Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1270: Most trusted person

Bai Jue and Bai Ruyue looked at each other and said, "Please come in."


Qi Wen answered, and soon led Bai Ruoshui and Li Ziru into.

"See Baidi, Princess Lingyue."

As soon as they entered the house, they bowed down to Baijue and Bai Ruyue.

"Get up."

The **** got up and helped them up.

"Thank Your Majesty."

Beaver looked at the two with a smile: "Is there anything wrong with my brother-in-law and my sister?"

Bai Ruoshui glanced at Li Ziru, Li Ziru bowed down: "That's the case. Shuier and I came here this time to Chao He Xinjun. Now that the ascension ceremony is over, we want to go back, so we're here to leave."

The **** frowned and looked at Bai Ruoshui: "Why are you in a hurry and don't stay for two more days to accompany Eryi and Aunt Ruan?"

Bai Ruoshui embarrassedly lowered his eyes: "It was a rare return to accompany my father and mother, but the young child still wanted to go back earlier, wait for the child to be older, and then find a chance to return to meet his parents and the two emperors . "

The **** nodded: "Okay, that's the case, then I won't leave you, so be careful on your way."

The two immediately bowed.

The **** looked at Qiwen again: "Prepare some gifts for the six brother-in-law and six sisters to take home."

"No need." Bai Ruoshui waved his hands in a panic.

The **** chuckled: "Yes, six brothers-in-law and six sisters often come back in the future."

"Yes." Bai Ruoshui blessed himself before quitting with Li Ziru.

Bai Ruyue sighed while watching Bai Ruoshui's back.

Although she didn't like this sister, she was very happy to see that she was doing well now. I hope she doesn't want to die like Bai Ruomeng in the future and live a good life. In the future, there will be two elder monarchs, elder sister and elder brother-in-law, and the Li family will not dare to bully her.

Bai Ruoshui and Li Ziru left the Astral Palace and went to the old man, the Bai Tingxuan couple, the Bai Tingan couple, and finally came to Aunt Ruan.

Aunt Ruan took Bai Ruoshui's reluctance and said, "Be sure to come back often when you have time."

Bai Ruoshui also nodded in tears, "I know my aunt."

"Have a good relationship with your aunt, if you have any difficulty remember to write back." Aunt Ruan said uneasily.

"I know, my aunt is also very good in the palace. I can go to my mother more often when I have time. The mother is a good one." Bai Ruoshui was not relieved to tell Aunt Ruan.

Now that the aunt is in the palace, she can't rely on her father but her mother. The mother is reasonable. As long as she doesn't do anything wrong, the mother won't embarrass her.

Aunt Ruan wiped away her tears: "I know your mother is good, and I will serve her well in the future."

She rushed to find such a good person for Shuier, and she should serve her well.

Bai Ruoshui nodded with red eyes: "Then I will leave with ease, and if we leave too late, we will sleep on the street."

"Bring this." Auntie Ruan took a small bag and handed it to Bai Ruoshui. "Auntie has no ability and has nothing to give you, so I made some clothes for Dong brother."

Bai Ruoshui smiled with a smile: "Where is my aunt saying this, this is the best gift."

The mother and daughter reluctantly reluctantly for a long time before Bai Ruoshui left with Li Ziru.

Auntie Ruan looked at their back and kept tearing.

I don't know when their mother and daughter will meet again this time.

Here Bai Ruoshui resigned from Baiju, and the three grand ancestors of Bei Xiao also went to Yu Shufang to resign to Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen asked the **** to come over.

I didn't expect them to leave so quickly, Bai Jue was a little bit reluctant: "Why aren't some of them staying for two more days in Holy Heaven, Brother Brother Bei would like to go to the mountains to see."

Bei Xiao smiled and arched his hand: "Already disturbed, this is goodbye."

Bei Yiyang also laughed: "I have already seen Master and Bu Shibo, and when I come back next time, I must return to Fengshen Mountain for a few more days."

This time he was with his grandfather and uncle, and could not act alone.

And the man was still waiting outside the city, it was already day and night, and then the guy would definitely have another attack.

"All right." It was decided to see them, and Beaver went with them.

He took the gift box from Xu Zhong and handed it to Bei Xiao: "This is a gift that Xun prepared for Emperor Moxue."

"Thank you two emperors." Bei Xiao took the gift box and immediately thanked him.

"Then we'll say goodbye." Bei Xiao said, looking at Mo Beichen, and he looked like he would stop talking.

Mo Beichen stood up and said, "I will send you."

"Thank you Emperor." Bei Xiao immediately rejoiced and thanked him immediately.

Mo Beichen drove them out of Shengtian City in a cart.

"Do you have anything to tell me?"

Mo Beichen did not use "朕" any more, and to him, they were not outsiders.

It turned out that he had seen it for a long time, and Bei Xiao bowed to Mo Beichen with shame: "In fact, this time the emperor is here too. He wants to see you, so the old minister ..."

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: "He is also here."

"Yes." Bei Xiao wiped the sweat from his forehead, and he couldn't help it. The emperor was so wayward when he was young. Now he grows up, and they only have deeds.

"Brother Chen!"

The two were talking, and Situ Yi rushed over on horseback.

Mo Beichen lifted his eyes and looked at the original young boy, and turned into the appearance of a young boy. Suddenly, he felt a long time.

Situ Yi was a little tiptoe and flew off the horse's back.

"Brother Chen, I knew you were fine."

Situ Yi wanted to pounce on Mo Beichen, and Mo Beichen took a step back immediately.

Situ Yi's expression froze, and he immediately aggrieved.

Bei Xiao took Bei Ziyan and Bei Yiyang back to the distance, giving the two enough time to be alone.

Bei Yiyang looked at the shy man in the distance and felt a little bit sad.

In any case, he can never replace the position of Wang Ye in his heart, but he will still guard him well.

Situ Yi grievously pulled Mo Beichen's clothing corner: "She treats you well, if you are not good, you can come back at any time, and I will make you emperor."

Mo Beichen hooked his lips: "I'm fine."

Situ Yi took a deep breath: "I've been looking for you for years."

He had been worried about his death before. He hadn't given up searching for his whereabouts in recent years, but fortunately he is back now.

There was a touch of movement in Mo Beichen's eyes, and he did not answer.

"I've grown up and will handle state affairs by myself. You don't have to worry about me." Situ Yi still thought for himself.

Mo Beichen nodded: "The Bei family is loyal and you can trust them."

Situ Yi Zhao Beixiao gave them a glance: "I know, I have reused them all these years."

They were the people he trusted the most before, so he trusted them too.

Mo Beichen was silent again.

The two remained silent for a long time, and Situ Yicai said, "I'm getting married."

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