Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1273: Successful escape

"I don't know if Xiao Xuaner will go back?"

Bai Ruyue was a bit worried about Bai Ruxuan, and she didn't even think about shopping.

The **** frowned, and just wanted Qin Tian to go to Qin Lang, Qin Lang ran over.

"Where are they?" Bai Ruyue asked anxiously before Baiju asked.

Qin Lang gasped, "Master Shu has returned to the palace with the five princesses."

Bai Ruyue breathed a sigh of relief.

The **** looked at the sky: "It's getting late, let's go back."

Bai Ruyue nodded, she was also a bit tired, and after a long absence from shopping, she felt tired after walking for so long.

Murong Yusao pouted dissatisfied: "Is this going back? I haven't played enough yet, I still want to take a look outside the city."

The **** frowned. If she didn't play enough, they could accompany her again and again, but outside the city ...

When Murong Yubi saw the horse in front of her blinking, she took a horse and lost a gold ingot to others, and turned over.

"Go back first, I'll go outside the city myself."

Without waiting for everyone's response, Murong Yuxi rushed out, pinching the horse's belly.

The **** was anxious and quickly looked at Qin Lang: "Hurry up, follow me soon."

Qin Lang panted, and as soon as he was about to respond, he listened to Qin Tian and said, "Let's go."

Qin Tian also picked up a horse and turned over.

"Give money."

Shouted at Qin Lang, Qin Tian rushed out on a horse.

After a long while, Qin Lang returned to God and took the money to the owner.

The **** looked uneasily at the gate of the city.

"Relax, there will be nothing in Qin Tian." Knowing she was worried, Mo Beichen comforted her.

Bai Tan nodded, of course Qin Tian went to her, rest assured, but she originally wanted Qin Lang to follow, and wanted to create opportunities for Qin Lang and Aunt.

Recently, her aunt is worrying about her son's family affairs. She thinks Qin Lang has a good temperament, is open-minded and talkative, and she should be a good match. How can I know that this guy has not realized her intentions at all.

The **** glanced at Qin Lang with a grudge.

Qin Lang touched his head somehow. Why did Baidi see him this way, did he do something wrong?

"Let's go, go back." Bai Tan sighed slightly and pulled Mo Beichen away.

Several people went to the palace together.

Qin Lang was even more puzzled. Why did he feel that Baidi was angry, but he thought about it just now and didn't think there was anything wrong.

Outside the city, Murong Yu drove horses galloping fast.

The cool night breeze blew to her face, making her feel very happy.

Although this is not the northwest grassland, this mountain forest and snowy area has a unique style.

I heard that this holy city is not only close to the Senluo Mountains, but also very close to the snowy ice field. She had long wanted to see the snowy ice field.

Mu Rongyu slammed his whip and galloped towards the snowy ice field.

Following Qin Tian at the back, he heard the sound of a horseshoe changing direction, and frowned, and then pulled over the stable and followed.

Murong Yubi ran all the way, the closer she got to the snow mountain, the more excited she became.

It was only at the foot of the Snow Mountain that she finally slowed down.

Feeling the cold scent coming from his face, Murong Yuxi couldn't help but hang her lips.

It is indeed a snowy ice field, and it was cold enough.

I heard that riding a horse into a snowy mountain would be dangerous. Murong Yuyi tied the horse to a big tree and went into the snowy mountain on foot.

The ice-cold snow silk drifted to his face. Murong Yuyu not only did not feel cold, but had a sense of soothing.

Murong Yuxi climbed up the mountain in excitement, and Qin Tian followed here at the foot of the Snow Mountain.

Seeing the horse under the tree, Qin Tian's frown tightened again, rolled over and dismounted, set the horse on a branch, and hurriedly entered the Snow Mountain to find someone.

The snow-capped mountains are covered with snow and skating all year round, but it is not difficult for Murong Yuyu. She grew up on the prairie in the northwest. A snowy mountain.

Climbing across a hill and standing on the top of the hill, Murong Yu suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment.

Taking a deep breath of that cool breath, looking down at the whiteness, Murong Yuxi laughed uneasily.

I wanted to come here for a long time, and it was as beautiful as the legend.

Murong Yuchen looked up at the mountains behind him, and ran happily again.

Behind, Qin Tian chased all the way along Murong Yuyu's footprints.

He was fast, but never caught up.

After chasing someone for a while, Qin Tian was a little worried and immediately speeded up.

When Qin Tian chased to the top of the hill, Murong Yubi had already reached Lao Gao.

Seeing a small spot on the snow-capped mountain behind, Qin Tian frowned and quickly chased after him.

Murong Yubi crawled lightly up to half, and she suddenly saw a Bingxin snowdrop.

Murong Yu's eyes brightened, and she immediately rejoiced.

This snow lotus that has condensed into ice heart has been for at least 1,000 years. This is a rare and rare medicinal material. I thought that the older sister took a lot of effort to find this medicinal material. I did not expect that she was encountered today. All right.

Murong Yuxi was excited, and moved towards the ice heart snow lotus a little.

Following Qin Tian climbing the Snow Mountain, watching Murong Yu's dangerous movement, his eyebrows frowned even more.

Murong Yuyu finally moved to the place, looking at the snowdrop with ice crystals, Murong Yuyu carefully dug it out.

Just as Bingxin Xuelian left the Snow Mountain, a huge Xuepeng suddenly flew out of the cave, poking directly at Murong Yu's eyes.

Murong Yu was startled, slipping at his feet, and the whole person fell off the snowy mountain in an instant.

Just when Murong Yudi panicked and wanted to control her body, she fell into someone's arms.

The falling heart suddenly fell to the ground, and Murong Yu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the person catching herself.

"It's you?"

Seeing Qin Tian, ​​Murong Yuxi blinked in shock.

Isn't this the cousin's general? Why is he here?

Before waiting for Murong Yu to figure out what was going on, Da Xuepeng swooped over at them.

Qin Tian, ​​holding Murong Yuyu, ran down the snowy mountain.

Where Daxuepeng would let them go, he opened his mouth to blow the blizzard.

The strong cold wind and violent snow immediately fascinated the eyes of the two, making them difficult to move.

Qin Tian pulled the cloak and covered Murong Yubi's body.

"You go first." Qin Tian pushed Murong Yuzhang out of a blizzard with one palm, turned around and flew towards Xueshan and Daxuepeng together.

The snow danced wildly, and Murong Yuzhang could not see anything, but he could only hear the sound of weapons hitting the rock wall along the howling cold wind.

Murong Yu frowned. Da Xuepeng should be a holy beast. I'm afraid that general won't win it for a while.

Murong Yuxi looked down at Bingxin Xuelian in his hand, and when he gritted his teeth, he rushed into the snowstorm with his cloak.

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