Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1304: Marry one get one free

The wedding date of Murong Yuxi and Xiao Xuan'er has arrived, not only the Baichu Palace, but also the entire Holy City.

Even the Zixiao Imperial City is lively and extraordinary, and it feels like a universal celebration.

Qin Tian arrived at Zixiao five or six days in advance.

When her daughter got married, Murong Jin Hongliu had more tears than Bai Qingyan, making Bai Qingyan cry and laugh, and finally forgot to cry.

It was Murong Yubi who looked at Murong Jinhong's old tears, but also cried with tears.

At this moment, she had some regrets. If she stayed at home with her father, wouldn't she be so sad?

When he got into the sedan car, Murong Jinhong wanted to step forward to grab someone, but fortunately Murong hugged him.

"Dad, it's okay. I'm in trouble with my grandfather's house. We can go to see her when I have time. It's not far from Bai Chu. Quick horses can come in three days."

Murong Xi held Murong Jinhong while persuading bitterly.

Murong Jinhong stared at him with red eyes: "The lightness you said, such a long way, it takes three days to go at once, how inconvenient it is."

I really do n’t know why it ’s so convenient to stay in the Bai family.

Murong Jinhong smiled coldly: "It's actually very convenient. If you go back to the northwest, you should be able to arrive from the northwest to Baichu in two days."

Murong Jinhong said, turning his head to signal Qin Tian to go.

Looking at Yue Zhang's distressed look, Qin Tian could only slip away.

By the time Murong Jinhong returned to God, the welcome team had gone.

"I don't even agree with this jerk, isn't this robbing?" Murong Jinhong was furious, and he was about to grab someone back. "That **** daring to rob someone, my daughter is not married."

"Don't." Murong Yan quickly grabbed him, "Dad, the emperor's marriage has been sacred, how can you not marry."

What a decent thing to do.

Where does Murong Jinhong listen? "What is so remarkable about the imperial edict, I will not marry if I say no."

Murong Jinhong said that she would rush outside.

"Dad, let's go back to the northwest. My son is going to be born soon. Our family is going to be dined." Murong Ye had no choice but to take out the killer.

Bai Qingyan, who was sending off her family, just heard such a sentence, and suddenly became nervous: "I will have a baby so soon, don't I say that I will have a baby next month?"

Murong Yan winked at Bai Qingyan.

Bai Qingyan immediately noticed: "This grandma is about to have a baby, we have to go back and see, this baby is like a ghost gate, but it can't be careless."

When he heard that his grandson was about to be born, Murong Jinhong was no longer in trouble.

"Then go back, pack up quickly, and go back tonight."

"Okay." Murong Yan responded, and immediately packed up.

"What about Qin'er, why don't you see anyone?"

Bai Qingyan looked around and didn't see Murong Yuqin, and was suddenly anxious.

"What's wrong?" Murong came out with her baggage and saw Bai Qingyan anxiously.

"Qin'er is gone." Bai Qingyan was anxious that he was out of control.

The child is usually an opinionated person and does not like to stick to her. Sometimes she can't find anyone for a long time, but she married today, she should not run away blindly.

Murong frowned and was a little worried: "Don't worry, let's look for it."

Murong Xu said, went to the backyard to find someone.

Murong Jinhong heard that Murong Yuqin was gone, and hurried to find someone.

"Dad, you have a letter in your study." Murong Xu found Murong Jinhong's study, but found no one but saw a letter.

Murong Jinhong panicked and opened anxiously.

Bai Qingyan and Mu Rongzhen gathered together in the past, and a crooked line was written on the stationery.

Father and mother, Qin Er went to her brother-in-law's house to bring their stupid brother back.

Murong Huan and Bai Qingyan were completely confused after watching, what silly brother? Qin Er said that the silly younger brother would not be Qin Lang.

"Qin Tian, ​​I am at odds with you." Murong Jinhong shouted angrily.

Murong Huan and Bai Qingyan glanced at each other, both with headaches.

"A sneeze!" Qin Tian, ​​riding his tall horse, sneezed sharply.

Rubbing his nose, Qin Tian turned his head to the sedan chair behind him, his eyes softened instantly.


In the sedan car, Murong Yuxi screamed suddenly.

The bearers looked at each other and stopped.

Qin Tian was shocked. He flew to the sedan car and opened the car curtain, but he saw that two people, one big and one small, were staring at the big eyes.

"Murong Yuqin, why are you here?" Murong Yu stared at the little man sitting at her feet, and his eyes flew out in shock.

Murong Yuqin seemed to have just woke up, rubbing her eyes in a frown, "Have you arrived at your brother-in-law's house?"

Murong Yu was so angry that she took her to her feet: "I ask you, why is it in my sedan?"

Murong Yuqin was not afraid of her, and gave her a dismissive glance: "Of course, you climbed up without your attention."

She had been hiding in the wooden box under the seat before, but fell asleep in the nest. When she woke up, she didn't know the time.

"Give me back now."

Murong Yu was so angry and angry that she was about to get out of the sedan.

"Sister, you can't get out of the sedan, not good luck."

Before waiting for the next happy wife to stop her, Murong Yuqin stunned.

Mu Rongyu's feet that stepped out of the sedan car suddenly closed.

"Someone will send her back." Murong Yuxi directly threw Murong Yuqin to Qin Tian.

"I won't leave." Murong Yuxi held his neck without letting go until Qin Tian spoke. "I have left a letter for my father and mother, and my father and mother know that I will go to my brother-in-law's house and will not worry about me."

After listening to Murong Yuqin's remarks, Murong Yuquan was not good.

If this dad is finished, if Dad knows that she loves Qin Lang, don't hack Qin Tian.

Qin Tian's face also turned black. He finally knew how the sneeze had just come.

"You can rest assured that strangers will take me home." Murong Yuqin looked at the two pitifully.

Mu Rongyu frowned and looked at Qin Tian.

Let strangers send Qin Er, she really is not assured, it is better to let Qin Tian send.

Seeing Murong Yuxi's thoughts, Murong Yuqin raised his eyebrows and said, "Let her brother-in-law send it even worse, Dad may not let him go back and get married."

Murong Yu suddenly fell into a row of black lines, according to Dad's temper, this possibility is really possible.

"Don't send me back, so as to avoid delays in coming and going. Anyway, my father and dad also know that I'm with you, and may catch up after a while." Murong Yuqin blinked and continued.

"set off."

Upon hearing that Murong Jinhong might come after him, Murong Yuxi immediately caught Murong Yuqin and waved the curtain.

Qin Tian also turned over and welcomed the team to continue forward.

On the sedan car, Murong Yuqin smiled proudly.

Murong Yu glared at her with a dark face: "Don't be too proud, I will send you back immediately when I am married."

Murong Yuqin pursed her mouth.

Even if she goes back, she will turn his stupid brother back.

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