Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1259: Try the effect of tonic

Main court.

"I heard that the Huashi hit the pillar and committed suicide." Baiju asked Bai Ruyue while drinking the soup made by Chu Xiangjun.

Bai Ruyue pouted her lips: "Daddy is going to take a break from her. She doesn't pretend to be. Where can she stay now?"

The **** raised his eyebrows: "Have you ever seen someone? Real or fake?"

"It really hit me." Bai Ruyue sneered dismissively. "Last night, Bai Ruomeng came to Nangong Huang to heal Huashi."

"Where is Nangong Huang?" Baitan took another casual sip.

Bai Ruyue gave her a look: "Am I so stupid, what if Bai Ruomeng wants to seduce Nangong Huang again?"

She wasn't unsure of Nangong Huang, it was Bai Ruomeng's woman who was so disgusting, who knew what she would do without knowing shame.

She had already told her family Nangong Huang that she would see Bai Ruomeng the woman who was three feet away from her, who would be unlucky if she touched her.

The white raccoon fluttered with a laugh: "It's time to be on guard. The woman is now off by Mu Bingjun, and is looking for her next home."

"Yeah." Bai Ruyue laughed immediately. "So I didn't let him go. I heard that I was looking for a government doctor later. It seemed to be really serious and half dead."

Beaver was surprised, but did not expect that Huashi could get such a cruel hand to himself.

"Isn't Uncle weak?"

"That's not it." Bai Ruyue smiled before the **** and whispered, "I heard that Huashi said this time that she missed her mouth. When she talked to my father, she was not a virgin at all, you said Can my dad tolerate her? "

The beaver's eyebrows trembled. Sure enough, there must be a mother and a daughter. No wonder Bai Ruomeng is this kind of Dexing. Isn't this exactly like her aunt?

"I said that the show was not good, and I didn't know what my dad looked at, how could I see that kind of woman."

Bai Ruyue laughed happily. She was the happiest when she was unlucky, who made her want to harm her child.

The **** frowned: "She's crying, making trouble, hanging three, so she can't help her."

Bai Ruyue sneered: "Be assured, now that my grandfather has spoken, my dad will not listen? But now that Huashi is injured, my dad is not the unforgiving person, so she will temporarily leave her in her yard to heal her. Unless she keeps killing herself and is hurt all her life, she will leave Bai's house sooner or later. "

The **** raised his eyebrows: "I think that Mu Bingjun is still very wise. He chose to write a divorce instead of taking Bai Ruomeng back."

"No." Bai Ruyue nodded in agreement. "Fortunately, he didn't take Bai Ruomeng back. Otherwise, you must be restless, and you don't know what she did at that Mu family?"

The **** instantly became interested: "What did you do?"

"She, it's all wicked to do just like her auntie." Bai Ruyue, let's talk about all she heard from the second lady.

The **** was dumbfounded.

Bai Ruomeng actually did so many "good" things. No wonder he had no children.

"If I weren't, I wouldn't be Bai Ruomeng." Bai Ruyue sighed. "It's just that I have pity on my mother. Now Bai Ruomeng is taken off, and my mother will be scourged in the future."

Her mother was really frustrated. After all, she took a break from Hua's family. Hua's family still had to rely on her own life. In addition, Bai Ruomeng, who had been taken home by the family, was annoying in the future.

"Rest assured, I will send someone to stare at her. Bai Ruomeng can't play any tricks?" Bai Jue looked at Bai Ruyue calmly.

Bai Ruyue nodded: "This is the best way, but it won't give her another chance to approach her brother-in-law."

A big brother-in-law cannot be tarnished by Bai Ruomeng.

The **** raised an eyebrow: "Amo shouldn't give her this chance to come closer."

Believed to be stained once, he should not give her a second chance.

"If my dad comes and asks you to hurt the medicine, you must not give it." Bai Ruyue confessed what she thought of.

The **** sneered: "Do you think he still has a face?"

Bai Ruyue pouted his lips: "This is true."

This time Bai Ruomeng lost such a big ugly, she would not be confused to come to her elder sister to ask for medicine.

Beaver smiled and looked at her with a smile: "You still worry about Nangong Huang."

The second uncle will not come to her to ask for medicine, but he may not let Nangong Huang be his mother-in-law, after all, if he really speaks, Nangong Huang should not give up.

A pleasant surprise to the dreamer, Bai Ruyue stared blankly: "It is really possible, no, I have to go back and tell Nangong Huang."

Bai Ruyue said that he went away in full swing.

The **** looked resentfully at the soup in his bowl and reluctantly pulled two more.

When is this the head? Why did A Mo work so hard that her stomach didn't respond?

Beaver could not help but start taking pulse for himself.

This is not a problem. She has also checked. There is nothing wrong with it, why can't she be pregnant?

Everyone said that the doctor did not self-medicate, should she go to see Lan Yuyu?

When Mo Beichen came in, he saw that the **** was holding a bowl in a daze.

Mo Beichen walked over and leaned over to her lips to steal a fragrance.

The Beaver returned: "You are back."

Mo Beichen sat beside her and held her in her arms: "What are you thinking?"

When it came to sadness, the **** lowered his head resentfully.

Looking at her pitiful look, Mo Beichen frowned: "Why, isn't this soup delicious?"

"It's not good, you help me drink it." Baijue was worried that there was no place to send the soup, and he took a spoonful and sent it to his lips.

Mo Beichen bowed his head and took a sip, frowning frowningly: "It's cold."

"It was stewed by mother."

It means you have to drink when it's cold.

Sure enough, upon hearing that it was stewed by his mother-in-law himself, Mo Beichen took the soup cup and drank it.

The white raccoon blinked and looked at Mo Beichen with a joke: "It's better to give you all the soup for the future."

It's not necessarily her reason that she can't have a baby anyway.

Mo Beichen gave her a pampered look and hugged her directly.

"What are you doing?" Bai Tan hugged Mo Beichen's neck.

Mo Beichen leaned over her gorgeous lips and kissed, and said dumbly, "Try the effect of tonic and see if it is necessary to drink."

The **** flushed his eyes slightly red, and before she resisted, Mo Beichen was pressed under him.

After two hours, Bai Tan was weakly holding Mo Beichen's neck.

"I was wrong. I will drink the soup later."

He didn't need to make up at all. In case it was made up, she would still suffer, just like now.

Listening to her soft and waxy voice, his eyes grew darker.

"I think the effect is good, you can drink it every day." Mo Beichen buried her head in her neck, taking time.

The **** looked silently at the top.

She was wrong. Is she wrong?

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