong Yu than Tanuki.

When he was a kid, he was the one who loved him the most. He took him longer than his father.

Murong scratched his head, "It's great to see Dasao again."

After receiving the letter from his grandparents, the mother rushed back overnight. He also wanted to see Dasao again. Dasao was the best person to him when he was a child.

Murong Jinhong also stepped forward and hammered Bai Tingxuan's shoulder: "Do you know how many tears you made my wife and children shed?"

"How to talk to Brother." Bai Qingyan stared at Murong Jinhong strangely.

Bai Tingxuan looked at Bai Qingyan, who was crying and red, and apologized, "It's all my fault, I won't do it again."

"Don't stand at the door, just go in."

Chu Xiangjun pulled Bai Qingyan into the house.

Everyone followed along.

The white raccoon hugged Xiao Qin'er and fell behind, walking with Murong Rong and Shu Rong.

"Is Mo Beichen back?" Murong asked the question she had been asking.

Beaver smiled and nodded. "Well, he's back."


Murong Kun immediately became happy, but he has been guilty of that all these years, and now it is good to know that he is fine.

Knowing that Bai Qingyan and Murong Jinhong were back, the old man and Mo Beichen also came out of Tianluoyuan.



Several people saluted to the old man.

The old man saw them happy and asked the housekeeper Cao to prepare for the feast.

"It's nice to see you again."

Murong Yu smiled and hammered Hamo Beichen's shoulder.

Mo Beichen struck back with a smile: "I didn't expect to see you for a few years, you will be a father."

Murong Xu glanced at Shu Shu, and Jun rubbed his head slightly with red face.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they looked at Murong Yan's real appearance.

"By the way, we met Xue Qingyu on the road today." Mu Rongji said again.

The **** opened his eyes narrowly: "Xue Qingyu is back."

"Um." Murong Min nodded and said, "He and Nangong Ying came back together, and should come to see you."

"It's great. When they come back, we must get together." Baitan said with excitement.

They haven't gotten together for a long time, this time must be drunk.

In the evening, Xue Qingyu and Nangong Sakura really came, along with Xue Yuenlang and Xiao Baozi Xue Jingyu.

The **** greeted with excitement: "You are counted, waiting for you all afternoon."

Nangong Ying smiled and joked: "How do you know we are coming."

"My cousin said I saw you on the road, so I guess you are coming."

"We're here for dinner." Rongshi hugged Xue Jingyu, not embarrassed at all.

"Just here, I have a place for you." The old man waved at them with a smile.

Several people sat down together.

Murong Jinhong and Xue Yuenlang also seldom got together. Now Bai Tingxuan is back, and the three are extremely happy.

Murong Jinhong looked at Bai Tingxuan and Xue Yuenlang: "Brother, brother, let's not get drunk today."

"No one is allowed to leave today, all sleeping in Baifu." Bai Tingxuan laughed.

Xue Yuanlang smiled and raised his glass: "Okay, I'll sleep with you today, and you won't leave if you drive me away."

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