Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1322: congratulate

Holy City, Star Palace.

Bai Tan stayed asleep because she was pregnant, and Mo Beichen accompany her all night.

"Sleep for a while, the sky will soon be bright." Mo Beichen persuaded Bai Jue's stomach.

"I can't sleep, but my head is awake." Baitan didn't sleep at all.

She thought about the doll for a few years, and finally conceived it, and the heart she had been carrying can finally be put down.

She really thought that the demon and the demon were combined, and there really couldn't be a doll. The wild history of "Miscellaneous Talks" was really unreliable.

"Do you say this is a male doll or a female doll?" Bai Tan looked at Mo Beichen with interest.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: "What do you like?"

He doesn't really matter, it's better to be a daughter, he wants a daughter like her.

The **** frowned. "I want them all. If there is only one, then I want a male doll."

She was still thinking about the care of Xue Fei's family. Before she gave birth to a male doll, the two would be too old in the future, so she could only watch carefully and carefully marry another person.

Mo Beichen smiled uncritically. He didn't care about his son and daughter. She was just happy.

"It's going to be early." Baitan looked at the sky outside.

Mo Beichen hugged the **** and did not let her stand up: "To rest today, not to face up."

"Not up?" Baitan frowned at him. "It's not good."

"What's not good." Mo Beichen didn't feel bad at all, and yelled at the beaver, "Good, sleep for a while."

Bai Tan pouted, and just about to speak, Mo Beichen touched her belly and said, "You don't sleep, you have to sleep."

The thought of the child, the **** had no choice but to compromise.

She closed her eyes and fell into Mo Beichen's arms.

Mo Beichen patted her, coaxing her like a child.

In the end, he didn't sleep all night, and after a while, the **** fell asleep.

Mo Beichen also crooked beside her and slept with her for a while.

Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun were also awake all night.

Early in the morning, the two got up and happily went to Tianluoyuan to announce the good news.

"You mean it really, Tanuki is really happy?" Bai Qiyuan was dumbfounded after listening, and it took him a while to return to God, and asked Bai Tingxuan excitedly.

"Really." Bai Tingxuan knew that he was happy, and nodded quickly: "Lier said in person last night, saying that he had been diagnosed more than ten times, and there would be no mistake.

Bai Qiyuan was unwilling to hear: "You knew last night, why did you come to tell me today?"

Bai Tingxuan froze and said, "We are not afraid of affecting your rest."

They were so happy that they stayed up all night, afraid that the old man could not sleep with them either.

"What a rest, my granddaughter is pregnant. I still have to rest." Bai Qiyuan glared with disappointment.

Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun looked at each other with helpless faces.

"Hehe!" Bai Qiyuan scolded and laughed again, "I knew that Tanuki would give me a grandson."

Seeing the old man so happy, both Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun laughed.

Compared to them, the old man may be happier. After all, Tanuki was brought up since childhood, and Tanuki is also the closest to him.

"Where is Beaver, I'm going to see her." Bai Qi Yuanle hesitated for a while, and finally thought of going to see Beaver.

Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun followed quickly.


As soon as he arrived at the Star Palace, Bai Qiyuan shouted.

The beaver, who had just been fascinated for a while, got up from the bed when he heard Bai Qiyuan's voice, "嗖".

Mo Beichen had no choice but to follow: "First wear clothes."

Afraid that she was sleepy and ran out without clothes, Mo Beichen quickly helped her get dressed.

"Grandpa." White **** ran out and couldn't wait to share her good news with Bai Qiyuan. "I'm pregnant, and you're going to add grandson again."

"Okay." Bai Qiyuan said three times in a row, looking at Baiju's belly, with a straight beard.

After a while, the news that Baitan was pregnant spread throughout the palace.

The second lady, Bai Ruyue, Qi Ziling, all of them ran up and rejoiced.

Even Bai Ruxuan, who was sitting on the confinement, sent Murong Yu to congratulate him.

"I didn't expect you to deliver Xuan'er yesterday, and you will be happy so soon." The second lady laughed and joked at Beaver.

Murong Yu also said, "I knew that my older sister was pregnant, so I didn't bother you to deliver Xuan'er."

This delivery can be tiring. Fortunately, the person is okay. If something goes wrong, where can he pay for it?

The **** chuckled: "How can I be so weak, maybe I just gave birth to Xuaner, and I was pregnant."

Although she knew the **** was telling a joke, Murong Ye was very happy.

Chu Xiangjun also laughed: "No, but Xuan'er helped you get pregnant."

Everyone laughed when they heard.

"The elder sister became the target of protection immediately. The elder sister will not be able to go out easily in the future." Bai Ruyue looked at the **** with a smile, very gloating.

Chu Xiangjun immediately replied: "No, this is a doll, so it can't be wild everywhere, especially in the first three months."

In a word, Chu Xiangjun deprived the **** of his right to go out for three months.

Bai Ruyi glanced at Bai Ruyue suddenly.

Bai Ruyue was not afraid of her, and said with a smile: "It's not only three months, and forbearance will soon pass."

There was a hint of slyness in Baitan's eyes, and he raised his neck and said, "I can't go out, but I'm bored, it's better to stay with me every day in the palace."

Baijue dug a trap, and Bai Ruyue would not jump in sillyly. Just when she refused to speak, she listened to the second lady: "This is just right, but she also restrains her free-spirited nature."

The second lady said and looked at Bai Ruyue again: "From now on, you will come to the Star Palace every day to accompany your elder sister. Don't go anywhere."

All four children are mothers, and they ran outside all day long, like what.

"Ah!" Bai Ruyue pouted unwillingly. "Then I will not be able to go out for three months."

Looking at Bai Ruyue's grieving little eyes, Bai Jue immediately rejoiced: "It won't be only three months, but forbearance will soon pass."

Baijue gave her what Bai Ruyue had just given her.

Bai Ruyue's eyes twitched and looked at the **** resentfully.

She is digging a pit and jumping for herself. The elder sister is too bad.

People in the entire palace are happy for the beaver's pregnancy. Even in the previous dynasty, Mo Beichen also made a decree, indicating that the **** was pregnant.

After knowing that the two emperors were there, the ministers were very happy, especially Yu Chongjin, and Ren Tianheng, who had followed Baiju before, was sincerely happy for Baiju and Mo Beichen.

This white emperor is pregnant. Those people will never find another opportunity to give the Medici woman, but even if they want to stop, the Modi will definitely not want it. Who makes them the most beautiful?

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