Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1326: Indifferent like purple

Flying out of the imperial palace, Mo Beichen and Baishi Junyan stopped.

"Why did you let the blood go so easily, why didn't you go in and look for the princess?" Jun Yan looked at Mo Beichen puzzled.

Obviously he is not afraid of Bi Xue, why not go in and search, maybe he can find the princess.

"Beaver is not here." Mo Beichen answered blankly.

He shouldn't have lied, and it shouldn't be the blood-stained person who took away the beaver.

Jun Yan frowned: "How could that be? In addition to the blue blood, who else would take away the princess."

Mo Beichen thought of someone in his head.

"Go back first, I'll look for Tanuki."

Mo Beichen's eyes sank involuntarily, leaving behind a sentence, he disappeared.

"Where has the princess gone?" Jun Yan looked anxiously as Mo Beichen disappeared.

"Cough ..." Bai Shi coughed twice, squinting. "Send someone to find Bai Xiao. The princess must be in his hand."

He couldn't smell it wrong. There was a smell of foxes in that room, and the smell was not princess.

In addition to the white fox, he could not imagine who else would take away the princess.

"Yes." Jun Yan responded and turned to find someone.

Mo Beichen went directly to the fairyland.

In addition to the blue blood, there should be another person who wants to take away the raccoon.

Fairyland, peak of love.

When Mo Beichen came here again, he felt as if he had passed away.

It's true, it's already passed.


A sharp sword pointed at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen raised his eyes, but saw a familiar face.

"It's you?"

Seeing Mo Beichen, Yu Fan was also astounded, but he closed his sword.

"I want to see him."

Yu Fan frowned and tangled for a while before he said, "I'll go and report. Xianzun can't see you, it's up to Xianzun to decide."

Yu Fan said and turned around.

On the rock near the cliff, a man in white is stroking the piano.

The melody sounded like a trickling stream with thoughts.

Yu Fan looked at Zi Xiuran's back, and frowned, before stepping forward and reporting: "Xian Zun, Mo Yan seeking to see."

With a bang, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

Standing at the forward, Mo Beichen heard the suddenly broken piano sound, his eyes flashed.

Soon, Yu Fan returned and bowed towards Mo Beichen: "We, Xianzun, invite you in."

Mo Beichen glanced at the white shadow of the back peak and flew forward.

Zi Xiuran stood on a rock near the cliff, watching him fly closer.

Seeing him alone, there was a touch of disappointment in his indifferent eyes.

Looking at this white fluttering person again, like a fairy, Mo Beichen's feeling like another generation has come out again.

He was still so indifferent, but he hadn't changed at all.

Zi Xiuran looked at him without speaking, as if there was nothing to tell him.

Mo Beichen frowned, but had to speak.

"Lizi, she's gone."

Somehow, Mo Beichen's voice was guilty.

Zi Xiu frowned frantically: "When?"

In a word, Mo Beichen's hope was wiped out instantly.

It wasn't him who took the raccoon!

Mo Beichen said difficultly: "Interrupted."

Mo Beichen turned around and flew out.

Zi Xiuran looked at Mo Beichen's back, frowned, and returned to the room.

As soon as the big palm was pushed in the middle of the air, a different empty image appeared.

In the picture, a stunning woman is reviewing the seal.

That woman is the beaver.

As soon as Zi Xiu's eyes lightened and he waved easily, the woman who had criticized the paintings in the picture was replaced with the snake tribe.

Seeing that snake tribe, Zi Xiuyan's face suddenly changed.

It's blinding!

"Yu Fan!"

"Xian Zun." Yu Fan appeared immediately.

"Take someone to find Aju, Aju is missing." Zi Xiuran frowned and ordered him.

Hearing the disappearance of Baiju, Yu Fan stunned.

No wonder he will come here, it turns out that Xiao Aju is missing.

"The disciples are going now." Yu Fan did not dare to neglect and went to find someone immediately.

Zi Xiuran squeezed his fists, his indifferent eyes were full of worries at the moment.

Did the blood remove Aju?

Demon world, point Cangshan.

In a hidden stone cave, the **** was drowsy on the stone bed, and was dreaming a long, long dream, unaware of what happened outside.

Bai Xiao stood beside the stone bed, staring at Bai Ju's stunning face infatuatedly.

"Ayun ..."

He murmured softly, and couldn't help but reach for her face.

It seems, it really seems ...

The **** dreamed that a big snake was throwing a snake letter at her, and the snake letter flew to her face and was sticky and wet.

"Amo!" Bai Tan subconsciously called Mo Beichen's name and opened his eyes.

Waking up when she saw Baitan, Bai Xiao cast a spell on her again without thinking.

The original light disappeared in an instant, and the **** fell into a dream again to fight with the big snake.

Bai Xiao looked obsessedly at Bai Tan's face that resembled Chu Yun obsessively, and his quiet heart for thousands of years suddenly gave birth to throbbing.


Her name is Mo Yan?

Bai Xiao's gaze moved to her stomach, and Ling Chi's chill suddenly appeared.

Now that it's in his hands, don't even think about going back.

After Bai Xiao set up an enchantment in the cave, he returned to the demon palace.

He remembered that there was a potion in Bixue that could make people empathize, and it was specifically to obey those disobedient snake women.

Bai Xiao arrived at the imperial palace and went straight to the palace of blue blood.

Bai Xiao found the potion in the cabinet.

Looking at the blue potion, Bai Xiao smiled viciously.

Just let her drink that potion and she will fall in love with him.

"what are you doing?"

The sudden cold voice surprised Bai Xiao.

Looking at the blue blood that burst out, Bai Xiao was guilty, but he calmed down quickly.

"Fancy a Foxwoman, and want to borrow this potion for your use." Bai Xiao also raised the vial in his hand without concealing him.

Bi Xue glanced at the vial in his hand, and smiled evilly, "Don't you just like the dead Chu Yun? Why would you like other women?"

Bai Xiao's eyes flickered, and he chuckled, "You said she was dead. Should I keep her for a lifetime?"

Bi Xue raised his eyebrows in surprise, and patted his shoulder. "This is right, woman? Most of the world, if not from you, give her medicine. You can take this medicine and not enough. take."

Seeing Bai Xiao finally opened up, Bi Xue was also generous.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Bai Xiao bowed immediately, "then I'll use it first."

Bai Xiao said hurriedly ran out.

Looking at the back of the Bai Xiao monkey anxious, Bi Xue smiled evilly.

I thought how infatuated he was with that woman, which was just a few thousand years, and he was no longer in love.

Bi Xue turned around and took a pill from the cabinet.

A wolf girl in the photo a few days ago, who was forced to die after he was forced to live, just gave her a bottle.

After using this potion, the wolf girl became apparent, and it happened to be a snake and wolf war.

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