Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1356: She will always be his wife

Mo Beichen looked at the little guy who was lying on his neck and drinking blood, his eyes were soft and could turn into water.

As long as she can stay with him like this, he is willing to give up all his blood.

Baiju today is different from yesterday. When she drank yesterday, she had no consciousness at all, but today she is still awake.

She had never been so close to a man, neither was Master.

His big palm stroked her head, she could clearly feel his tenderness and love.

But his love and tenderness made her nervous because she had never been loved by others like this, she didn't even know what love was, and she was afraid she couldn't respond to him.

At this moment, the **** completely forgot the fact that she had a child with Mo Beichen, and she kept thinking about it and drank too much blood.

After a while, she fell asleep in his arms.

Mo Beichen took her into her arms, kissed her forehead lightly, and hugged her to sleep.

The next day, Beaver still woke up early in the morning, and she was as energetic as yesterday.

It seems that after every drink of blood, she is in a good spirit.

Beaver turned his head and found that he was asleep in his arms.

But today she didn't make a fuss like she did yesterday, she stared at his perfect handsome face.

He looks really good, except Master, this is the best looking man she has ever seen.

Thinking of his tenderness yesterday, the **** couldn't help flushing.

She wanted to jump out of his arms, but just woke up and he woke up.

In fact, Mo Beichen also woke up when she opened her eyes, just to see how she would react.

Today she did not avoid him like a viper, which made him very happy, but he felt a little disappointed when she felt that she was about to leave his arms.

"you're awake?"

When Beaver saw him woke up, he began to shy again.

"Um." Mo Beichen responded and kissed her forehead sideways.

The **** flushed, looking at his pale lips, and frowned again: "You wait."

The **** ran away as he said, and after a while he jumped in with a red elixir.

"Replenishing blood." Baitan held the blood-pleasing dandelion in front of him.

As Mo Beichen's eyes warmed, she leaned down and took the elixir in the palm of her hand.

As soon as he took the elixir, the **** immediately flushed his face back.

Mo Beichen's eyes were darkened, and he was unwilling to hold her directly in his arms.

The **** was startled, struggling to push him away.

"Don't push me away." Mo Beichen hugged her tightly, with some injuries. "Don't push me away forever."

Listening to his sentimental tone, Beaver's body froze, and his outstretched claws stiffened on his chest.

Feeling that she no longer resisted, Mo Beichen's lip angle was raised unconsciously.

No one talked again, so they hugged so quietly.

For a long time, Mo Beichen reluctantly let go of her: "Want to go out and play?"

The **** looked at his deep eyes, and the ghost nodded his head.

When Mo Beichen was happy, he hugged her and went out.

Outside, Hua Yan and Yu Fan smiled vaguely when they saw them coming out.

"It seems that Tanuki is about to recover her memory." Hua Yan looked at the two with a joke.

The **** frowned, why mention it again? Did she really lose her memory?

Maybe it's true, otherwise how could she explain her pregnancy, she would have no impression at all.

Baici sneaked a glance at Beichen. Is he really her husband and father of her child?

Thinking of the warmth he gave her last night, her heart moved slightly.

He should be true, but why did she love drinking his blood so much?

Is it because he is the father of her child that she keeps thinking about his blood?

"Let's go out and play." Mo Beichen looked at Zi Xiuran.

"Go." Zi Xiuran nodded, no objection.

Mo Beichen hugged the **** and flew out of the Qingqing Peak.

"Where do you want to play?" Mo Beichen rubbed her head and asked.

Because she was younger in heart, Mo Beichen coaxed her like a child.

The **** tilted his head and thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes brightened, "We might as well go to Jingyue Pavilion to play."

Jingyue Pavilion is another master ’s practice place. It is usually managed by the old man and Brother Yufan. Now the old man and Brother Yufan are at the peak of love, so why do n’t anyone care about Jingyue Pavilion, then they Just for fun, she was detained before and she couldn't go in many places.

Mo Beichen was naturally unconcerned, and hugged her and headed for Jing Yuege.

However, Jingyue Pavilion is some distance away from the Qingfeng Peak, and this trip takes a lot of time.

Mo Beichen was afraid she was shocked by the wind and pulled out her cloak from the storage ring to shield her from the wind.

Bai Tan looked at Mo Beichen's thoughtful movement and was touched.

He is really a good man, and the movement is familiar, as if he has done it many, many times.

The beaver's eyes flickered and he raised his head and said, "We were once husband and wife?"

Mo Beichen frowned: "Not once, now we are also husband and wife."

She will always be his wife.

The **** staggered and laughed: "Then tell me about our past."

She was suddenly interested in their past. She wanted to hear how they had loved each other before, and how they got married and became pregnant.

Seeing that she was interested in the past, Mo Beichen was immediately pleased and immediately hugged her and began to talk.

He didn't have much to say, but he talked a lot about their past.

He told it very well, and their story was also beautiful. She became fascinated unconsciously, rejoicing for their joy, worrying for their sorrow, and even some things, she felt like empathy and experience Live the same.

The **** could not help but redden his eyes when he heard: "Have we been born again?"

"Yes." Mo Beichen nodded. "We have been reborn, and now it is another thousand years after you remember."

The **** frowned, suddenly feeling sad.

Did he forget so many things? It's sad that people who once loved each other so forget.

Seeing her unhappy, he rubbed her head comfortably: "Don't worry, you can remember, I'll wait for you."

"If I can't remember it." Baitan asked him sadly.

It's not impossible, she really can't remember him at all.

Mo Beichen held up her head and said seriously, "Please love me again."

He was sad when she lost their memory, but as long as she continued to love him, he could do nothing.

The beaver's eyes suddenly turned red, and this sentence was familiar.

"I'll try." Bai Tan blushed slightly.

She doesn't reject him now, and his goodness makes her willing to try to love him again.

"Thank you, Tanuki!"

Upon hearing her answer, Mo Beichen hugged and held it for a moment.

The **** was blushed by him, and it should not be difficult to fall in love with such a man who treats himself wholeheartedly.

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