Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1294: Nice bride

A whole early dynasty, Huo Bin was stingy.

He kept trying to remember Qiwen's appearance, but he couldn't remember it.

After the early dynasty, Huo Bin hurried to the Star Palace, but was stopped by Xie Kun: "Where is this in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to see my bride." Huo Bin said before leaving.

"You come back to me." Xie Kun hated Iron Huo and pulled Huo Bin back. "Are you stupid? Your future daughter-in-law is waiting for the emperor, and they all live in the Star Palace. That's how you can Just go in. "

Their Bai Chu culture is fairly enlightened. If they change to another country and break into the emperor's palace, it will be a capital crime.

Huo Bin raised an eyebrow: "What then?"

If he can't enter the Astral Palace, what else does he think of his bride?

Xie Kun stared at him: "Why do you have to watch? Anyway, the emperor has already married, and after seeing it well or not, you can still resist it."

It's all superfluous.

Huo Bin frowned: "Let me take a look then, do I have a bottom in my heart?"

He didn't take a look at it, and he was not at ease.

"The imperial edicts for marriage have come down, and these two days have passed, and there may be surprises when you get married." Xie Kun could not help telling Huo Bin to come.

"What if it's scary." Huo Bin squeezed his eyebrows at Xie Kun.

Xie Kun suddenly laughed: "Why, did you not want to marry a wife before? Do you mind the appearance of future wives?"

Huo Bin glared at him dissatisfied: "I don't want to marry and marry an ugly person, can that be the same?"

"Rest assured, whoever waits for the emperor can look ugly and must look good." Xie Kunlian dragged Huo Bin out of the White Chu Hall.

When they met Cao Yue outside, they thanked Huo Bin.


"I didn't expect General Zhenxi to get married, or the Emperor has a way."

"I heard that the bride is the servant of the emperor. General Zhenxi is very blessed."

Huo Bin smiled and arched at them, and went home in a complicated mood.

There is also a complicated mood here.

The emperor suddenly gave him a marriage. Why? Don't trust him? So send someone to watch him?

Ren Tianheng thought and vetoed it. It should not. Even if she doesn't trust him, she should trust Huo Bin. Huo Bin was also given a marriage.

He had never thought about this marriage before. Women were trouble for him. For example, Cen Miaolu, water poplar, and Tian were not ashamed. If he wanted to marry a woman like Cen Miaolu, he would rather spend his life alone.

That young man, Ren Tianheng thought about it but he didn't have any impression.

Forget it, if you can't resist, then marry, and those matchmakers in the provincial city ran to the Prime Minister's House every day, annoying.

Because Xue Qingyu was leaving, Baitan provided Yunzhi with a generous dowry that day, and told her to leave with Xue Qingyu and Songyan.

Also with them were Qing Ruyue and Nangong Huang.

The two went to pick up the children this time. This time Murong Yulian and Bai Ruxuan got married together, which just gave them reasons to pick up the children.

Outside the city of Saint Heaven, Yunzhi gave a **** to the **** with tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry, you're all brides, and you're crying, making people laugh." Baiju personally lifted Yun Zhi up.

Yun Zhi looked at her, and the tears in his eyes couldn't stop.

The **** looked at Songyan again: "I warn you, you can't bully our family Yunzhi, otherwise I would have to let her come back."

Songyan suddenly sweated coldly: "The emperor is assured that I will be good at Yunzhi and will not bully her forever."

The **** nodded with satisfaction, and Yunzhi was flushed.

Baitan took a small bag from her arms and handed it to Yunzhi: "This is the elixir that I specially made for you. Many of them are baodandan. Keep it well and eat it when you are pregnant."

Yunzhi blushed and shed tears again: "Miss ..."

"Well, go." Afraid she was crying again, the **** urged her to get into the carriage directly.

"Don't cry, I'll go to Qingyou to see you married." Bai Ruyue even pulled her directly to the carriage.

"I'll see you next time."

Baitan said goodbye to Xue Qing.

Watching the carriage go far, the beavers returned to the palace together.

Yunzhi got married, and Qiwen and Qingxi Baiju didn't stay much, and they also held a wedding after three days.

Bai Tan agreed to prepare a rich dowry for the two, because Qiwen also took care of Chu Xiangjun, so Chu Xiangjun also added a lot of dowry to Qiwen.

The **** also personally put makeup on the two of them, the green goose egg face, the willow leaf eyebrow, the standard classical beauty, the **** put her a delicate wife makeup, fresh and elegant, gentle and beautiful, looking at the water Lingling.

Qi Wen's eyebrows are big and her eyebrows are strong and heroic. The **** puts her makeup on her, and the whole person instantly becomes aggressive and beautiful.


They both said goodbye to the **** and gave the **** a hoe.

"Don't cry, my makeup has been worn for a long time." Seeing tears in both eyes, the **** quickly blocked it with a patch.

"It's all in the Holy City. When did you miss me and when would you come to see me in the palace? And ah, if they dare to bully you, they must not bear it, come into the palace and tell me that I'm angry with you. "

The **** did not say these things, but said that the tears of both of them couldn't stop.

"Okay, but don't cry your makeup, you will scare the groom officer."

The two burst into tears together for an instant.

The **** covered them with a red hijab and sent them to the sedan chair in person.

Huo Bin and Ren Tianheng are waiting to pick up their relatives at the gate of the palace.

As soon as the sedan car was gone, the beaver's heart became empty instantly. Before that, there could still be jokes and jokes in the room, but I'm afraid there will be a lot of noise in the room.

Mo Beichen rubbed her shoulders and leaned into her ear and said, "I will serve you in the future."

The **** flushed, and immediately gave him a glance.

Huo Bin and Ren Tianheng picked up the pros together, and then led the bride to the house to worship.

When visiting the church, Huo Bin always wanted to peek at Qiwen, and that strange pose instantly made everyone laugh.

Qiwen covered her hijab. She didn't know what was going on outside. She just became more nervous when she heard their laughter.

After finally worshiping the church, Huo Bin couldn't wait to lead Qiwen back to the new house.

"Walk around and watch the bride go."

Everyone followed and ran to the new house.

In the room, Xi Po has prepared Xi Li: "General, pick your head."

Huo Bin grasped the scales nervously, and lifted Hipa a little.

Everyone crowded to the front, Huo Bin was nervous with sweaty palms, and even Qi Wen was beating.

Hippa was lifted a little, and her exquisite makeup and beautiful face appeared.

Huo Bin stared blankly at Qiwen, so astounded that he even fell off the scales on his hands.

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