Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1328: She won't like you anymore

Mo Beichen grabbed Bai Xiao and pinched his fox's head in a vague manner: "Did you take the raccoon?"

Bai Xiao's right eye was so **** that he could only look at Mo Beichen with his left eye.

He's Mojun Moxie, Baijuer's husband!

The thought of the two beavers murmured just now, Bai Xiao's eyes burst into resentment.

"Where is the raccoon?" Seeing Bai Xiao's **** right eye, Mo Beichen guessed that the raccoon had run away, but he still squeezed his neck and asked.

Bai Xiao narrowed his eyes and didn't speak.

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed the bloodthirsty red light, and tightened Bai Xiao's neck.


Bai Xiao snorted suddenly, unable to breathe a bit.

When Mo Beichen shook and killed Bai Xiao, Bi Xue was anxious: "Mo Yan, let go of him."

Bi Xue said that he was about to come forward to save people, but as soon as he set off, Zi Xiuran sitting on the big urn wielded a spiritual power.

"Boom!", The stone in front of Bi Xue was immediately smashed into a large pit.

Bi Xue looked at the recessed pit and swallowed it, and she dared not move.

Mo Beichen pinched Bai Xiao to death, but did not pinch him.

This man is a traitor to the Fox clan and believes Tanuki should want to deal with him.

But capital punishment is exempt, but living sin is hard to spare.

Mo Beichen narrowed his eyes narrowly and suddenly reached into his left eye.


The screams rang loudly throughout Cangshan.

Just now the beaver's small claws had little strength, and he was unable to button down Bai Xiao's eyeballs, only blinded him, but Mo Beichen buckled his eyes.

Not only that, Mo Beichen summoned Long Yinjian and chopped down the furry stuff between his legs.

Regarding Mo Beichen's request, Long Yinjian was extremely disgusting, but he did not show any mercy, and completed the task neatly.


Another scream cried again.

Bi Xue looked at the **** stump between Bai Fox's legs, and could not help but feel scalp tingling.

This ink is really cruel. It hasn't been defeated and it has been cut baby. If it succeeds, it will not be worse.

It was not enough to do these things. Mo Beichen abolished his practice, and then threw the half-dead white fox to Qinglong.

"Take him to the Fox Tribe to Shiraishi."

Qinglong obediently picked up the dying white fox and flew out.

Bi Xue is not interested in Bai Xiao without repair, so he has not stopped it.

After looking at the fierce and evil Mo Beichen and the tiger's purple repair dye, Bi Xue did not dare to say a word, and then disappeared.

Neither of them is easy to deal with.

Mo Beichen stood on the mountainside for a while, then chose a direction and chased out.

He didn't know where Tanuki had gone, but since she ran out, she should return to the human world.

He first looked at Cangshan at this point. If he couldn't find it, he would return to the human world.

Zi Xiuran was also riding a big cricket, looking for someone.

The two turned over Cangshan and found no shadow of the beaver.

At the foot of the mountain, the two met again.

"Thank you!" Mo Beichen gave Zi Xiuran a complex look. "The raccoon should not be here anymore. I'll go back and look at it first, and I'd like to ask you to help find it here."

"Um." Zi Xiuran nodded without deciding.

Mo Beichen arched his hand towards Zi Xiuran, and then disappeared.

Zi Xiuran also returned to the Qingqing Peak.

"Xian Zun, did Xiao Aju find it?" Yu Fan greeted.

Zi Xiuran shook his head and instructed, "Send someone out to find someone, we must find someone."

"Yes." Hearing that no one was found, Yu Fan was a little worried and went immediately.

Two white and yellow butterflies flew to Zi Xiuran's shoulders.

"You also worry about beavers." Zi Xiuran caressed Xiaobai's wings. "She will be fine."

The murmured voice soothed Xiaobai and Xiaohuang, as well as himself.

Mo Beichen returned to the Heavenly Star Palace, but did not see the figure of the beaver.

While Mo Beichen was disappointed, he was also a bit worried.

Where will Tanuki go, why haven't she come back, and is there any danger?

Mo Beichen didn't dare to show up. He was afraid that Bai Tingxuan would ask where the raccoon went, and he didn't dare to leave. He was afraid that when the raccoon returned, he would miss it.

After waiting for three days in the dark so uneasily, Mo Beichen was suddenly anxious, and then went to the fairyland again.

Peak of Love.

Seeing Mo Beichen alone, Zi Xiuran dropped his eyes in disappointment: "Did she not go back?"

Mo Beichen shook his head and anxiously said, "Are you still news?"

Zi Xiuran shook his head.

Both were worried and stopped talking.

"Will you try that person? Maybe something happened that we didn't know?" Silent for a moment, Zi Xiuran said.

Mo Beichen frowned frantically, then turned to the Qingfeng Peak.

Zi Xiuran quickly followed.

The two rushed to the demon world, Linshuiya together.

Since the blood captured the imperial palace, the people of the Fox clan have all reached Linshui Cliff. Lin Shui cliff is far away from the imperial palace and can't threaten the blood.

Seeing Zi Xiuran and Mo Beichen coming together, Baishi quickly greeted him: "See Xianzun, see Mojun."

"Where's Bai Xiao?" Mo Beichen asked with a frown.

"In the dungeon." Hearing that they were looking for Bai Xiao, Bai Shi quickly led them to the dungeon.

In the dungeon, Bai Xiao was still like a white fox, nestled in a haystack. It's just that compared to the chic appearance that can attract the female fox in the past, the Bai Xiao is now messy and weak, and there is no chic look anymore.

The jail door was unlocked, and after discovering that Bai Xiao had been abandoned for repair, Bai Shi Chain was too lazy to lock him, and he couldn't run out anyway.

Mo Beichen entered the cell, but Zi Xiuran did not enter.

Feeling that someone came in, Bai Xiao rolled her ears.

His eyes were ruined and he could only rely on those ears.

Mo Beichen stared at him for a while before asking tentatively, "What did you do to Tanuki?"

Hearing Mo Beichen's voice, Bai Xiao's body was stiff, although he didn't want to, but his body was afraid of him subconsciously.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Mo Beichen squatted down again, repeating word by word: "What did you do to her?"

Yin Xiao's voice came to his ears, and Bai Xiao's heart trembled uncontrollably.

He dropped his head and suddenly laughed, "Why, does she not like you?"

Mo Beichen frowned frantically, pulling a fox fur around his chest and pulling him up, sternly: "What do you mean?"

Bai Xiao shook his head and "looked" at Mo Beichen without fear of death: "I gave her medicine to empathize with love, so she won't like you anymore, hahahaha ..."

Bai Xiao laughed wildly again, and the blood and tears in his eyes burst out.

Mo Beichen flashed a bloodthirsty red light in his eyes, biting his teeth and raising his hand, he punched him fiercely towards his fox brain and stunned him directly.

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