Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1377: All little foxes

In Hongmeng Purgatory, the beavers gave birth to two more, both of which were little white foxes.

And all are public.

Mo Beichen used different colors of clothes to make crickets to distinguish children.

After all, they all look exactly the same, and even his dad can tell that he is incompetent.

He also sent the wrapped child to Beaver, who still kissed him.

Mo Beichen kissed Baitan's lips jealously: "Don't kiss them."

The raccoon gave him a strange glance at him, this man, this is the child's vinegar.

"Tired?" Mo Beichen looked at Baiju distressedly and wiped her sweat gently.

The **** shook his head, but took out a panacea and ate it.

Having a child is hard work, not only bleeding and sweating, but also energy.

"Tough work." Mo Beichen kissed her brows lovingly, feeling very distressed.

He would never let her have children again.

"Hmm ..." Baitan snorted, covering her stomach again and painfully: "There seems to be another."

"One more?" Mo Beichen was also surprised.

Did n’t you say four? How come?

"Then you work hard." Mo Beichen scrambled to wipe the beaver.

Inside, beavers are working hard to produce.

Outside, those **** people were going crazy.

Because there are already red, orange, yellow, and green clouds in the sky, this also shows that four Sky Fox blood veins have appeared, and there is the same powerful Sky Fox blood vein as before.

No one figured out what was going on?

Even Shiraishi was circled.

How can there be so many Sky Fox bloodlines, even if the princess is even more powerful, it is impossible to have so many babies. You must know that the Sky Fox family has never had a precedent for three babies. It happened once, hundreds of millions of years ago.

Followed by Yu Fan and Hua Yan also stunned.

It is also unclear what happened.

But Zi Xiuran was so anxious that his face turned white.

On Longyue's side, she couldn't figure it out after the excitement.

So many of the fox blood appearing here are all His Highness? This is too much.

Everyone rushed to Hongmeng Purgatory in doubt.

The blue blood is now crazy, the extremely scarce Sky Fox blood veins used to come out one after the other as if no money was needed, and all of them are the purest blood veins. same.

At that time, Soto said that when the blood of the fox with vision appeared, it was the time when he was lost.

This **** mother appeared so many blood foxes with visions. This is to drive him crazy.

"Go in and search for the emperor." Bi Xue red eyes stared at Hongmeng Purgatory and roared. "You don't need to report to the emperor to see the white beaver, let alone kill."

He must kill the beaver, sure!

"Let's see who dares to move!"

As soon as the words of Bi Xue fell, Zi Xiuran fell into front of the entrance.

"It's you again!" Seeing Zi Xiuran, Bi Xue's face suddenly changed.

"The deity said that the **** is a disciple of the deity, and no one can touch her." Zi Xiu looked at Bi Xue with an expressionless expression, and did not mean to put him in his eyes.

"She is the remnant of the demon world, why can't the emperor kill it!" Bi Xue stared angrily at Zi Xiuran.

"Who said that Beaver is the rein of the demon world." Before Shi Xiuran spoke, Bai Shi rushed over with a group of people.

"White Beaver is the princess of the demon world, and will be the emperor of our demon world in the future!"

"Yes, Baijuer is our princess, not the evil in the demon world." Bi Xue was about to curse, and the demons who followed Bai Shi all shouted excitedly.

"You ..." Bi **** eyes became red, looking at those races that had been unwilling to obey him, the suffocating gas suddenly burst out again.

"The **** is not only the princess of the demon world, but also the queen of our demons."

Just when Bixue wanted the demon soldier to destroy those races brought by Shiraishi, Longyue also arrived with the demon soldier.

"Bixue, if you dare to move our queen, you will be the enemy of our entire demon world." Dragon Yue flew to Zi Xiuran and Baishi, and the red lance in his hand pointed at Bixue.

Seeing Long Yue coming with countless magic soldiers, Bi Xue's face suddenly turned black.

If only Zi Xiuran was there, it ’s okay to say that, after all, Zi Xiuran has always been nosy, and picking up Shiraishi himself, he may not be able to manage it. I did not expect that people from the Demon Realm came over, now Bai Juer and Mo Yan have Become married, afraid that people in the devil will not sit idly by.

Now all the people in the Three Realms of Fairy Demon have come here. Apparently, Fairy Realm and Demon Realm have joined forces. In addition, Bai Shi has brought so many people here. Don't say that he is going to kill Bai Jue.

They all blame Mo Yan, but if he has a little ability to defend the demon world, he won't let him fall into such a situation.

Bi Xue looked at Mo Yan with a blame.

Mo Yan's eyes flickered in guilty conscience, and he raised his eyes and stared at Long Yue: "Well, you, Long Yue, would you like to rebel or not?

Long Yue looked at him like a dog and followed Mo Yan beside Bi Xue, sneering disdainfully: "What kind of prince, you won't still have the dream of a demon."

"Bold!" Seeing Long Yue dare to laugh at him, Mo Yan was immediately angry.

"Mo Yan, you are now a dog beside Bixue. Don't yell at General, be careful that General will kill you with a shot." Not only was Long Yue not afraid, he also raised a long gun directly at him.


Mo Yan suddenly hesitated. You must know that Longyue's cultivation is very high. He is definitely above him. If he really wants to strangle him, he can still do it.

Looking at Mo Yan's unpromising appearance, Bi Xue could not fight for a while, and could only confront Shangyue himself: "The demon world and the demon world have no injustice and revenge, you can let it go. The emperor only needs to be a **** and the others. The emperor can never blame it. "

The dragon and the bird did not bird him, and snorted directly: "You don't talk too much here. The general said that Baijuer is the queen of our demon world. Whoever dares to move Baijuer is against our entire demon world. "

"Queen, Queen! Enemy for enemies!" Long Yue's words just fell, and all the demons over there began to shout.

These magic soldiers don't necessarily like Bai Juer, but they like Mo Su, the demon prince, knowing that the devil loves Bai Juer, and now Bai Juer has given His Highness to their demon world, They will naturally guard.

Hearing the cry of the demons, Bi Xue's face was green.

"In fact, you don't need to stop them, let them go in and kill them." Hua Yan came over and glanced at the monster soldiers in disdain.

These people really think that Hongmeng Purgatory is advancing. I am afraid that everyone died in it before they found it.

The monster soldiers looked at each other, and nobody really dared to move.

Indeed, as the old man said, they really didn't dare to enter this Hongmeng purgatory. You must know that the ghosts in Hongmeng purgatory were stronger than them. I am afraid that they would not need two levels to enter, and they would all be destroyed.

Being reminded by Huayan, Bi Xue frowned.

It is not a pity that the demon soldier died, but if he died, he would be the commander of the bare pole, which would not work.

"Boom!" Just as the Quartet stalled at the entrance of Hongmeng Purgatory, another cloud appeared.

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