Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1296: Small bun uphill

Mo Beichen took Qin Tian to Zixiao and proposed to the little emperor. Baiju stayed behind Baichu and didn't sit idle.

Everyone was brought to the Palace of Stars, including the young buns and future son-in-law Murong Yan, and even invited Bai Qiyuan and Bu Yangzi.

"How did you come?"

Seeing Bu Yangzi, Bai Qiyuan's face suddenly darkened.

Bu Yangzi didn't even look at him, and went to sit beside him.

The **** laughed: "I called the master."

"What the **** is going on?"

Seeing her attracting everyone, everyone was nervous.

The **** chuckled and raised his hand calmly: "Don't be nervous. I'm asking everyone to come here, just to discuss with you how to teach little buns to learn martial arts."

Everyone was relieved when they heard that.

"Learning martial arts is a good thing, I agree." Bai Yihan made the first statement.

Yun Jing is a continent based on martial arts. This is definitely not possible without martial arts, especially martial arts families like their Bai family.

Bai Qiyuan nodded: "It's time to learn martial arts."

This study of martial arts should start from the baby doll, especially the small buns.

Others nodded in approval.

Even a few small buns are full of interest, but they have been waiting for the promise of the aunt.

The **** recruited a few small buns in front of him with a smile: "How about, do you want to learn martial arts?"

"Think!" The loud voice in unison echoed the determination of several people.

The **** led a group of small buns to Bu Yangzi and laughed, "Master, the little buns in our family are all extremely smart and have excellent qualifications, so you accept them."

Pu Yangzi's eyes twitched, and the girl gave him the first cut and then played.

As soon as Baitan wanted to send Xiao Baozi to Bu Yangzi as a disciple, Bai Qiyuan was unwilling: "Why do you want to send it to the mountain? Is there no one in the family to teach it? Come to me in the future, I will teach."

If you do n’t teach a few dolls, who wo n’t.

As soon as Bai Qiyuan spoke, Bu Yangzi sat upright and deliberately cleared his throat: "I have accepted these children, and I will take them to the mountain today."

"No one can tell you, who wants you to teach." I was afraid that Bu Yangzi was grabbing the child, and Bai Qiyuan immediately pulled a few small buns to his side.

Bu Yangzi didn't care about him, just looked at the beaver.

"Thank you, Master, I'll send them all in a while." Baici thanked immediately, but it was the black face that attracted Bai Qiyuan.

Bu Yangzi glanced proudly at Bai Qiyuan's dark face, and got up and said, "I'll go back and wait for you first."

Bu Yangzi smiled and pinched Xiao Yue'er's face, then went out.

As soon as Bu Yangzi left, Bai Qiyuan frowned and glared at the beaver: "Why send a child to Fengshen Mountain, so many people in the family can't even teach a few children."

Knowing that Bai Qiyuan was angry, Baitan immediately poured him a cup of tea and brought it to him: "Grandpa, don't be angry first, don't I want you to have more time to cultivate? This child will teach you how can you return? I have time to cultivate. "

Bai Qiyuan stared: "I can practice at night and teach them during the day."

The **** laughed aloud: "How tired you are, I don't want you to work so hard, let alone Master Master and Uncle Butcher. Uncle Yuan has a good cultivation and rich experience, and I can definitely teach the children well."

Bai Qiyuan sneered dismissively: "Just a few of them haven't learned it well yet, they still teach others."

The cold sweat on Beaver's forehead sprang up instantly.

Grandpa, grandpa, how can you say that your teachers and brothers are really good?

If Master and Uncle are here, they will vomit blood on purpose.

Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling beside them were also very embarrassed, but they were all taught by those who have not yet learned.

Beaver's eyes rolled around, and he smiled, "Grandpa, you don't understand. This study also requires a learning atmosphere. There are many disciples in the college, and there will be competition among the disciples. This can promote mutual progress between the disciples. We all stayed at home to study, so much enthusiasm. "

Bai Qiyuan frowned, and some were moved by the beaver.

Bai Yihan winked at Bai Yihan, and Bai Yihan also went forward: "The raccoon is right. There are not only a lot of disciples in Fengshen College, but also ample aura on the mountain. I also think it ’s better to send it to the mountain. They often go and supervise the children. "

"Brother is right, you can also supervise the teacher, they should welcome you to supervise." Baitan deliberately.

"Huh!" Bai Qiyuan snorted coldly, "If they dare not teach, I will bring the child back immediately."

Seeing Bai Qiyuan's Songkou, Baiju looked at Bai Yihan rejoicingly.

The two chuckled, each with a successful smile.

Beaver smoothly took a few buns to Fengshen Mountain.

This is the first time buns have climbed Fengshen Mountain.

"How? Tired?"

The white raccoon hugged Bai Jiayu and looked at the other three buns.

"Not tired." Bai Huaichang's voice was the loudest and climbed fastest.

Baici looked at Bai Huaichang cheerfully, this little guy really has the style of a big brother.

"We are not tired."

Bai Huaijin and Bai Huaiyue climbed up desperately.

Beaver raised his eyebrows, these little ones, don't look young, but the perseverance is not small.

Bai Niyu was lying on Baizi's arms and ringing Baizi's neck: "Master, I don't want to learn martial arts, I want to learn medicine."

Beaver smiled and kissed her dumb little face: "Yu'er likes medicine."

"Well." Bai Niuyu nodded his head and said softly, "I like herbs. Herbs can make elixir. It's amazing."

The **** chuckled: "Okay, that master will send you to the ancestor to learn medicine."

"Thank you." Bai Niuyu happily sent a fragrant kiss to Baiju, which made Baiju happy to bloom.

In the end, they were still children. When they climbed to the middle of the mountain, the three could not climb, but Baitan did not hold them, let them rest for a while, and continued to let them climb up. As for Bai Niyu, Baitan All hug.

After climbing all morning, everyone finally reached the gate of Fengshen College.

The little ones were all tired and paralyzed on the slate, and refused to move.

"Come here." Bu Yangzi brought Elder Tu along with them.

"Even if they are coming to learn martial arts, their qualifications are pretty good, and perseverance is okay." Elder Tu turned around a few small buns with interest.

The **** smiled and raised an eyebrow: "They all come to worship, you pick, and teach whichever you like."

Elder Tu immediately picked up Changer: "I teach this."

Elder Feng and Elder Yuan grabbed Bai Huaijin and Bai Huaiyue respectively.

Elder Su didn't grab anyone, so he would hold Bai Niyu in Baiju's hand.

"Well, that's not okay." Where would Baitan give him? "My little Yuer didn't come to learn martial arts."

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