Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1245: Founding a county or a country?

The next day, they didn't wake up until the day.

Elder Yuan they all gathered in Bai Qiyuan's room.

"How did you get them to sleep well yesterday." Elder Yuan looked at Baitan with curiosity.

Beaver raised his eyebrows: "I told my grandfather that he had won the grandfather, and also told the grandfather that he had won the grandfather. They all thought they had won, so they rested in peace."

"You can think of this idea." Elder Tu looked at the **** admiringly.

The **** smiled bitterly: "Is there any better way?"

Both people have already drank no one, and they are clamoring to drink, so she can only use this method.

Nangong Huang came in with the hangover soup: "I cooked the hangover soup. Grandpa and Shizu haven't woke up yet."

The **** sighed, "It's probably too much."

She didn't know how much they drank, but she went to order the wine jars and found that there were more than a dozen empty wine jars.

Several people were talking, and Bai Qiyuan's eyes had been blurred.

"Grandpa, you are awake."

Seeing that Bai Qiyuan was awake, Baiju stepped forward to support him.

"Drink a bowl of hangover soup." Nangong Huang immediately delivered the hangover soup.

Bai Qiyuan drank a bowl of sober soup before his head finally cleared up a bit.

"Why are you all here?" Bai Qiyuan looked at Elder Tu with a look of distaste.

Elder Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Look at who you lose and who wins?"

Bai Qiyuan followed his gaze and looked at him. He almost jumped out of bed in shock. "Why would he be in my bed?"

As soon as Bai Qiyuan called out, Bu Yangzi got up from the bed.

"Why are you sleeping in my bed."

Seeing Bai Qiyuan next to him, Bu Yangzi frowned suddenly.

Bai Qiyuan said with a black line: "See who this bed is."

Bu Yangzi blinked and looked at Baiju: "Why am I in his bed?"

Bai Qiyuan also stared at the beaver.

"You both hold the jar and refuse to let go. What can I do? I can't let you sleep on the ground." Baijuu jabbed at the jar between the two.

Bu Yangzi snatched the jar: "I won yesterday. You are a loser."

"What nonsense, obviously I win." Bai Qiyuan frowned, and also grabbed the wine jar.

"You still want to cheat if you lose." Bu Yangzi stared angrily.

"In the end who lied." Bai Qiyuan was not happy.

Bu Yangzi suddenly turned to the raccoon: "You raccoon girl, who do we win?"

Bai Qiyuan also looked at Baiju: "Did I win yesterday?"

"Heck ..." Baitan gave a weak cough in guilty conscience. "Well, Xie Kun just seems to be asking me something. I'll deal with it first."

The **** said as he ran away.

Bu Yangzi and Bai Qiyuan looked at Elder Tu again.

"Oh ... the weather is fine today." Elder Tu looked at the roof.

"The weather is really good, the peach blossoms are all blooming outside."

"Go out and see."

Several of them also slipped out.

Soon in the room were Bu Yangzi, Bai Qiyuan and Nangong Huang.

Seeing the two eyes glanced over, Nangong smiled phoenically: "I don't know anything, I'm here to send sober soup."

After Nangong Huang left Bu Yangzi's sober soup soup, he also ran away.

"I won yesterday."

"you lose."

No one testified, and the two started to grab wine again.


"Where's your grandpa?"

Seeing that only Baiju and Nangong Huang came over, Bai Tingxuan frowned.


As soon as Nangong Huang wanted to talk back, Baitan blinked, "Grandpa shouldn't work hard now, let's discuss it first, and then ask him when he has results."

Bai Tingxuan nodded: "Either."

Baici gave up the main seat to Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun, and he and Mo Beichen sat down next.

The others also took their seats.

Bai Tingxuan glanced at Beaver, Beaver nodded, and stood up and said, "Today everyone is here, to discuss our layout issues."

Yan Hongtian and Hubbard glanced at each other: "We are all our own, let's just talk about what the Lord Baicheng has."

Beaver raised his eyebrows: "Everyone should know that our current territory is very large. In addition to the Holy City and the 20 cities in the southeast and northwest, there are also many cities. It belongs to Zixiao and Moxue. Now they all belong to us. We didn't manage them before. Now I want to unite the cities so that they really belong to us. "

Li Maozi first stood up: "No matter what Baicheng mainly does and wants to do, we all support the Baicheng master."

Yan Hongtian also got up and arched his hands: "The lives of those of us are already the Lord of the City. We swear to follow the Lord of White City."

"Follow me." Hubbark knelt straight down his robe.

"Follow me."

The masters of the cities and Xie Kun Huo Bin all followed their knees.

Bai Tingxuan was also moved when he saw that all of them believed in beavers so much.

My father was right, Tanuki is better than them.

"Get up."

The raccoon quickly helped Yan Hongtian and Hubak back up.

"This world is our common world. Without our efforts, this territory will not be so large." Baitan smiled and looked at them.

She never regarded them as subordinates, nor did she want them to be born and die for her. She regarded them as partners, and she could truly share the hardships and the wealthy partners together.

Yan Hongtian scratched his head embarrassingly: "In fact, it's all your credit. We didn't do anything at all."

He is really ashamed. They haven't been able to help her much. In this world, she played it alone. At best, they just helped a little bit.

"Mr. Yan, you're welcome. If you hadn't helped to keep Shengtian City dead, Shengtian City didn't know if it could stay." Baici patted his shoulder gratefully.

She always remembered the grace of defending the city.

Yan Hongtian quickly asked: "It was also that you helped the ten cities in the northwest first. Without you, the ten cities in the northwest might have been gone."

"Yeah, yeah." Chi Youhai and Li Maozi nodded quickly.

If you want to talk about Ende, the Lord of the White City can't say enough about Ende in the southeast or 20 cities in the northwest.

Seeing them decrying each other, Hubbard laughed, "Don't be humble anymore, shouldn't we discuss the layout issue?"

"The master of the city of Hu said." Beaver looked at the crowd with a smile. "Now our territory has expanded. It is not a city or a few cities. The question now is whether we should build a county or directly build a country."

When they heard the question thrown by the beaver, everyone immediately talked.

"It really needs to be managed well. It's always a matter of ignorance. The key is to build a county or a country."

"I think it's better to build a county. It's better to build a county."

"I think it is good to build a country and save yourself a step."

The **** looked at Hubbark: "What do you think, Hu Cheng?"

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