Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1311: At least him

In the end, Xiao Qin'er still kept the Holy City, but Murong Jinhong still kept up with Fengshen College.

Elder Su just didn't receive his disciples. When he saw Xiao Qin's cleverness, he immediately accepted it.

Watching Xiao Qin'er pay homage to the teacher with his own eyes, Murong Jinhong was still not assured, so she told Xiao Qin'er not to go to Qin Lang.

"No, I'm going to be stupid brother, he is mine." Murong Yuqin did not comply.

Most of the reason she stayed was for the silly brother, why couldn't she go to him?

Murong Jinhong was helpless and looked at the little girl's posture to identify the silly boy.

In order to reassure the little girl, and to prevent the beavers from turning back, Murong Jinhong was lucky to set Xiao Qin'er and Qin Lang's marriage. However, it is specifically stated that Qin Lang will go to their home in the future, and Qin Tian will not object.

The emperor agreed, and Qin Lang himself did not object. What else did he disagree with?

The two exchanged tokens, Xiao Qin'er was so happy that he held Qin Lang and refused to let go, and saw Murong Jinhong's face darkened.

Qin Lang is also very happy, now he is her real fiance.

Looking at the smirking Qin Lang, Murong Jinhong's face turned darker.

"Take care of your sister." Murong Jinhong confided Murong Yuxi uneasily.

Murong Yuxi responded quickly: "Dad, you can rest assured. Qin'er is my sister, and later my brother-in-law, can I ignore her?"

She will not only control Qin Er, but also Qin Lang for Qin Er. She will never let them bother.

Murong Jinhong is not very worried about his big girl, but he doesn't worry about it, after all, his father-in-law and Tanuki girl are all there, and there is nothing wrong with this little **** this mountain.

When Murong Yuqin was left on Fengshen Mountain, several people went down together.

Murong Jinhong didn't stay much, so she just went back.

Qin Lang became the new son-in-law and volunteered to send Murong Jinhong out of the city.

Before leaving, Murong Jinhong warned him: "Don't do bad things to Xiao Qin'er, and don't allow him to do bad things to other women. Protect yourself like Xiao Qin'er. If you can't, see how I can clean you."

"Be assured, I won't do anything." Qin Lang quickly promised.

Before he offended future father-in-law, now future father-in-law should do whatever he says.

And even if he didn't say it, he wouldn't mess around, he would wait for her to grow up.

Murong Jinhong frowned and looked at Qin Lang, his face tangled.

In fact, he was more uneasy about the shrewd little girl than this silly boy.

Murong Jinhong sighed and got on the carriage.

After sending the old man away, Qin Lang slipped up the mountain to see Xiao Qin'er go.

"How do you say Xiaoqiner knew that there was a silly brother in your family?" Murong Yuchen asked Qin Tian inexplicably on the wall.

Qin Tian raised an eyebrow with a smile: "Who do you think Qin Lang is a silly boy?"

Murong Yu's eyes lightened brightly: "You mean my father."

Only her father would be a silly kid. The silly kid's name is Qin Lang, but it's not right. Why would his father tell Qin Lang about Xiao Qin'er and make her interested in Qin Lang.

Qin Tian raised his lips slightly, and was happy for his silly brother.

Although his father-in-law called the silly boy Qin Lang, he should have liked him. If he didn't like it, it would be useless for his little aunt to be willing.

In the palace, Bai Tan learned that Murong Jinhong had gone, and she was relieved.

Qin Lang and Xiao Qin'er have made a marriage. Qin Lang doesn't need to go to Zixiao for the time being. It is a happy ending. It will take ten or eight years for Xiao Qin to grow up.

Warm Italian home.

Bai Ruxuan looked at the box on the table, but did not have the courage to open it.

"Why not open it?" Knowing that she cared about her mother, Murong Min asked her gently, "Would you like me to open it for you?"

Bai Ruxuan frowned, and finally picked up the box and opened it.

Seeing what was inside, Bai Ruxuan was immediately disappointed, and a few years of grievances suddenly turned into tears.

Seeing her tears, Murong Su panicked: "What's wrong, don't you like it?"

Murong Yan glanced at the gem head in the box and thought it wasn't too bad. He should have used it carefully.

Bai Ruxuan's pear blossomed with rain: "It wasn't from her."

It's not that things are bad, but it's too good.

When she left, she left everything with her, and that person was just a doctor. Where did she buy this for thousands of dollars?

This must be the second aunt afraid she was sad, so she bought it for her.

Murong frowned and held her into her arms distressedly: "Don't be sad, maybe she has troubles."

"I know she doesn't want me to see her downcast, and I think I'm doing well, so I don't want to disturb my current life. But why can't she come to see me? I waited for her for five years and no day Thinking of her all night, why can't she come to see me, even if it's a glance, I'm content. "Bai Ruxuan cried in Murongyu's arms and wept silently.

She is always so self-righteous and self-righteous, but she never asks her thoughts.

She didn't ask her if she would go with her, so she left her.

Now she hasn't asked if she wants to see her, so she won't come to see her.

She was cruel to herself, even harder to her.

Murong Yi kissed her tears in pain, anxious to hold her in her hands.

Seeing her crying sadly, he also complained about the mother-in-law who had never met.

"I know she has a baby again." Bai Ruxuan buried in his arms, crying mopingly.

Murong Xu's heart trembled, and she felt even more distressed.

She saw the letter from her. It was a letter of good news. She knew that she had another brother. She didn't know what it was like in her heart.

Is she happy for her? Maybe there are, but more of them are grievances and sadness, and envy and jealousy.

She envied that brother had a mother and a father, and she had nothing. A brother can have all her love, but she doesn't want to come and see her.

Murong Xu caressed her long hair distressedly, only half a moment before she said, "Would you like me to help you find her?"

He thought she still wanted to meet her mother.

Bai Ruxuan shook her head without thinking.

She lifted her eyes with red eyes, but her tears were gone: "Since she doesn't want me, why should I miss her?"

She won't go to her, no matter if she's been good or bad, she won't go to her.

Looking at her stubborn face, Murong Yu smiled bitterly.

Doesn't she have a temper like her mother? But if he were replaced by him, he would not look for him.

Murong Yu kissed her lips lovingly: "Okay, let's not look for him. In the future, my husband will stay with you, and I will always be with you and never go anywhere."

Bai Ruxuan flushed and hugged him tightly.

At least she still had him.

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