Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1268: Golden Tongyu Girl Loves It


Unexpectedly, he would come by himself, and Bai Ruxuan stepped back with a blush.

"Xuaner, don't be afraid."

Afraid to scare her, Murong Xu approached her carefully.

Bai Ruxuan twisted her clothes anxiously, feeling that her heart was about to jump out nervously.


Murong Hui gently held her hand.

Bai Ruxuan's hand trembled unconsciously and immediately wanted to retract her hand.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." Murong Yan held her hand tightly, not letting her escape.

Bai Ruxuan's face flushed and her head flushed, but she did not withdraw her hands.

Murong Yu rejoiced for a while, and had to take another step forward.

Bai Ruxuan was startled and stepped back subconsciously.

Feeling like a beast of flood, Murong Yu smiled bitterly, but stopped talking, only watching her quietly, giving her time to calm down.

He bowed his head, the warm breath sprayed on her forehead, and instantly made her whole body straight, and now she was really red from head to toe.

Rou Yiqin, whose palm was soft, was sweating, and Murong trembled in her heart.

Looking at her flushed neck, Murong Yu sighed, and suddenly reached out and held her in her arms: "How can you be so cute?"

Bai Ruxuan was stiff, and immediately panicked to push him away, but he hugged tightly.

"Xuaner, I miss you so much." Murong Hui hugged her and murmured in her ear.

Passing affectionately from his ear to his heart, Bai Ruxuan stopped moving.

It turned out he missed her too.

Feeling that she was no longer resisting, Murong Yu rejoiced and hugged her even more tightly: "I will not go back this time."

The warm breath sprayed across the neck, and Bai Ruxuan began to speed up again.

She squeezed his corner of clothing nervously, and looked up at him flushedly: "Are you really not going back?"

Murong Yu stared at her with burning eyes: "I want to stay in the holy heaven and guard you forever."

The words of tenderness and warmth instantly made her eyes wet.

It was stupid of him to stay to protect her.

Seeing that she was crying, Murong Su suddenly felt distressed.

He kissed her in the corner of her eyes lovingly, and her heart trembled, her hands clenching his corners to tighten tightly.

The delicate and silky feel made him want more.

Sexy thin lips rolled from her eyes to her gorgeous lips.

The breath was entangled, and Bai Ruxuan's body was tense for a moment, and her mind was blank.

"Good, close your eyes."

The gentle soft coax seemed to have a special magic power, making her obedient.

His stiff body also gradually softened in his tenderness.

Murong Yu devoted himself, but was careful, for fear of scaring the people in his arms.

Under the begonia tree, a pair of golden boy jade girls kissed intimately, silently telling each other's love.

There is a lot of warmth and friendship in Luoyiju, and the banquet in Luoshuidian is not over.

Bai Chuxin, everyone is happy that two drinks are inevitable.

In addition, all the old friends are here. The **** is not able to drink too much.

It wasn't until the child finally ended.

At the feast, everyone drank almost.

Mo Beichen helped Baiju to return to the Star Palace.

"Amo, I'm sorry, I'm drinking again." Baici drew drunkly on Mo Beichen's handsome face and regretted it.

"So punish." Mo Beichen looked at her gloomily, her eyes closing her lips.

I drank too much last night, and the **** couldn't get up the next morning.

"Good, keep sleeping."

Mo Beichen kissed her lips lovingly and got up.

"Tough work for you." Baitan rolled over and continued to sleep.

Mo Beichen hooked his lips pettiously, and then dressed himself and went up.

The ministers also drank a lot of wine yesterday, but everyone arrived on time.

Everyone was considerate when they saw that the **** did not come up.

Because there were still many things just after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Mo Beichen sat in the chapel all morning and announced his withdrawal from the DPRK.

As soon as Mo Beichen came out of the Bachu Hall, he saw the mother and daughter of the Hua family stopped by Cao Yue.

"Put us in. Do you know who we are?"

Auntie Hua shouted while pushing Cao Yue's knife while stalking her neck.

"I don't know." Cao Yue answered blankly.

He certainly knew who they were, but if it wasn't for them to be Baidi's family, he would have cut them with a stab.

Aunt Hua snorted coldly, and proudly said, "I tell you, our dreamer is the future princess, please let me go, otherwise I want you to look good."

Cao Yue rolled his eyes darkly.

The ambition is not small, but such an ugly woman still wants to be a princess. Where is she confident?

"Your Majesty is facing down." When Mo Beichen stood at the entrance of the main hall, Bai Ruomeng immediately pulled Aunt Lahua with shame.

Seeing the mother and daughter, Mo Beichen frowned angrily, then turned and walked through the other door.

"Mo Beichen, stop me."

Auntie Hua was suddenly anxious, desperately shouting at Mo Beichen.

"Bold, dare to call Mo Di's name directly, don't you want to live?" Cao Yue sank and sang loudly.

Wherever Aunt Hua was afraid of him, she would scold him with her neck around, but she was stopped by Bai Ruomeng: "Aunt."

"Let's go and stop him in front." Auntie Hua thought of the business and immediately pulled Bai Ruomeng to chase Mo Beichen.

Cao Yue frowned: "Staring at them."


The guard turned around and followed the two.

"Go and report to Baidi." Cao Yue ordered another guard.


The guard also ran to the Astral Palace.

Although Mo Beichen changed paths, he was stopped by Hua's mother and daughter.

"Mo Beichen, stop me."

Auntie Hua rushed towards Mo Beichen, but before she met Mo Beichen, the following guard rushed over.

"Dare to run into Mo Di, do you want to stay in prison?"

The guards blocked the mother and daughter of the Hua Family and prevented them from approaching Mo Beichen.

"Mo Beichen, don't think you have to lock us up. You must be responsible when you look at our body." Auntie Hua wanted to push away the guard, and the guard was too strong, so he could only pull his throat towards Mo Beichen call out.

The guard was shocked when he heard what Auntie Hua said.

It is true that Mo Beichen has seen no strangeness, and ignored the mother and daughter of Hua's at all, and turned and left.

I don't know if the girl has woken up. If she didn't wake up, she just hugs and sleeps again.

When Mo Beichen was leaving, Auntie Hua was anxious.

Bai Ruomeng was also anxious, shouting on his toes: "Emperor, Menger is sincere. Please ask Emperor to give Menger a chance."

Listening to Bai Ruomeng's shameless words, the guards only felt hot ears.

The guard who Auntie Hua grabbed, "Menger go after him."

Bai Ruomeng nodded, and quickly raised his skirt and rushed towards Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed, and before she approached, he waved his sleeve robe.

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