Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1349: Transform

The **** smiled reddishly, "It's enough to love once. I have to love tens of thousands of times. I have to love it forever."

Mo Beichen was amused by Baitan, holding her little face, and stunned gently.

"Want to get into the water?" Mo Beichen asked her with a dumb voice.

"Think!" Although Baitan had some bad memories of water, she still couldn't resist the temptation of that clear water.

"Stand on my shoulder." Mo Beichen also knew that she was afraid of the water, so she took her into the Bitan carefully.

I walked until the lake stopped before my breasts, and then I walked over the shoulders.

Mo Beichen extinguished the fire in the water, and Baitan sat on his shoulder, and his claws just shook into the lake.

The **** kicked the lake like a child, but forgot to be afraid of the water, and had fun.

The two stayed in the lake for a long time, and then they returned to the Qingqing Peak until it was getting dark.

At the Qingfeng Peak, everyone went back to rest.

The room that Zi Xiuran gave to Mo Beichen was right next to Baijuan. To be exact, Baijuan's room was between Mo Beichen and Zi Xiuran.

Mo Beichen didn't want to live away from Baiju, and took her directly to his room.

Baitan naturally did not want to live separately from Mo Beichen. This child has all of them, and what is she trying to do, let alone what she is doing now.

Zi Xiuran heard the outside movement, sighed silently, and looked at the antidote carefully.

In Mo Beichen's room, Bai Tan's nest froze between Mo Beichen's neck, and apparently began to be amused again.


Mo Beichen kissed her forehead pettifully.

In fact, he also intended to give her a drink. After all, she had drank his blood before transforming.

His blood should be able to increase her cultivation behavior. She also transformed in advance because of the increase in cultivation behavior, so he wanted her to drink blood to try, maybe he could change back.

The **** was embarrassed to always drink his blood, but God knows how tempting she is to drink.

The **** twitched and twitched around his neck, and the special blood scent, like her magical power, tickled her heart.

"Drink, maybe you can transform." Mo Beichen pressed her head against his shoulder.

If she was walking around in his arms like this, he was afraid he would have to soak cold water again.

"Really." At the moment he could transform, Baiju's blurred eyes lighted up instantly.

"The first time you transformed, you drank my blood." Mo Beichen bluntly said.

"Then I'm welcome." Baiju wants to transform, and wants to drink his blood.

The **** hugged his neck and eagerly sucked and drank.

Mo Beichen's eyes were dark and gloomy.

"Grumbling!" A few mouthfuls of blood poured down, and the strange fragrance slipped into the abdomen, making the beaver's consciousness less clear.

Not only her, but even Mo Beichen's consciousness became more and more unclear, naturally not because of blood loss.

The beaver's body rose.

Mo Beichen only felt that looking at a person whose arms were as hot as coals, he instantly felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

This was always the case when she turned, and her body became very hot.

Mo Beichen turned to his side and looked at Baiju with a breathless look.

The **** was groggy, just drinking his blood unconsciously.

Suddenly, the furry body in Mo Beichen's arms changed, becoming extremely soft, extremely smooth, and turning into a young girl.

"Beaver!" Mo Beichen was overjoyed when she saw that Beaver became human.

"Amo ..." Baitan didn't know he had become a humanoid, and only looked at him with his eyes blurred, "I'm hot ..."

Mo Beichen was already on the verge of crashing, but at this moment, seeing how she looked like this, she still could not stand it.

"Good, it won't be hot for a while."

Mo Beichen kissed her, cooing softly.

On the next day, when the raccoon woke up, he felt that his whole body was weak and weak.

Looking at the handsome face next to him, Beaver's complexion turned red.

They turned out last night ...

This is the first time in her impression.

The **** became more and more blushing.

Mo Beichen opened his eyes and saw that the raccoon returned to the appearance of the little fox, but he was not surprised, but he was still a little disappointed.

Being a little fox meant that he would not be able to eat meat for a long time.

"Do you still drink blood?" Mo Beichen held Baiju in his arms.

Although he didn't dislike her fox body, he still liked the body.

The **** looked at the tooth marks on his neck and flushed.

"No more."

I just drank it last night. I don't know what happened. As soon as she drank his blood, her head became dizzy and her body became hot.

Her memory of what happened last night was not very clear. She could not even remember whether she was a beast or a human body, and only knew that they seemed to have been many times.

"Do you hurt?" Beaver embarrassedly reached out his paw and touched the tooth mark on his neck.

The wound was no longer bleeding, and she was careful when she drank, only biting a small wound.

"It doesn't hurt at all." Mo Beichen rubbed her head.

His blood can make her transform, and even if he let his blood dry, he is willing.

The **** hugged his neck and froze gently.

Mo Beichen hugged the **** and showered her.

White beavers are afraid of water, but they did like it last night.

The **** closed his eyes, and shyly shrank almost all the way.

However, Mo Beichen was washing carefully, and after drying, he dried her with mysterious power before holding her out.

Outside, Zi Xiuran came out long ago.

Hua winked at Mo Beichen ambiguously.

The movement was not small last night. The boy was in a hurry. The beaver's girl was like this, and he was able to get down.

When Mo Beichen Quan didn't see his ambiguous eyes, he just sat on the stone table holding the beaver.

Zi Xiuran was drinking nectar. When they saw the two coming over, he poured two glasses for them.

Mo Beichen took a peek at Zi Xiuran and saw that his face was normal and there was no strange emotion.

In fact, he didn't mean it last night, but it was too quiet on the peak of love, and the sound insulation became a lot worse.

"Want to drink?" Mo Beichen rubbed Bai Tan's head.

"Um." The **** licked his lips like a tortoiseshell.

Mo Beichen chuckled and gave her a cup of manna juice.

The **** took the manna juice and drank it with a sip. He didn't even have time to remember the taste.

Seeing that she was still intent, Mo Beichen brought his cup to him again.

Baitan glanced at the manna juice in Mo Beichen's hand and shook his head: "You eat it."

Mo Beichen was not reluctant, and he took the cup of manna juice and drank it.

This nectar juice is at the peak of Qingqing, even if it's breakfast.

In fact, in this immortal fairyland, you don't need to eat, but Zi Xiuran is already used to a glass of manna juice every day.

He remembered that someone had forced him to drink every day.

"I want to take Tanuki back to the demon world for two days." Mo Beichen looked at Zi Xiuran.

He wanted to take her to see where they used to stay, maybe it would help her restore her memory.

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