Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1344: Never get her heart

Zi Xiuran did not hold the **** back to the immortal realm, but took her to Linshui Cliff of the Demon Realm.

"Princess!" Seeing Baiju, Bai Shi and Jun Yan all ran over with excitement. "Good, the princess finally found it."

Beaver looked at them with wide eyes, but didn't feel familiar.

She should not know these two, alas, even if she did not know them well.

"This is the princess?" Shiraishi frowned, seeing the strangeness of Baiju.

Zi Xiuran didn't answer him, and went to the dungeon holding the **** himself.

In the dungeon, Bai Xiao was still half dead.

Last time, Zi Xiuran didn't go in, but this time he went in and hugged the beaver.

Seeing the white fox lying on the ground without eyes, the white fox frowned, only feeling a slight pain in his head.

As if feeling someone, Bai Xiao turned his fox head and turned towards them: "Who?"

Zi Xiuran looked at him indifferently: "I heard that you have medicine to make people empathize?"

Hearing Zi Xiuran's medicine, Bai Xiao was immediately alert, but when he recognized Zi Xiuran's voice, he sneered sarcastically: "Why, you want to take over the beaver?"

The **** frowned, raising his head to look at Zi Xiuran.

What does that guy mean? What made him dominate her?

"The deity is her master." Zi Xiuran's mood was not waver.


The **** blinked and his eyes widened. It turned out that he was her master. No wonder he would be so kind.

"Haha ..." Bai Xiao laughed out loud again, "Master? Who do you want to lie to? If it weren't for you, they would be so miserable?"

"What about medicine?" Zi Xiuran obviously didn't mean to talk nonsense with Bai Xiao.

Bai Xiao was silent for a moment: "I tell you where the medicine is? What benefits do I have?"

Zi Xiuran looked at him expressionlessly: "The deity can let you out."

When Bai Xiao was in his heart, he sat up and thought for a while, and said, "I want to come to the immortal world.

"of course."

Zi Xiuran responded, and Bai Xiao said again, "I took the medicine from Bixue."

"Where?" Zi Xiuran narrowed his eyes and asked.

Bai Xiao "watched" Zi Xiuran for a while before he said, "In the small cabinet in the blue blood room, the blue potion."

After getting a concrete answer, Zi Xiuran hugged the **** and left.

Bai Xiao erratically erected: "You promised to let me go."

"The door is not closed." Zi Xiu's head did not return to the authentic.

He only said to let him go, but he could not walk away, it depends on his own good fortune.

Bai Xiao finally realized that he had been tricked, and he growled suddenly: "Zixiuran you must not die, I curse you will never get her heart."

Zi Xiuran ignored him completely, and got out of the dungeon while holding the beaver.

Beaver raised his eyes and looked at Zi Xiuran, seeing that he was not angry at all, and immediately felt that her master was very strong.

"Xianzun, princess." Shiraishi and Junyan greeted at the door, bowing salute.

Zi Xiuran glanced at them: "A raccoon will be temporarily with the deity. If you are in trouble, come to the Qingfeng Peak."

Zi Xiuran said with a wave of the sleeve robe, they had two more jade cards in their hands.

"Yes." The two immediately responded.

Zi Xiuran held the **** and went to the demon palace.

"Are you my master?" Baiju could not help asking him along the way.

"Aju, don't you remember Master?" Zi Xiuran looked at her sadly.

Looking at his sad expression, Baitan suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "Well, I seem to have forgotten a lot of things."

The **** said, raising his head again, "But it doesn't matter, I think I will remember it sooner or later."

"Um." Zi Xiuran rubbed her head lovingly.

Beaver is extremely familiar with this action, as if instinctively, she subconsciously raised her head and pinched his palm.

Obviously this is the first time to do this action, but it seems to have done tens of thousands of times.

The furry touch on the palm is also pleasing to Zi Xiuran, and the original indifferent eyes began to smile.

The **** looked at him stunned. He smiled, although he didn't laugh, but his eyes were smiling. He looked so gentle.

"Let's get medicine." Zi Xiuran used the cloak to help the **** block the wind.

The **** stayed in it calmly, and then the "scrambled" land came out again: "Why do we find medicine?"

As soon as I heard that medicine, it was not a good medicine.

"Help you heal." Zi Xiuran pressed her back again, speeding up by the way.

They soon arrived at the Demon Palace.

Zi Xiuran applied stealth directly, but the little fox in his arms was not invisible, and only appeared.

"A raccoon, stealth." Zi Xiuran patted Bai's small head.


The **** blinked blankly, and blurted out, "Invisibility, **** will not."

"Even forget the stealth technique, go back and copy the stealth technique recipe a hundred times." Zi Xiuran, straightened his face with seriousness.

"Ah, a hundred times!" The raccoon pulled down the fox's ears, only to feel that his life had never been darker.

What time did she have to copy these hundred times? Why ca n’t Master punish others for penalizing books? Such as punishment for eating a fruit, punishment for a chicken leg or something.

As if to see her mind, Zi Xiuran nodded helplessly to her head: "Read the invisibility spell with the teacher. If you read it correctly, you can copy half of it."

Bai Tan's eyes lightened brightly: "I read."

Zi Xiuran read the stealth spell again, and he was invisible again.

The **** hurriedly read it again.

"Did I disappear?" After reading the beaver, he couldn't wait to look at Zi Xiuran.

"Um." Zi Xiuran nodded approvingly.

Although I forgot the Stealth Curse, I learned it and succeeded as soon as I used it.

The **** immediately became happy, holding Zi Xiuran's neck, and said, "The **** reads it again, if the other half doesn't need to copy it."

"No." Zi Xiuran refused mercilessly.

The **** was grieving again, why was this master not cute at all?

The **** nest was sullen in Zi Xiuran's arms.

Zi Xiuran didn't care about her. She hugged her and went to the room with blue blood.

The two were invisible and penetrated into the room directly from the wall.

"Um ... ah ..."

They entered the room and heard the shy voice of babbling.

The white raccoon suddenly came to his spirits, erected "uprightly", and looked at the bed, three or four snakes tangled up orthogonally.

Wow, this is a group battle. No wonder people say that snakes are sexually promiscuous.

That triangle eye was seriously wounded by A Mo before, and even returning to the group battle is also terrible.

The white raccoon was watching it with interest, and Zi Xiuran covered his eyes.

Suddenly the **** did not read it, he couldn't even hear it.

The **** blinked, wondering how he made it, and covered her eyes, she didn't even hear.

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