Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1366: you hate me

"I won't talk about him anymore." Baijue's eyes flickered, worried, "Now we are both here. What about Shengtiancheng?"

Holy heaven is her hard work, and she doesn't want to ruin it because of her affairs.

Mo Beichen smiled and rubbed her head: "It's all right, I'll give it to my father."

The **** was relieved when he heard it was handed over to Bai Tingxuan.

Dad also helped handle state affairs before, and it should be fine for him.

"But ..." Mo Beichen frowned again.

"What?" Baitan raised his eyes in confusion.

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered, and frowning said: "At first, you couldn't hide your father's affairs. I can only tell him the truth, but I didn't talk about the demon world and the demon world. I just said that it was a previous opponent. "

The **** frowned when he heard the words. So Dad knew that she had been taken away, so he would be worried about death.

"Let's go, let's go back so that they can rest assured." Mo Beichen knew she was worried.

The **** thought for a moment and shook his head: "No, we can't go back. Now Bixue and Mo Yan are staring at us. We are afraid that we can't hide them, and I'm afraid they will hurt my father and mother."

The blue blood and Mo Yan have always been despicable and shameless. Although there are conventions in the Six Realms, those two people are not like those who will abide by the conventions.

Mo Beichen also nodded, it was his intention.

"I'm sending someone secretly to protect them today."

In case their dog jumps off the wall, they should be prepared early.

"Um." Baitan nodded. "Send a few more powerful pasts, at least worse than that."

There is no one in Mo Yan's hands, and Bi Xue should have no face to go to the human realm to catch people, so those who will go to the human realm should still be Fu Lin.

After Bai Tan said, Mo Beichen had a candidate in his heart: "I'll go now."

"I'll go with you." Baitan followed, "I happened to write a letter and let them take it to my dad, so that my dad can rest assured."

When the two were out of the room together, it was not too early, Zi Xiuran, Yu Fan, and Huayan were all outside.

"You Tan girl ..." Seeing Bai Tan turned into a human body, Hua Yan suddenly widened her eyes in surprise.

The broom in Yufan's hand also dropped, and looked at Baiju stupidly.

Three people outside, the beaver's gaze was only on one person.

Seemingly every day these days, but she still felt that she hadn't seen him for a long time.

The feeling of being familiar with the bones, yet strange as it was at first sight, filled her entire chest, and the sourness made her inexplicably want to cry.

When Zi Xiuran's indifferent eyes glanced over Baiju's wet eyes, his heart throbbed.

This is regaining memory ...

The two just looked at each other, and no one spoke.

Seeing the strange appearance of the two masters and apprentices, Huayan and Yufan also lowered their eyes and did not dare to speak again.

Mo Beichen looked at the beaver, but there was no sourness, only his heartache: "You guys, would you like to talk alone?"

If he had never given them a chance to speak alone before, but now ...

He still didn't want her to be sad, let alone her embarrassment, hoping that they could unlock the knot.

Beaver lowered his eyes and did not speak.

Huayan and Yufan knew each other over there: "Chat, talk."

The two disappeared as soon as they smoked.

"Speak well." Mo Beichen rubbed Baiju's head and went to the cliff side to wait for her.

After everyone left, the two still did not speak.

The **** looked at Zi Xiuran and opened his mouth, but the "Master" couldn't say anything.

She once said that it was the last time to call him Master, but during this period of her memory loss, she still completely destroyed her vows before and after Master.

Looking at that father-like face, Baijue's eyes became red again. Since Heaven has caused her to lose her memory, why not keep her from losing her memory, but she must remind her of her past.

How should she face him now ...

"Have you recovered your memory?" Or Zi Xioran opened his mouth first.

The beaver's eyes flashed lightly, and he nodded, and began to speak.

"you hate me."

Zi Xiuran's voice was very calm, so calm that it seemed to have been expected to be the result.

Beaver's heart fluttered sharply, his eyes dropped, he didn't speak.

A hint of distress appeared in the indifferent eyes, and then he returned to peace.

"You go." Zi Xiuran retracted his gaze and played the piano again.

Even now, he still can't say the words "you and my fate are gone".

This is the disciple he holds in his palm, how can he bear it.

A line of tears slipped down, and Beaver looked at Zi Xiuran, who was playing the piano, uncomfortably wanting to cry.

Obviously he was wrong. Obviously she had said that he was no longer her master. Obviously he had hurt A Mo like that. Why was her heart so painful and so uncomfortable?

At last he looked at Zi Xiuran, and the **** turned away.

She didn't see that the moment she turned around, his fingers trembled, and even the tone of the piano changed.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Mo Beichen frowned and looked at Zi Xiuran.

The white fox burst into tears, transformed into a small fox and jumped into Mo Beichen's arms.

"What's wrong?" Mo Beichen frowned, rubbing her head in pain.

What did you say? Why are you crying like this?

The **** shook his head buried in his arms and cried, "Let's go."

Mo Beichen frowned at Zi Xiuran, seeing that he was still playing the piano, he sighed silently, and flew out of the Qingqing Peak with the **** in his arms.


After the two left, Zi Xiuran couldn't stand the spit of blood.

"Xian Zun ..." Yu Fan and Hua Yan hiding behind were shocked and ran out.

"Xian Zun!" Yu Fan asked Zi Xiuran nervously.

Huayao took two elixir from her arms and gave it to Zi Xiuran.

Taking Xiuyao, Zi Xiuran's complexion was slightly better.

"A raccoon is too much. She doesn't know how much Xianzun has done for her and what she has endured. Xianzun is so good to her, and she still treats Xianzun so much." Yu Fan looked at Zi Xi anxiously Ran, resentment.

Huayan stood aside, his face complicated.

Xianzun did a lot for them, but Xianzun didn't say, how did Aju know them? The previous knot couldn't be solved, and Aju was also uncomfortable.

"Stop mentioning her later." Zi Xiuran said indifferently, then got up and went back to the room.

Hua Yan looked at Zi Xiuran's back, and sighed, "Why did this happen?"

The master and apprentice didn't know what to say, they both cared about each other, why did this happen?

Yu Fan looked at the blood on that piano and said angrily, "It's all bad for A Tan, A Tan is too sensible."

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