Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1241: Holy day settlement

After walking around for almost ten days, they finally reached the city of Shengtian.

At the gate of Shengtian City, Baijue helped the father to get out of the car.

"I didn't expect that I would come back here in the end." The old man looked at the three words in the Holy City and smiled bitterly.

He is familiar with Shengtian City. After all, he studied martial arts in Fengshen Academy when he was young. He did n’t expect to go around and end up here to care for the elderly. Would n’t it be day to night with Bu Yangzi ’s old guy Already.

"It turns out that this is the Holy City, it's so elegant." The second lady was helped by Bai Ruyue and got out of the carriage.

"Posh, when we're settled, I'll show you to Fengshen Theological Seminary." Bai Ruyue smiled.

"That would be good." The second lady responded immediately, but she had long wanted to see what the legendary first academy looked like.

"Are we going to live here in the future?" Bai Huaiyue asked Bai Ruxuan's hand milkily.

Without waiting for Bai Ruxuan to answer, Baitan squatted down and squeezed his small face: "Yes, Yueerxi doesn't like it here."


Bai Huaiyue nodded his head slightly.

Beaver hugged him with a smile: "Auntie will send you to Fengshen Seminary to learn martial arts, OK?"

"Okay." Bai Huaiyue's eyes lightened, and he nodded again.

One side Bai Huaichang also quickly raised his hand: "I want to go too."

"We're going too." Bai Huaijin and Bai Niyu also came together.

"Go and go."

The **** smiled and soothed a few aggressive buns.

Here Xie Kun, they received the news and hurried out to greet them.

Before they received the news that they were going to settle in the holy heaven, they were already preparing for half a month ago.

"See the head, Lord Mo, Master Bai, Madam Bai ..."

When they saw the beavers, everyone went forward to salute.

"This is my grandpa, Bai Qiyuan." The **** introduced them with a smile.

"I've seen an old man."

Everyone saluted to Bai Qiyuan.

Xie Kun even stepped forward with a smile: "I often hear your name, and today I finally saw a real person."

"Head Xie is polite." The old man nodded at him with a smile.

Although he hadn't seen them, he also heard Tanuki talk about a lot of them, so Xie Kun, Huo Bin, and Yu Zhongjin were important people. He knew them.

Seeing that the old man knew him, Xie Kun was even happier.

The **** introduced them to the other members of the Bai family one after another, even the little buns.

Regardless of whether they have seen it or not, everyone greeted them warmly.

"Hurry up, it's too late."

"What's the matter, he's going to settle in, isn't he going to run away?"

Several figures floated in the air, and everyone raised their eyes to see Bu Yangzi, who was coming out of the air.

"Master, second master, uncle butcher ..." Beaver immediately welcomed him excitedly.

Several people fell and stood in front of Bai Qiyuan.

"Brother Bai, you really want to settle in the Holy Heaven." Elder Feng was most excited to see Bai Qiyuan.

Elder Su was also excited: "Great, Brother Bai can return to Fengshen Theological School as an elder."

"Who wants him to be an elder." Bu Yangzi smirked and said abandonment.

Bai Qiyuan also looked disgusted: "Who is rare to be an elder."

Everyone couldn't help laughing as they looked at the same disgusting expressions.

Bai Tingxuan was also a bit surprised. He finally understood the meaning of Tanye's deadly opponent, which turned out to be really uncomfortable.

In his impression, his father was very easy-going, and Master Bu was very talkative. He did not expect that the two would get along like this.

The white raccoon held Bai Qiyuan, and then went to Bu Yangzi: "Master, grandpa, can't you help each other? The days are still long after that."

They will all settle in the holy sky in the future. After that, they will not see their heads up and down. Do they want to sleep every day?

Elder Yuan looked at them disgustedly: "No, it's been a lifetime of quarrels, and there's nothing to quarrel with."

"Who quarreled with him."

"Who quarreled with him."

The two spoke in unison.

Hearing each other saying the same thing, the two stared at each other and turned their heads together.

"..." Beaver was speechless.

"Ah ..." Xie Kun coughed, looking at the two, "It's better than Advanced City."

"Yes, yes, let's go into the city." Baitan nodded immediately and pulled them into Shengtian City.

Others kept up.

"The city owner is back!"

When the people saw the **** entering the city, they all gathered around and waved petals.

The petals of the sky fluttered, and the **** passed through those petals with a smile.

She is back, and this time she won't leave casually.

People are still enthusiastic, in addition to sprinkle flowers, there are also gifts.

Everyone had a bunch of things in their hands before they reached the main city house.

"The people here are so enthusiastic." The second lady was holding a pile of things and could not see the road ahead.

"Yeah, I can't take it anymore." Chu Xiangjun also dropped one east and one west, he couldn't finish it.

"Mrs. let me come."

A few disciples from the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps came over to help pick things up. The second lady and Chu Xiangjun were much more relaxed this time.

"Thank you." Chu Xiangjun looked at them gratefully.

"Mrs. polite."

Several people swiftly returned the things sent by the people to the city's main government first.

"This is the city's mansion, like the palace."

The second lady looked at the tall plaque with surprise.

Chu Xiangjun chuckled: "When I first came here, I also felt like an imperial palace. Let's go in and take a look. The inside is also good."

Chu Xiangjun took the second lady into the city's main mansion.

"It's really good." Looking at the delicate ornaments in the whole house, the second lady couldn't help laughing: "Much better than our Bai family."

The **** smiled and said, "In fact, the Bai family is also good, that's the feeling of home."

The second lady nodded: "Yes, I hope this will give us a feeling of home."

"Yes, there must be a feeling of home after a long stay." Baici smiled and pulled her to Qionghuayuan.

The second lady looked at the Qionghua tree in the yard, and she couldn't help but red eyes: "This is ..."

"Knowing that you like Qionghua, I specially planted it. I will live with your second uncle in this yard." Bai Tan explained with a smile.

"Okay." The second lady's eyes were red and she nodded again and again.

For these two Qionghua trees, she already liked them.

"It's still thoughtful of your girl." Chu Xiangjun looked a little ashamed looking at the second wife's tears.

She didn't even think of it at all, but this girl still had a delicate mind.

Beaver smiled and put Chu Xiangjun's hand in his hand: "I also prepared a yard for you and father."

The **** said, he took Chu Xiangjun to the opposite yard.

"It is the locust tree." Chu Xiangjun was surprised when he saw the locust tree in the courtyard. "Isn't this the one we used to have in the courtyard?"

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