Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1277: Choose the boss or the second child

In the room, Bai Qingyan held tears in her hands with tears in her eyes.

"How the **** did this happen? How did it hurt?"

Murong Jinhong frowned, but also looked distressed: "It was said that it was a big avalanche, and it was the general who saved the child."

"Avalanche!" Bai Qingyan trembled suddenly, her voice rising unconsciously.

Murong Yu frowned, as if to be woken up.

"Be quiet, don't wake the child up." Murong Jinhong glanced nervously at Murong Yuquan, lowering her voice.

Bai Qingyan gathered her emotions and put Murong Yubi's hand back into the quilt before pulling Murong Jinhong to the outside.

"What the **** is going on? How can you have an avalanche?"

"It is said that this girl ran to the snowy ice field, and somehow she encountered an avalanche." Murong Jinhong heard herself and repeated it.

The raccoon girl didn't tell him very clearly just now, he knew it.

Bai Qingyan's heart fluttered suddenly: "Hey, this girl is really brave enough, and one would dare to run to the snowy ice field, which is a place where the army and mercenaries dare not go."

Murong Jinhong purses her lips: "Don't blame her, it's all an old sin."

The thought of Murong Yu's pair of radish hands made Murong Jinhong distressed.

Bai Qingyan sighed, "Would you like Tanuki to come and show her, I don't know if there are any injuries on her body."

Murong Jinhong glanced inside: "Check it tomorrow, let her sleep well tonight."

It should not have suffered any serious injuries, and if it was injured, the general should have said it.

Seeing that Murong Yu was sleeping soundly, Bai Qingyan had no choice but to give up.

"Come on, don't disturb her." Murong Jinhong walked out of the room with Bai Qingyan in her arms.

"This child is brave and will hold her in the future." Back in the room, Bai Qingyan couldn't help complaining.

"Well, I will listen to you, and never let her go out." Murong Jinhong, her pet wife, nodded and sold her daughter immediately.

"I'm serious, this child is going to say kiss, but can't run around like this anymore." Bai Qingyan said as he undressed for him.

You have to take her heart first, but you ca n’t marry into your in-laws so wildly.

Murong Jinhong stubbed her neck indifferently: "What's wrong with running around, whoever wants to marry my baby girl in the future can't hold her back. If not, don't marry anyone."

Bai Qingyan smiled and yelled at him: "You are used to it, the girls are spoiled by you. No one will marry in the future, you will keep it yourself."

Murong Jin Hongle became happy: "I don't support my own daughter, who will become a relative, and I will also support it."

Bai Qingyan was amused by him: "Are you going to learn from your dad and put all your daughters at home?"

As soon as Murong Jinhong's eyes brightened, she was a little excited: "This is a good idea. Why didn't I think of it before. If we don't want to marry, we will ask for more."

It ’s still a good old man to look far into the future. There are not many children and not many recruits at home, and there will be many children and grandchildren in the future. This is really a good thing.

Bai Qingyan glared at him, "Why do you think it's a one out, in case people don't want to recruit any more."

The blessings of the girls in their Bai family are good. Prince Qing Ye and Zi Xiao are willing to recruit Bai family, but how many men are there in this world?

"Then avoid talking." Murong Jinhong waved indifferently.

His daughter Murong Jinhong was afraid that no one wanted it, and he could find hundreds of good husbands for her in minutes.

"What if Yuner likes them?" Bai Qingyan poured cold water on him.

Who can tell this emotional matter, if his daughter likes others and wants to get married, will he stop him?

Murong Jinhong stayed blank, frowning: "Is there any person you like?"

"I mean just in case."

The child's mind is not emotional at all, it should be no sweetheart yet.

Murong Jinhong pouted, "That won't work either, you have to recruit."

How can the Bai family recruit extras, but their Murong family cannot?

Seeing him being so persistent, Bai Qingyan's eyes rolled, and he pulled him to the bed: "What do you think of General Qin?"

"General Qin?" Murong Jinhong frowned at Bai Qingyan. "Did you fancy that kid?"

Bai Qingyan raised her eyebrows: "I think he's not bad. He's a good match with our sister-in-law. What do you think of him?"

Murong Jinhong carefully recalled the appearance of Xia Qintian: "It's okay. Looking at fortitude, but also physically fit, it's colder."

It's so cold, it doesn't match the atmosphere of their home.

Bai Qingyan laughed with a flutter: "What you said is the boss of the other person. I asked the second child."

Where does this all go? It's just a misnomer.

"The second child?" Murong Jinhong frowned, and then stunned, "It's that kid, that kid is a bit shy."

I have contacted it a few times before, and he looks like a talented man, tall and mighty, but he looks embarrassed.

"What's wrong with me?" Bai Qingyan was unwilling, glaring at Murong Jinhong, "Why is my son still melancholy, why isn't it good. Besides, don't you want to recruit extras? It's possible that this second kid can recruit extras, you can't Let the boss of the family make it redundant. "

Murong Jin Hongbi nodded: "This is also true."

After successfully persuading Murong Jinhong, Bai Qingyan was satisfied: "That's the case, I'll ask Tan Er to let her create opportunities for them, so that they can cultivate their feelings first."

Murong Jinhong frowned: "It's not a rush, I'm still young."

Why is it so uncomfortable to hear that his daughter is going to marry?

"Why not anxious?" Bai Qingyan gave him a glance, and went to bed to lay a cover: "General Qin, who just became a marshal, is the youngest nobleman in this holy heaven city. I don't know how many girls are rushing to ask, Can you hurry up? "

It was so easy to find a son-in-law, and we must not let others get on first.

Murong Jinhong pouted in dissatisfaction, what happened to the marshal? His son-in-law was still the county owner, but the man who wanted to marry their son-in-law could go from the heaven to Zixiao.

The couple talked enthusiastically about the future aunt, and Murong Yu was trapped in the dream.

She dreamed that she was pressed under the snow mountain, it was dark and cold, and the snow mountain couldn't hold her breath.

She was afraid to climb out from under the snow mountain, but she couldn't move, no matter how hard she struggled, how hard she could not get rid of the burden on her body.

A beam of light suddenly lit up in the darkness in front of her. She was immediately overjoyed and yelled at the beam of light: "Qin Tian, ​​help me quickly."

As if scared by her, not only did the beam of light not move forward, it moved slowly backwards.

The dazzling light beam is getting farther and farther, and finally it becomes a distant light spot.

"Don't go, don't go ..." She was anxious, desperately shouting at the star-like light spot, "Qin Tian, ​​don't go!"

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