Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1368: Purpose of Azure Blood

It's big day now, these two can have such a big movement.

It seems that since His Majesty married this new queen, it has become even more intemperate, and the two of them can feel clear anytime, anywhere.

However, the charm of this new queen is still very large. Since her Majesty married her, she has basically not recruited the snake girl in the harem, so that the harem is a curse.

However, due to the greatness of the new queen, even if the snake girl in the harem did not dare to mess with her complaints, she could only complain in her back. Of course, she had to go to the former queen to move around.

Unfortunately, the former queen was useless. Her majesty couldn't help her when she was a queen, not to mention she is now a concubine, how could her majesty listen to her.

Therefore, many people in this demon palace saw the wind to make the rudder start to please the new queen, and even the former demon monk Mo Yan who brought the oil bottle was also offered as a bodhisattva.

To talk about Mo Yan, since Jin Fengjiao became married to Bi Xue, he has been mixing with the Snake Girl every day. Thanks to this Bi Xue, he also gave him two Snake Girls. Even so, the other court ladies who served him were all tainted Now, there are some queens who can't stand the loneliness.

This is a good thing. Every day, more than a dozen women are around, and all that is idle all day is to confuse with women, but to forget the robbing of the palace.

After the **** battle with Jin Fengjiao three times, she finally rested.

Jin Fengjiao fragrant sweat lay down in the arms of Bi Xue, panting lightly.

In fact, when the two were not married before, she didn't like Bi Xie, she just wanted to humiliate Mo Youming with Bi Xie, and by the way mix up with a demon.

However, now that the two have a husband and wife, Jin Fengjiao has changed his blood, and he doesn't think he is ugly. There is something like it, which is probably the biggest difference between a woman and a man.

Once a woman gives her body, her feelings will naturally change, and a man will be different. When she does not get a hand, it is a treasure, but when you get a hand, it is not necessarily a treasure. Therefore, during this time, Jin Fengjiao worked hard, and tied the blood to her side, never spoiling other snake women for several days.

"You can tell the emperor now." Bi Xuexie smiled and hugged Jin Fengjiao's chin.

Jin Feng coquettishly smiled and drew it into Bi Xue's ears, exhaling like Lan said: "There is a secret passage in the castle of the emperor, I can protect you from sneaking into the castle of the emperor without knowing it, then you will not catch the **** Is it easy? "

Upon hearing Bi Xue's spirit, "Why don't you say it earlier, let's go now."

Bi Xue was excited to get up and dress.

"Dead ghost!" Jin Fengjiao smashed the **** chest, "You can't let me rest."

I just came three times just now, but she was getting old, but she didn't see him at all.

Bi Xue's eyes were dazzling, and she smiled and kissed her lips: "It's the emperor who hasn't thought about it well, or else you'll rest here, and the emperor will let the child go with the emperor."

Jin Fengjiao smiled and nodded: "Yeah, Ye Er is also familiar with those secret passages."

"Then you rest here, and the emperor will go back." Bi Xue got dressed and couldn't wait to find Mo Yan.

This **** has always been his confidant. If one day the **** does not die, he will be distressed for a day, so the **** must die.

When Bixue arrived in Mo Yan's room, Mo Bi was mixing with Snake Girl in the house, and two of them were Bi Xue women.

"Ben Jun wasn't intentional, Ben Jun ..." Mo Yan saw Bi Xue coming suddenly, suddenly frightened, trying to explain something, but he couldn't explain clearly.

The two snake girls were also scared to death. Although their snakes do n’t take chastity seriously, the snake girls in the harem were not all perfect bodies before entering the palace, but the woman who entered the palace But it is necessary to follow the rules, as they are unwilling to be lonely, all those who hook up with men are to be killed.

The two snake women thought, and shuddered even more.

Bi Xue glanced coldly at the two snake girls, but they were also very angry, but thinking of asking Mo Yan to take him to the secret road of the imperial fortress, Bi Xue laughed: "Isn't it just two snake girls? Father Emperor rewards is you."

Bi Xue said and swept towards the two snake girls again: "You two will serve you well from now on."

"Yes." The two snake women shuddered, but they were all happy.

After all, this ink pot is much younger and more beautiful than Bi Xue, and their identity is not bad. That is the former demon. If they return to the demon world in the future, aren't they the devil?

Upon hearing Bi Xue's investigation, Mo Yan was relieved: "Thank you, Father, Emperor."

After Jin Fengjiao and Bixue became married, Mo Xie changed his mouth, but Mo Xie had been reluctant. At this moment, it was because the two Snake Girls had let go, and it was also extinct.

Seeing him changing his mouth, Bi Xue's lips and lips sneered inexorably: "Accompany the emperor to visit the imperial castle."

"Father Emperor is going to help the son-in-law to win the magic palace." Mo Yan was excited when he heard the three words of the emperor's fortress, and even the father-emperor and son-in-law said that he couldn't slip away anymore.

Bi Xuepi smiled and chuckled his lips without saying a smile: "It's a matter of time to seize the demon palace, but let's catch the **** first, and when we catch the beaver, then Mo Yan is not letting us send."

As soon as Mo Yan's eyes lighted up, he knew the meaning of Bai Tan'er to Mo Yan. If he can catch the beaver, the demon world must be in his pocket.

Mo Yan thought to respond immediately with excitement.

Bi Xue's eyes sneered sneer, this idiot, he thought he would really help him win the magic palace, even if it is, he is the blood of the devil.

The reason why he married Jin Fengjiao was not her beauty and kung fu, but her identity and cultivation.

With Jin Fengjiao's identity as the queen of the demon world, he sat down as the devil and was justified. As for the waste of Mo Yan, when he gave him a free land, he was counted as a face.

There is also the cultivation of Jin Fengjiao. Jin Fengjiao is a marry who is married by Mo Youming. The original cultivation of Jin Fengjiao is not low. It is also one of the best in the entire demon world. Today, she has been retreating for thousands of years. Improved a lot.

The reason why he has been so passive for so many years is because his cultivation is not as good as the purple cultivation, but now he has found a way.

As if thinking of something good, Bi Xue laughed cheerfully.

Mo Yan with blue blood and scales, plus two teams of demon soldiers looked for a few hours outside Mohuangbao, but he did not find the entrance to the secret road.

"Where is the secret?" Bi Xue was impatient.

"Here it is." Mo Yan stood at the secret passage before him, staring dumbly at the pile of weeds.

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