Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1239: Murong Yu's calculations

Xue Qingyu and Nangong Sakura stayed in Zixiao for a few days before returning to Qingyu.

This time, the two brought Xiao Yu'er back. The former empress of Qingyu missed her grandson, and the Xueyuanlang couple had to let go.

Fortunately, the two said after a few days they would send the child back.

Before leaving, Bai Ruyue stuffed a lot of things and brought them two little ones.

Knowing that she missed her children, Nangong Ying promised to give them everything.

The child is too small to bring back. When the child is older, they will often be brought back.

Unwilling to bid farewell to them, the beavers are also busy moving.

Bai Qingyan knew that they were going to move to the holy heaven, but they couldn't bear it.

But this is a good thing, and even if she persists, she can only support them.

After everything was packed, the old man, Bai Tingxuan, Bai Jue, and Mo Beichen went to the palace and met Murong Yu.

After all, it is to move to the holy heaven, which is also a major event, and had to report to the little emperor.

Murong Yan sat on the dragon's chair, as if he had guessed their intentions, and after listening to the old man, he looked at them calmly.

"Brother Huang has already told you about you. You are still saying that, no matter where you go in the future, Zixiao is your home."

"Thank you, Emperor."

All three are gimmicks Shane.

Only Mo Beichen stood upright and did not want to thank him.

Murong Yu glanced at him curiously. At a young age, when he saw him, a little shock appeared on his domineering face.

He was the man who robbed the fiancée of the emperor. Sure enough, there were mountains outside the mountains, and there were people outside.

"Go ahead, all the way."

Murong Xu waved at them.

The beavers retreated together.

Murong Xu nodded at the table and looked at Father Rong: "Is Victoria here today?"

Rong Gong immediately bowed: "Mrs. Wei Huan and Master Four are studying in the school."

"When they get off class, they will pick them up." Murong Yu thought and said, "Take Wei Huan."


When Rong Gong bowed, he went out of the Imperial Study Room.

Murong Ye turned his eyes and looked out of the window. He couldn't be like Huang Xiong. He had to cultivate feelings with Wei Huan from an early age. When Wei Huan liked him, it would be even better to look at it.

White House.

"Did the emperor agree?" Seeing them coming back, Bai Ruyue hurriedly greeted them.

"Um." Beaver nodded with a smile.

"That's great." Bai Ruyue was immediately happy. "Then let's go now."

Baitan frowned: "Should we say hello to Aunt Xue and Aunt Yun?"

This is a long-distance move, and I must say hello before leaving.

The old man nodded: "Of course I will. Ting Xuan and I will visit Yun and Xue's houses in a while."

He has made a lot of friends with the Bai family in Beijing. He will not explain them one by one, but the Yun family and the Xue family still have to take a trip.

"we are coming."

Several people were talking, Yun Zhiyu and Xue Yuen Long came with An's and Rong's.

Seeing them, the old man laughed with laughter: "It's just here, we are just going to visit."

"How can I get you in person, aren't we here?" Yunzhi said with a smile.

Xue Yuen Long also smiled and said, "Knowing that you are leaving, we will bring it to our door."

Rong's reluctantly pulled Chu Xiangjun: "I'm leaving as soon as I come back."

Anshi also frowned, "Each of you is not in Beijing. In the future, only me and Waner will be my companions."

Chu Xiangjun looked at them apologetically: "I will come back often in the future."

Seeing the embarrassment of Chu Xiangjun, Bai Qingyan stepped forward and said, "Relax, Jinhong and I are planning to return to live in Beijing, and I will accompany you in the future."

Rong's face was surprised: "You are coming back? What about the Northwest?"

An's also looked at Bai Qingyan with curiosity. Could it be that the emperor would not come back without this?

Bai Qingyan raised her eyebrows indifferently: "Isn't there a sister-in-law? That kid can already be on his own."

She and Jinhong have also retreated in these years. The things in the northwest are handled by the son-in-law. He has also married his wife. These years have become more stable.

Rongshi nodded: "It's okay like that. My son is too old to say pro. The Northwest is no better than Beijing. I'm afraid there's nothing to choose from. I'm sure to pick us up this time."

"Auntie Rong, what are you talking about? Whoever says pro, I won't marry someone."

Mu Rongyu said, and he blushed and ran to the beavers to talk to them.

"I'm still shy to see." Rongshi joked with a smile.

Bai Qingyan pettly looked at Murong Yuying's back.

They want to return to the imperial city, half of the reason is also for the child, the child has reached the age of pro, the child is thinking about martial arts, and never has contact with the boy, she and her father are also very anxious, so Want to return to the Imperial City to show her each other.

She didn't ask for anything else, as long as the child was of good character and good to the children.

"Aunt is going to find our husband-in-law, and he has his own favorite." Listening to the conversation over there, Baitan laughed and murmured Murong Yu.

Murong Yu stared at the **** coquettishly: "They said they would not marry anymore, and cousin Taner made fun of me."

She wouldn't marry, she would spend time with her father and mother.

"Okay, don't tease you." When she saw that she was thin-skinned, Baiju turned to Bai Ruxuan again. "Where is our little Xuaner? This is a favorite in Beijing. You know, after we leave, you will never see it. "

Bai Ruxuan's face was flushed with a red beak: "Big sister teased cousin after teasing, and then teased me again. I don't have anybody who likes me."

"Yeah." Murong Yuxi rushed without waiting for the **** to speak. "Xiao Xuan'er said this, one of my emperor brothers would be sad."

Bai Ruxuan's face became even redder: "Cousin Yuxi also teases me."

As a reminder of Murong Yubi, Bai Tan thought of Murongbi instantly. The kid seemed to like their little Xuaner very much.

"Where's Murong Yun, why don't you come to see you?"

Murong Yuzhen nuked his chin towards the door: "Why not come, I have already informed Brother Jiuhuang."

The **** raised his eyes in surprise, but saw a young boy standing at the door with a look of anxiety.

Murong Yan's handsome boy.

When she saw Murong coming, Bai Ruxuan even turned her neck red.


As if Bai Ruxuan was found in the crowd, Murong Xu hurried over.

Bai Ruxuan was at a loss in a panic.

The **** rammed her shoulder jokingly: "I'm not ready to go yet, but when we really go, we won't see it."

"Come on, don't make me silly Emperor anxious." Murong Yuxi also pushed her with a smile.

Bai Ruxuan took a peek at the old man and the second wife, and saw that they did not notice her, and ran towards Murong Yu.

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