Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1307: My husband is Qin Lang

The banquet in the hall has not yet passed, and everyone is still waiting for Qin Lang to go back for a drink.

Qin Lang sneaked out, so he didn't want to go back to throw himself in the net, so he carried the little guy back to his yard.

Qin Lang wasn't afraid of people when he looked at him.

"Can you tell me now, where are you from?"

Murong Yuqin blinked with wide eyes and didn't speak.

Why did she tell him? She didn't know him.

Qin Lang looked at her interestingly, and finally felt that he was a bit rude, so he held her in his arms.

Who knows that as soon as he changed his moves, the villain was unwilling: "You can't hold me, men and women can't accept it."

Qin Lang paused and couldn't help laughing: "Men and women are different at the age of seven. You're not old yet."

See how she looks like she is only five or six years old, and talk to him about men and women who are inferior.

Murong Yuqin pushed him and hummed: "Even if I am young, I am a husband."

Have a husband?

Qin Lang stayed for a while and blurted out: "You got married at such a young age?"

No, he's all twenty-two, and he hasn't married yet. This little baby is just a little older and he's married.

Murong Yuqin gave him a dismissive look: "Are you stupid? I'm so young, what kind of relationship?"

She wanted to be married, but her father had to agree.

When the little man said that he was stupid, Qin Lang stumbled again.

He didn't think he was stupid at first, but when she said that, he seemed to be stupid.

"You said you have a husband."

Didn't she say that herself? Does having a husband mean marriage?

Murong Yuqin pouted, "I have a husband, but I haven't become married yet."

Qin Lang raised her eyebrows and finally understood what she meant.

It should be a baby doll, it can only be regarded as a fiance, but the child is young, he does not care about her.

Qin Lang put her on the ground. Now that he has a fiance, it is really not good for him to hold someone casually.

"What's your fiance's name? I'll take you to him."

"It's a husband." Murong Yuqin gave him a white look and corrected displeasingly.

"Okay, husband." Qin Lang didn't care about her, and crouched down. "What's your husband's name, or are you from your family? Uncle took you to find them?"

She should be here with her family, it is not possible to have a wedding party with her fiance, Qin Lang thought so.

Murong Yuqin's smart eyes rolled around: "My husband is the silly brother of this family, do you know?"

Seeing how familiar he is with this Qinfu, you should know the owner of this house.

This silly brother?

Qin Lang was instantly aggressive, and for Mao he thought she was talking about him. But how stupid is he, not her fiance.

"Do you mean the Qin family?" Qin Lang asked uncertainly.

Murong Yuqin nodded: "This is the house. My husband is also a Marshal. Do you know him?"

Qin Lang was more dizzy, and blinked aggressively: "The Grand Marshal of this family only has Qin Tian and Qin Lang. Your husband is not Qin Tian, ​​right?"

Qin Lang said, staring at the villain sympathetically.

Unexpectedly, the elder brother turned out to be such a beast and even provoke such a small doll. The key is that he is still a pro now. This little doll has to be handled.

Murong Yuqin thought about it and blurted out: "My husband is Qin Lang."

In a word of thunder, it struck Qin Lang to the ground.

Qin Lang stared at Murong Yuqin for a long time, desperately remembering his childhood memories.

I recalled my 22 years of memory three times. Qin Lang still couldn't find his memory of this romantic debt.

Seeing Qin Lang like a fool, Murong Yuqin blinked.

She was right. If there were only two Marshals, then that silly brother must be Qin Lang, because Qin Tian is her brother-in-law.

Qin Lang choked for a while before swallowing the waterway: "Well, are you wrong? When will I be your fiance?"

He hadn't seen her, and he hadn't made any baby kisses with anyone. Where did this little man come from?

"Oh, it turns out that you are that silly brother." After listening to him say, Murong Yuqin finally understood.

"Stupid is stupid, but it's quite interesting." Murong Yuqin turned around Qin Lang excitedly, and nodded his head critically.

Qin Lang was dizzy by her, and quickly held her, but the little man suddenly jumped into his arms.

Qin Lang was frightened and wanted to push her out quickly, but the villain refused to fall down like a koala.

"Don't you say that men and women do not accept each other?" Qin Lang looked at her with a black line.

Murong Yuqin was not upset, but hugged his neck happily: "You are my husband, not a man or woman."

Qin Lang's eyes twitched unconsciously, how exactly did he become her husband, and why did the party know nothing about him.

Seeing him not speaking, Murong Yuqin patted him and comforted him: "You can rest assured that I won't think you're stupid."

Qin Lang chuckled: "I thank you."

"You're welcome." Murong Yuqin touched his head and said seriously: "You follow me obediently, I will be good to you in the future."

Qin Lang's eyes began to twitch again.

She refused to come down and he had to hug her again.

"Can we talk about the process of this engagement, how did I become your husband?" Qin Lang looked at her with a frown, and didn't want to admit it.

"Your brother gave you to me. He said that there was a silly brother in his family that no one wanted." Murong Yuqin completely forgot who said that his brother no one wanted.

"Qin Tian gave me to you?" Hearing that this was related to Qin Tian, ​​Qin Lang breathed in an instant.

"This beast." Qin Lang cursed before Murong Yuqin answered.

Murong Yuqin frowned. "You can't scold my brother-in-law."

"Your brother-in-law?" Qin Lang suddenly stared again and understood. "So you are Murong Yuying's sister?"

"This beast!" Qin Lang scolded, waiting for Murong Yuqin to answer, "In order to marry my relative, I just sold my brother."

He treats his brother as a mustard.

"Not selling or sending." Seeing him angry, Murong Yuqin corrected him.

As soon as she explained, Qin Lang was even more angry.


He is not even as good as the grass mustard. How much can the grass mustard be worth? He is worthless for a penny, so he gave him away in vain, focusing on his beasts.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

In the new house, Qin Lang, who was working, inexplicably sneezed several times.

"What's wrong? Isn't it ill?" Murong Yuzhe didn't care about shyness either, and looked at him anxiously.

At the critical moment, Qin Tian cares about these things, and did not answer her, so she sealed her lips.

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