Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1354: She remembered the world, but she forgot about him

Baili has been hiding from Mo Beichen for a few days. She really couldn't accept the husband who suddenly appeared. How could she be married as a child?

This also made Mo Beichen more depressed. He originally wanted to get close to her, and maybe even if he couldn't restore his memory, he could make her fall in love with herself again, just like before.

But now he refuses to let him approach, as long as he gets close to her, he has nothing to do.

Outside, the raccoon was lying on his back on the stone table, his four claws kept teasing Xiaobai and Xiaohuang, and he was having fun.

Mo Beichen held her head in sorrow, why she remembered the whole world but forgot him.

Zi Xiuran stood next to Mo Beichen, and petered the beaver, who was having fun there: "Before, she was so carefree."

Mo Beichen frowned at him.

What does it mean? If he didn't know he was okay, he would have thought that the antidote was deliberately made by him.

Zi Xiuran stared blankly at the front: "Don't look at the deity like this. If you give the deity another chance, the deity will never let you get closer to her."

This is the baby that he grew up holding in his hand, so he snatched it away and was depressed.

Mo Beichen's face sank: "If you give Ben Jun another chance, Ben Jun will **** her back earlier."

If he were to do it again, he would have appeared in her world earlier, so that she could remember him now.

Zi Xiuran finally turned his eyes to Mo Beichen, and now there was anger in those indifferent eyes.

Mo Beichen was also reluctant to show weakness, glaring at Zi Xiuran.

In the end, this guy still has other indiscriminate feelings for the beaver's apprenticeship.

Just when the two were angry, the **** rolled off the stone platform.

Almost simultaneously, the two flashed together.

"Beaver!" Mo Beichen was closer to her and took the lead in catching Baitan.

The **** was startled and looked at Mo Beichen in shock.

"Thank you!" Nana said, and Beaver jumped into Zi Xiuran's arms. "Master!"

With no arms in his arms, Mo Beichen's heart seemed empty.

Zi Xiuran hugged the **** and stared at her seriously: "The next time I am naughty, I will copy the Tianshu a hundred times."

"Ah!" Baitan called suddenly, dissatisfied, "No, Master, stop copying and punish others."

Zi Xiuran gave her a scornful glance: "None of the penalties can make you memorize long, can penalties be useful?"

The white raccoon stared wryly and snarled his neck and said, "Where is the raccoon no longer remembering, that raccoon raccoon has fallen backward."

Zi Xiu raised his eyebrow and smiled: "Then you have to listen to one deity and listen to it, and the deity will never punish you for copying books."

Beaver: "..."

Tianshu she copied so many times from childhood to childhood, it was really ripe, but just so many volumes of Tianshu turned her back, she really couldn't memorize it.

This cow says it's big.

The **** blinked: "Otherwise I'm going to give it to you again."

Just because she was familiar with it.

Zi Xiuran Lengheng: "It seems that there are still fewer copies, so start copying 100 times today."

"Master!" The **** roared, but suddenly he softened when he saw Zi Xiu's ugly face.

"Master ~ Atan is afraid, Atan will not be naughty next time, don't let Atan copy the book, Atan's paw hurts."

Seeing Zi Xiuran still sullen, the **** flattered in his chest.

Mo Beichen looked more and more angry, seeing his face turned green finally.

Apparently a few days ago he promised not to be close to other men.

con man!

Mo Beichen didn't look at him, and he went back to the room in a huff.

Zi Xiuran looked at the back of Mo Beichen's departure, and unconsciously evoked a smile.

It turned out to be so cool!

"No penalty today, be careful in the future, in case of a fall, it will be awkward." Zi Xiuran rubbed Baitan's head and spoiled.

She was still pregnant with her child.

"I see." The **** narrowed his eyes and habitually raised his palm.

In the room, Mo Beichen stood by the window, resentfully resentful.

He must let the raccoon regain his memory, otherwise he might be mad.

At night, the **** was lying on the bed, turning like a pancake, turning back and forth.

She didn't know what she wanted, anyway, she was uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

The raccoon held his head against the pillow, and kept cuddling.

She is upset, she misses ...

Suddenly the **** stumbled, she didn't even know what she wanted? In short, it is uncomfortable.

Suddenly a scent of strange incense drifted into the tip of the nose, and the **** erected from the bed with a whisper.

This is the taste, she just wants this!

The **** followed the scent from the window to the next room.

This is ... that person's room.

The **** looked stupidly at the flying white gauze, and there was a half-faded beauty in the gauze.

The raccoon swallowed her mouth unconsciously, and the strange scent attracted her to keep going.

The white raccoon jumped into the gauze tent, looking at the man's attractive face and figure, and immediately rolled down two tubes of nosebleeds in his nose.

"Pop", Yin Hong's blood dripped on the pure white sheets, even more embarrassing.

The **** immediately covered his nose, and dared not look at him, staring straight at the blood on his neck.

As if just smelling the smell, her eyes began to blur.

"Want to drink?" Looking at her confused look, Mo Beichen had a successful smile in her eyes.

At this time of the day, when she wanted to drink blood the most, he knew it worked.

Beaver's eyes were bright, and he looked at him nervously: "Will you let me drink?"

The **** said, he swallowed again, as if he had the strange smell in his mouth.

"Drink." Mo Beichen didn't seem to care, and she lay down flatly without stressing her.

The **** became even more excited when he saw this, and walked cautiously, leaned over to his neck and tried it.

The strange smell deep in the memory flashed straight into the brain.

At this moment, the beaver's head was blank, there was no way to think, and he drank instinctively.

Mo Beichen didn't move at first. Until she was drunk, she reached out and held her in her arms.

As soon as the soft body was in his arms, Mo Beichen felt that he was complete.

Mo Beichen carefully adjusted her position to make it easier for her to drink blood.

Bai Ciwo was in Mo Beichen's arms, and he didn't know how much he had drank.

When she fell asleep, Mo Beichen dared to kiss her.

No matter what method is used, as long as she is willing to be close to him.

However, he was starting to worry a bit now. The girl drank so much blood, and the children in this stomach would not be affected. His blood was magical.

Mo Beichen touched her swollen belly, but he was helpless again.

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