Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1373: Why aren't you born yet?

Hongmeng Purgatory.

Baiju and Mo Beichen have reached the fifteenth floor. After killing the last fierce spirit, Baiju fell to the ground.

She really had no strength at all. From the thirteenth floor, she was a fierce spirit. This fierce spirit is several times more powerful than the grieving spirit. It is simply not a species than the original ghost.

"Don't carry on." Mo Beichen held Baiju in his arms and caressed her stomach, "You might be born soon."

Counting the days, they have been coming in for almost seven months, including two months outside, nine months, and it is estimated that they will be born soon.

The **** gave himself a pulse and frowned, "There is no sign of this being born."

Mo Beichen looked at her suspiciously and didn't believe her at all.

It's been more than nine months, how can I not give birth, and I heard that multiple births are generally premature.

Seeing Mo Beichen's disbelief, Baitan could not help crying: "I really didn't want to give birth. I guess I can't give birth in a little while."

Her own body, she knew, she wasn't a liar, she really didn't move.

In fact, she is also weird. She said she conceived in October, but people in the human world usually give birth in nine months, and if they have multiple births, they will be born earlier. It's strange that there is no movement at all in the month.

Mo Beichen frowned: "I went out when I was not born, so don't make any more noise."

Mo Beichen didn't care whether Baitan was born or not. Anyway, he didn't want to let her go on an adventure. The one below was an evil spirit, which was several times more powerful than this fierce spirit. By then, he might not be able to free his hand to protect her.

Without giving the **** any chance to refute, Mo Beichen directly held her horizontally and hugged her and went to the exit.

After killing all the ghosts on each floor, there will be an entrance and an exit. The entrance is to enter the next floor, and the exit is to go out. Those who come in can choose to challenge the first floor.

Seeing that Mo Beichen was about to hug her out, where would the white fox be willing to go back like this, and he became a little fox "jumping" and jumped into the next entrance.

"Beaver!" Mo Beichen was startled and quickly jumped into the entrance.

After the **** entered the sixteenth floor, he stayed for an instant. It is not that there are too many evil spirits here, but that there are many times fewer evil spirits than fifteenth-level evil spirits.

But although it is less than the fifteenth floor, there are still many densely packed.

The beaver's tail fluttered, and five tails flew out instantly, killing five evil spirits at once.

Now her tail is awesome. It's almost like her weapon. She can basically kill someone by throwing it out.

After the five evil spirits were solved, the **** fluttered his tail again immediately. This time, the evil spirits were smart first, and a few groups attacked the beaver's tail.


There was a burning sensation in the tail, and the **** retracted his pain.

"Beaver!" Mo Beichen rushed over, slashed several evil spirits with a sword, and hugged Beaver into his arms. "You're all right."

"It hurts!" Baitan pouted his mouth and hugged his two bald tails.

No wonder there are fewer evil spirits in this layer. It turns out that these evil spirits are so powerful. They not only have their own consciousness, but the spray solution also has a corrosive effect.

"Now that I know the pain, take you out early, and you make your temper again." Mo Beichen finished his lesson with a black face, still holding her bald tail in pain and blowing gently.

Baitan pouted: "People want more experience."

It was so hard to come once, how could she just go back so easily.

"Don't wear it." Baitan took out two bronze masks from the storage ring, put one on Mo Beichen, and one on herself.

This ghost spray solution has a corrosive effect. If it is sprayed on the face, it will be miserable, so wear a mask to protect it.

Fearing that his other three tails also became bald, the **** turned into a human shape and retracted his tail.

Because the evil spirits here are so powerful, the **** has mobilized all the mental power to deal with them.

Because the level of evil spirits is very high, all beavers can increase a lot by killing one evil spirit.

Knowing that the **** should increase cultivation, Mo Beichen only guarded her, and did not take the initiative to deal with the evil spirit, but only cleared the evil spirit that was dangerous to the beaver's life.

Because Mo Beichen no longer offered to help, all the beavers spent nearly a month from the 16th to the 17th floor.

The seventeenth floor is still an evil spirit, but it is higher than the sixteenth floor, but the number is not much.

Mo Beichen was still guarding Baiju, and he did not shoot at will, but just stared at her belly.

Why isn't this moving? It's been more than ten months. Why is Tanuki still saying that it is not time to give birth? Is it because these little ghosts in the stomach want to go after their mother-in-law, so they don't deliberately come out.

Mo Beichen thought he felt a little bit more thoughtful. The child in this stomach was just a little older. Why did he really want to be so thoughtful.

But why not give birth?

Looking at the belly as big as a stone mill, Mo Beichen was almost enchanted.

He wanted them to be born quickly so that their mother-in-law could relax, but he did not want them to be born, fearing that their mother-in-law was in danger.

Mo Beichen put all his attention on Baiju's belly, but Baiju focused on killing the evil spirit.

The evil spirit here is more powerful than the sixteenth floor, and she can't be distracted at all.

More than a month later, the **** finally reached the last level.

At the last level, the child still had no signs of birth, and Mo Beichen had no reason to take the **** away.

As long as you finish the last layer, you can clear the customs. It is said that those who pass the customs will have special rewards, I don't know what rewards will be.

The last layer is no longer evil spirits, but evil spirits. Compared to evil spirits, this evil spirit is obviously much stronger, but fortunately, it is a lot less.

This time Mo Beichen still only kept the beaver, no matter whether the child was born or not, he knew that it was almost about to give birth. After all, it was almost twelve months, how could it be born.

The **** concentrates on killing evil spirits. This monster of Hongmeng Purgatory is getting more and more powerful, but she is not bad. She has not improved a lot. Her cultivation has improved a lot in the past year. More than ten times what she had done before. That's why she is even more reluctant to go out.

After killing for ten days, all the evil spirits that Baitan killed before suddenly changed back.

"Not good." Baitan frowned frantically. "These evil spirits can regenerate."

Mo Beichen glanced expressionlessly at the evil spirits who rushed at them: "This last level is not easy."

As the **** slashed the evil spirits, he pondered: "Perhaps there is a time limit, and the evil spirits killed within ten days will be reborn."

Mo Beichen frowned. If that was the case, it would be bad. It is unlikely that Tanuki's current practice will solve these evil spirits within ten days.

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