Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1253: Do not live by yourself

Mu Bingjun frowned: "When did we abuse her, and I hit her today because she did something shameless."

He hit her, but they couldn't just spill dirty water on his head.

"Not just today, what you and your uncle have done, you know in your own heart." Auntie Hua glanced at Mu Bingjun fiercely.

Seeing that they dragged him on his wife's head again, Mu Bingjun was unwilling, and bowed his head and pulled Bai Ruomeng: "What we have done to you, you can say clearly."

His wife, gentle and gentle, how could he not remember what she had done to her?

Bai Ruomeng's eyes narrowed and he didn't speak.

Auntie Hua couldn't help it: "Your uncle's wife deliberately killed the child in Menger's stomach. Menger was pregnant with two babies, and you said you were not abusing her."

After finishing talking, Auntie Hua hugged Bai Ruomeng and cried.

Mu Bingjun heard some ambiguity.

Bai Ting'an glared at him, "Is this the case?"

Others looked at Mu Bingjun in unison.

If this is true, it is really a sin.

Only Mrs. Er frowned, and some did not believe what Auntie Hua said.

She had inquired about Bai Ruomeng when she was looking for this relationship. The Mu family's uncle's wife was well-informed and there was no rumor that he would treat the servant.

Mu Bingjun thought for a while, and finally knew what Bai Ruomeng said.

He sneered angrily: "Mrs. hasn't killed her child at all. She had two pregnancies before, and she tossed herself out."

"You bullshit, you got it off." Bai Ruomeng immediately yelled in guilty conscience.

"You dare to lie."

Mu Bingjun was glaring with anger, and he did not confront Bai Ruomeng. He only looked at the second lady and Bai Ting'an Road. "Before my wife was pregnant, she was jealous and took the medicine in his wife's soup. She drank a bowl of that soup herself, but she didn't know she was pregnant, so she miscarried. Who can you blame for this? "

"She became pregnant again and didn't pay attention to herself. She held up her stomach to fight with my other uncle, but the child was gone. I also sent that uncle to the temple, and I really don't know when we hit it on purpose. The children who have lost her are made by herself. "

He was angry for a long time after her first child was gone, and he wanted to punish her, but watching her cry, and wondering if she had no children, so she did not even punish her. This abuse said that he I really don't know where to start.

The second child is gone, and he is completely cold to her, so he rarely goes to her room afterwards, but it is so. For the sake of Bai family, he never treats her, he Madam has never done anything bad to her.

Everyone listened to each other, and no one thought that the truth of the matter was this.

The second lady frowned at Bai Ruomeng, only to feel that her three views had been refreshed.

Never know that a person can be disgusting into this.

If she were the uncle, she thought she wouldn't let her go like that.

Bai Tingan did not expect that Bai Ruomeng would do such a thing. In his impression, she has always been the spoiled child.

Even Auntie Hua did not expect that Bai Ruomeng would lie to her.

Everyone looked at Bai Ruomeng with contempt.

There is a kind of person who is called self-injustice and she ca n’t live. She does n’t care about her injustice, but she has pity on her uncle's wives, and it ’s pitiful to face this demon-minded wren every day.

"I do not have……"

Feeling the strange eyes of everyone, Bai Ruomeng screamed suddenly.

Mu Bingjun did not look at her, he looked directly at Bai Tingan and his wife and explained: "The Mu family all know these things. I asked the doctor twice, and you just know when you check it."

Bai Tingan frowned and did not speak.

The second lady was completely dead to Bai Ruoshui. She felt that even if Mu Bingjun killed her now, she would not blame others.

"Take it with you, what you want to do with it." The second lady waved her hand at Mu Bingjun, and she was really tired of the niece.

Bai Ting'an was also cold-faced and completely lost his mind.

Seeing that they were quite reasonable, Mu Bingjun bowed towards the two and dragged Bai Ruomeng away.

"I won't go back, don't go back, my aunt saves me!"

Bai Ruomeng immediately trembled and reached out to Aunt Flower.

"Menger ..." Auntie Hua hurriedly crawled to the ground and chased out.

The second lady's eyes narrowed, and Chao Baozhi and Zhen Liu yelled, "Squeeze Aunt Hua back. I will not be allowed out of the hospital without my order."

Several people, Siqin and ink painting, came forward and caught Aunt Hua.

Auntie Hua was anxious, and hurried to Bai Tingan for help: "Second Lord ..."

Bai Tingan frowned, and waved at Siqin and ink painting.

He was also annoyed by this woman now. When he heard what Mu Bingjun said just now, he thought of his child who could n’t be born. If he dreamed, it was exactly like her. She taught him a good daughter .

Siqin and ink painting immediately pulled Auntie Hua out of the room.

Baozhi and Zhenliu were so scared that they followed quickly.

"No one can say anything about today." As soon as they left, the second lady ordered the people in the house.


Everyone bowed.

"Let's go down." The second lady waved at them wearily.

They all retreated.

The second lady sat down and squeezed her forehead with a headache.

Bai Tingan sighed softly, walked over and was handed to her by the tea: "Are you all right?"

The second lady smiled wryly, "I thought you would blame me?"

Ashamed flashed in Bai Ting'an's eyes: "I was bad before. It's been hard for you these years."

To this day he only knows how confused and troublesome his servants and maids are.

The second lady took Bai Tingan's hand: "You don't blame me, it's also my fault, I didn't teach them well."

It was her responsibility to steward the housekeeper and the servant girl, and she had indeed slacked off these years.

Bai Tingan took her into her arms with pity: "How can you blame you? They are not greedy enough."

He does n’t understand. What ’s wrong with Mu ’s family? No matter how bad Mu Bingjun is, he ’s also a fourth-grade official. The official position is higher than him. Although he is a waiter, he wo n’t end up like this .

Everything is on her own. If she is not thinking of harming her wife, she will be jealous with her servant, and she will not have two children. That Mu Bingjun didn't rest. She was afraid that she would all look at Bai Family's face.

The second lady sighed softly: "I hope it won't be known to my father and brother."

And Tanuki, if Tanuki knows it, he doesn't know what it will be like.

Thinking of the old man and Bai Tingxuan, Bai Tingan frowned anxiously.

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