Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1324: Demon World

"Cough ..." In the room, the old man was supported by the woman in black and kept coughing.

Mo Beichen looked at them coldly: "Who are you?"

"It's me." Before the old man spoke, the woman in black pulled down the black mask on her face.

A stunning face appeared, and Mo Beichen frowned frantically, "Is it you?"

This person is not someone else, it is Bai Junfeng's elder Yan Junxian.

"Where is she now?" Mo Beichen was not polite to them because he knew Yan Junxian.

His voice was still cold, he had a hunch, and the disappearance of Tanuki had something to do with them.

"The princess didn't take us away." Knowing that he doubted them, Yan Junxian immediately explained.

Mo Beichen squinted his eyes and looked at the old man, apparently disbelieving what she said.

The old man coughed for a while, then looked up at Mo Beichen: "Is she pregnant?"

Mo Beichen was vigilant, frowned, and didn't answer.

Although Mo Beichen didn't answer, the old man guessed the answer when he saw his expression.

"Hahahaha ..." The old man immediately laughed happily. "It's alive. My Sky Fox family, my Sky Fox family can be saved."

Yan Junxian also laughed, happy from the bottom of her heart.

When he heard the words "Tianhuyizu", Mo Beichen frowned doubtfully: "Are you from the fox tribe?"

Tanuki is a princess of the fox tribe. If they are fox tribe, then it should not be possible to take away the tan, who actually took the tan.

Mo Beichen was so anxious that he squeezed his fist.

"Yes." The old man stood up with a smile. "I am the elder of the Tianhu clan, Shiraishi."

"This is the messenger of the sky fox, Jun Yan." After Bai Shi introduced himself, he introduced it to Yan Jun Xian.

Jun Yan nodded towards Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen was not interested in their identity: "What on earth are you doing?"

Shiraishi Lips: "We sensed the blood of the Sky Fox family, so we came here."

Jun Yan also nodded.

They felt the purest blood of the fox family, and then determined the identity of the beaver, which is the most noble princess of their demons.

After the princess jumped out of the ice-fire pond, they kept looking for princesses. Before they met Baijuer, they only thought that she could cultivate the Sky Fox God Roll, which would probably help them to recover the Sky Fox family. They never thought that she was them The princess, after all, the blood of the fox family on Baitaner is not pure.

Because the beavers look like their princesses, and they can cultivate the Sky Fox God Scroll, they checked her identity. Her father is human, her mother has only one-half of the fox family, and her grandparents are also The foxes are ordinary people, and they are long gone, so they didn't think about the princess.

It was not until they felt the blood of the Sky Fox that they finally confirmed the identity of the princess. The princess should have been reborn and reborn, so it has not been awakening the blood of the Sky Fox, causing them to find it for so long.

"Someone took her away." Mo Beichen looked at them coldly, and had no interest in the fox blood they said, and now he just wanted to find Tanuki.

"I know who took the princess." Shiraishi said suddenly.

Mo Beichen lifted his heart violently and grabbed Bai Shi's coat: "Do you know who it is?"

"Release the elders quickly." When Mo Beichen and Bai Shi started working, Jun Yan immediately stepped forward and opened Mo Beichen.

But Mo Beichen was holding on to his slacks.

Shiraishi gently took away his hand: "It was our fox people who took the princess, and I smelled his smell."

The foxes have a special smell and are easily recognizable.

Mo Beichen squinted narrowly: "Who is it?"

"Bai Xiao." Shiraishi said his guess.

The people of the Fox clan are expecting the princess to return to the demon world and regain the overall situation, but before the blood of the fox can be sensed, no one can confirm the identity of the princess, let alone a person of the Fox clan will come to take the princess, except for Bai Shao this traitor.

Mo Beichen frowned. He didn't know who Bai Xiao was? Do not know why he took away the raccoon?

"Bai Xiao is a fox traitor. It was he who helped Bi Xie to frame the demon emperor Bai Yan, which caused the princess to lose his parents. After the emperor lost the emperor, he has always been with Bi Xue. He was instructed by blue blood. "Knowing that he didn't understand the reason, Shiraishi explained.

Jun Yan also frowned: "The blue blood bogeyed the blood of the fox, always afraid that the princess would return to the demon world to regain the throne, so the princess would be persecuted. Now the blood of the fox is reproduced, and the thief of the blood will certainly not let the princess pass.

After hearing what they said, Mo Beichen was even more anxious, but he forced himself to calm down.

Tanuki must have been taken to the demon world. Tanuki's blood of the fox had not been awakened, and he must not be their opponent against the blue blood, so he must go to the demon world to rescue the tan as soon as possible.

After Mo Beichen was silent for a moment, he went to the table and wrote an imperial edict, and then took the imperial edict to the palace of the court.


Mo Beichen shouted outside, and the light was soon on in the room.

Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun came out together.

"Is something wrong with Tanuki?" Chu Xiangjun panicked when Mo Beichen came over so late.

I don't know why, she couldn't sleep tonight. Is it really a raccoon problem?

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed lightly: "No, she is asleep."

Chu Xiangjun was relieved when he heard that Tanuki was asleep.

She was really cranky, how could there be something wrong with Tanuki.

"Dad, I have something to do with you."

Do not want Chu Xiangjun to worry, Mo Beichen looked at Bai Tingxuan.

Knowing that the **** was okay, Chu Xiangjun was not worried anymore, and smiled, "Then you talk, I'll go back to the house first."

Chu Xiangjun thoughtfully gave up the space to the two.

As soon as Chu Xiangjun left, Mo Beichen knelt down towards Bai Tingxuan.

Bai Tingxuan frowned, his heart twitched.

"Is something wrong with Tanuki?" Afraid Chu Xiangjun heard it, Bai Tingxuan lowered his voice.

Mo Beichen looked down and said that the **** was taken away. He did not dare to mention the foxes and demons, but only said that he was a former enemy.

Bai Tingxuan suddenly panicked: "What do you do now? Will Tanuki be in danger?"

"Daddy rest assured, I will save Tanuki anyway." Mo Beichen said to Bai Tingxuan that the imperial edict was written down, "Bai Chu's affairs will trouble father.

Bai Tingxuan held the imperial edict and grasped Mo Beichen firmly: "Be sure to bring the **** back in peace."

Mo Beichen nodded seriously and turned away.

Bai Tingxuan was too anxious to hold the imperial edict.

The raccoon was still pregnant with the child. Why did this happen?

Mo Beichen followed Bai Shi and Jun Yan to the demon world.

The next day, Bai Tingxuan took over the decree and temporarily took over Bai Chu.

People rumors: Baidi is happy, Modi hurts his wife, and takes Baidi to swim in the mountains and relax, while the state affairs are temporarily handled by the emperor.

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