Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1280: I like you

Murong Yuxi, who was immersed in tension and excitement, suddenly heard such a word, and suddenly hesitated.

Like ... Qin Lang?

When did she like Qin Lang? She clearly likes him.

Does she like him?

Realizing what she was thinking, Murong Yu blushed suddenly.

She actually likes him. When did she like him?

Seeing her face flushed and shy, Qin Tian was choking with breath, and her heart was too painful to breathe.

He clenched his fists, and the sourness in his mouth finally turned into one sentence: "Congratulations."

A low-pitched voice with endless sorrow and despair.

Another sentence that made Murong Yu aggressive.

However, Qin Tian turned away without waiting for her to understand.

"Stop." Murong Yu shouted hurriedly when Qin Tian was leaving.

Qin Tian's body was stiff, but he did not stop.

He didn't want to stay in this suffocating place for a moment.

Seeing that he really had to leave, Murong Yu was anxious. She looked down and didn't find something suitable, so she took off her shoes and threw it at him: "I'll let you stand."

With a bang, the embroidered shoes happened to hit Qin Tian's head.

Qin Tian didn't move, he clenched his fists, his face was so scary.

However, Murong Yuxi could not see his face, and when he no longer moved forward, he looked at his back flushly: "I don't like your brother, I ... I like you."

The word "Is you" spread into Qin Tian's ears like a magic sound, and Qin Tian froze for a moment.

For him, this is the only word left in the world at this moment.

Rejoicing, surprised, and full of joy, these are not enough to describe his mood at the moment.

Murong Yu's head was lowered from head to foot.

She knew that girls should be reserved, but she wanted him to know her mind, and she had a hunch. If she didn't say it, they might have missed it in her life.

After waiting for a while, he couldn't wait for him to speak.

Murong Yuzhang was a little lost, but more of it was shyness without a place to rest.

She stomped and jumped behind him to pick up her shoes.

She didn't even have time to put on her shoes, and she fled.

A figure passed by, Qin Tian grasped her subconsciously.

Murong Yu's heartbeat accelerated, trying to shake him off, but his hands were pinched tightly.

As soon as Qin Tian's wrist turned, she pulled her back.

Qin Tian stared at her with scorching eyes, and her burning eyes seemed to say that her soul was burning.

Murong Yu shook her head shyly and dared not look up.

For a long while, Qin Tiancai stepped forward and gently embraced her.

Murong Yu lay quietly on his chest, like a little sheep.

"What you just said is true?"

Because the nervous voice was trembling slightly, Qin Tian had never been so unconfident in his life.

Murong Yuxi blushed, her heart throbbed nervously, and she whispered "Um".

A "hmm" made Qin Tianpiao's heart rise to the sky, he hugged her as if to melt her into his blood.

Mu Rongyu lay in his arms shamefully, with a slight sweetness in his heart.

After hugging for a while, Qin Tiancai remembered that she was not wearing shoes.

Pick up her shoes, hold her to the corner, hold her little feet and dress her shoes for herself.

Murong Yuchen looked at his gentle movements, rejoicing in his heart.

"How about you, do you like me?" She asked shyly, hugging his neck.

Qin Tian moved for a moment, and looked at her.

Four eyes met, and the eyes of the two were instantly intertwined.

Seeing her eyes full of his figure, he was choked, and he couldn't help leaning over.

A little enlargement of Jun Yan suddenly made her swallow nervously.

The thin lips were attached to her, and her curled eyelashes trembled, closing her eyes slowly.

He pulled the cloak over her and kissed her awkwardly.

The clumsy and astringent kiss did not affect their sweetness.

He froze his ears for a while before he let go of her reluctantly.

Murong Yuyi hid in his cloak and lay softly on his chest.

"Do not throw shoes in the future." The low-dumb voice was domineering.

Murong Yu pouted her lips, it wasn't her harm, or if he was going to leave proudly, would she throw her shoes?

The two sat for a while, and Qin Tiancai looked at the people in his arms: "Are you still shopping?"

"Of course." Murong Yu raised her eyebrows, jumped out of his arms, took his hand, "It's hard to find a natural pleasure to stroll."

Mu Rongyu said, and pulled him to the lively street.

Just now she was in no mood to stroll, and now his brother has replaced him, she is interested.

"I want this."

Murong Yuzhang pulled Qin Tian to a small jewelry booth, picked up a pair of sword spikes, and gave him a blue one, "Here we are, one for each of us."

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows, silently collected the sword spike, and gave it to the silver.

"There are selling sweets in front."

Seeing the sugar gourd seller, Murong Yuxi immediately ran Qin Tian over.

Qin Tian gave silver and a candy gourd to her.

Murong Yu couldn't wait to bite a bite, and then immediately frowned, "It's sweet, it's delicious. You can take a bite too."

Qin Tianjun blushed and ate the half of the sugar candy gourd held in front of him.

It's so sweet!

Obviously he does not like sweets, but at this moment it is like eating the most delicious things in the world.

"It's delicious." Murong Yu looked at him with a smile and took a sip of rock sugar gourd.

Qin Tian petted her eyebrows, her cold heart softened instantly.

"There seems to be juggling ahead, let's go and see." Murong Yuzhang pulled him and ran forward.

Qin Tian held her hand backhand and carefully guarded her.

From Dongjie to Zhongjie, and from Zhongjie to West Street, the two walked the entire street of Shengtian City in the afternoon.

"Tired?" He rubbed her sleeves and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

"Tired." She fluttered into his arms coquettishly.

He looked at her petulantly, squatting in front of her: "I carry you."

Murong Yu was not polite, crawling obediently to his back.

Anyway, this is not the first time to memorize, and there is nothing to be shy about.

"Are you still shopping?" He stood up and asked her.

"No more shopping, tired." She lay weakly on his back.

"Then I'll send you back."

Qin Tian walked towards the palace carrying Murong Yuyu.

"You haven't answered my question just now. Do you like me?" Murong Yuhuan hugged his neck, his head rested on his shoulder, and asked persistently.

Qin Tian's heart trembled, his eyes were gloomy, and it took a long while for him to say "um".

Mu Rongyu was happy, and suddenly went to the front and kissed him on the face.

Great, he turned out to like her too.

Qin Tianjun flushed, and the corners of her lips rose unconsciously.

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