Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1370: Hongmeng Purgatory

Baitan had no choice but to choose to go with Mo Beichen in the end.

"Will you follow me like this, is it okay?" Baitan frowned and looked at Mo Beichen, worried a little bit about Mohuangbao.

Because of this sentence, I'm afraid for several months, so Mo Beichen changed both of them with illusion.

That changing person can do anything a normal person does, but he hasn't failed to do anything. The two people are fake, and only Longyue knows.

Mo Beichen chuckled: "They won't find it, even if they find it."

Now there are no more Mo Yan and Jin Fengjiao in the Demon Palace, even if the demon soldiers find that Long Yue can still calm down.

And even if Mo Yan and Jin Fengjiao knew it, it wouldn't be easy to win the magic palace again.

What's more, he didn't even care, even if the castle was not important to him.

Mo Beichen held the **** and flew directly to Hongmeng Purgatory.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" Mo Beichen looked at Baiju seriously, confirming it again.

The **** kissed him with a smile: "I'm not afraid of you with you."

Mo Beichen also laughed and reluctantly hugged her into Hongmeng Purgatory.

An infiltrating spleen came, and Baijuan jumped off Mo Beichen alertly and changed into a human form.

"Here is Hongmeng Purgatory, and it's really heavy." Baitan frowned, looking around.

She has only heard of it before and will be here in the future.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: "This should not be the real Hongmeng Purgatory. I heard that Hongmeng Purgatory has eighteen floors, and each floor has countless grudges and ghosts."

Mo Beichen glanced around and quickly found the entrance.

"Here." Mo Beichen frowned, watching the blood-red swirl, "Go in together?"

The **** held his hand and rushed in.

Suddenly a suction hit and the two were sucked in.

Mo Beichen hugged the **** tightly in his arms, and suddenly a burst of yin a hundred times stronger than before.

The **** raised his eyes, and saw countless ghosts flying towards them.

"Be careful!" Bai Tan quickly summoned Feng Mingjian and chopped down at the flying spirits.

When Mo Beichen's eyes lighted, he also called out Long Yinjian.

"That's too much, too." The **** looked densely, and the tens of thousands of ghosts were a bit cold.

Mo Beichen protected the **** in his arms, and chopped the ghosts expressionlessly: "This is only the first layer, the second layer is more, and the magic power of the ghosts is higher."

The **** stared at the surging ghosts with a black line. Was she too impulsive?

The first floor is so sad, how much more difficult is the eighteenth floor.

"How did you regret it?" Mo Beichen gave her a playful look. "It's useless to regret it. This Hongmeng purgatory comes in, so I can only hit it."

That entrance is really in and out. The exit is below, so you can only hit it one by one.

The white raccoon slumped upright and slumped his neck and said, "Who said that I regret it, I will not regret it, hit it."

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen back to back with a serious expression, hacked together.

She has come to practice, she will not give up anyway, she must work hard.

"Okay, let's go out." Mo Beichen laughed, and while guarding the beaver, he was chopping the ghost.

The two were hacked in this Hongmeng purgatory. The people in the demon world didn't know it at all, and Bi Xue and Mo Yan also knew nothing about it. They were still thinking about how to sneak into Mohuangbao to catch the beaver.

It's a pity that Mo Beichen not only strengthened the magic soldier's defense before he left, but also set up the formation and enchantment personally. Not to mention that the two of them went in, they couldn't even get close.

"Don't you say that catching a **** is easy? Look at it now, let alone secrets, you can't even find a hole outside the castle." Bi Xue glared at Jin Fengjiao.

This is the first time that Bi Xue was angry with Jin Fengjiao, and he can see how persistent he is in catching Baizier.

Jin Fengjiao was aggrieved by Bi Xue: "It used to be that there was a secret outside the imperial castle, but now it may be buried by that wild seed."

"What now? The defense of Mohuangbao is the same as that of the copper wall and iron wall. Don't talk about it. Even a fly can't fly in. There is no way to catch the beaver." Bi blood hummed.

Jin Fengjiao was also scolded by Bi Xue: "You can't blame this palace if you can't catch anyone, haven't you been able to catch Baitan before?"

Bi Xue was struck lightly, then realized that her words were heavy, and quickly sat beside Jin Fengjiao to coax her: "Okay, okay, is it the emperor's bad, isn't this emperor anxious too?"

Jin Fengjiao sneered angrily, "Just take my breath away in anxiety, I don't think you have me at all."

Jin Fengjiao angrily set aside his blood chest.

Bi Xue triangle eyes were hot, and quickly grasped Jin Fengjiao's hand and said, "How can it be, the emperor's heart is all you, how can it be without you."

"Who believes you? You scolded me just now." Naturally, Jin Fengjiao would not stay like this and let him go.

"It's my emperor's fault. My emperor has apologized to you. Raise the emperor once." Bi Xue said good words to Jin Fengjiao, and her hands were out of order.

"You, a dead ghost, will do this trick." Jin Fengjiao lightly hammered on the blood chest.

Soon they fell to bed.

Jin Fengjiao tried to keep the blood in the past few days, but she tried everything, but I do n’t know if it was the problem of age. Every time afterwards, she felt that she was weak, as if she had been sucked in essence. Every time I feel energetic.

Fortunately, there is no white flower in her own efforts. During this time, the blood was only in her room, and the other snake girls were gone.

Because of this, the harem in the harem did not say bad things about her behind her, but she didn't care about their thoughts, as long as she could tie up her man, if she could give him a half child again, that status It's firm.


Since Mo Beichen and Baiju left, Zi Xiuran plays the piano by the cliff every day.

Hua Yan looked at Zi Xiuran's lonely back, and sighed softly.

It's been sitting there for three days and three nights, and I still think of them.

Xiaobai and Xiaohuang also lie in their nests and are too sleepy.

It's been playing for three days, and it doesn't make people sleep.

Before Aju jumped off the ice-fire pool, Xianzun also played the piano there for a long time. This time, I don't know how long it will be.

Yu Fan hurriedly flew up to Qingqing Peak, and saw that Zi Xiuran was still playing the piano, and immediately frowned.

"Xian Zun, Sister A Tan went to Hongmeng Purgatory."

"Bang!" The string under Zi Xiuran's finger broke instantly.

Zi Xiu stared at the broken string for a moment, and remained silent for a while, then returned to the room.

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