Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1383: Official clothing

The monster soldiers only tangled for a while, and then they knelt down together: "Your Majesty, all generations, Longchang forever."

This **** is so young at such a young age that her achievements will not be lower than that of Her Majesty, and he will surely lead the demon world back to its former glory.

Since Bixue became the demon emperor, their demon world has been crushed by the demon world and the immortal world. Fortunately, that ink owl is useless, and Zi Xiuran is not a messy thing. Their demon world is finally safe.

The current Demon King is their Majesty's husband, and Xianzun is their Majesty's master. Who among these six realms dares to bully them.

The more the monster soldiers wanted to be more happy, the more they felt that the blue blood should have given way to Baijuer.

Everyone was on their knees, leaving only the snake soldiers and the races that had supported the blood.

"How dare you betray your Majesty." Fu Lin looked at the monster soldiers who bowed their heads, and their faces were green.

"General Fu's word of betrayal is incorrect. The position of the demon emperor originally belonged to the Tianhu clan, but now it returns to the Tianhu clan, how can it betray it?" Said a kneeling demon soldier.

"That is, this is Bi Xue losing with her Majesty. If you want to blame, you can only blame him for his inferior skills." Some of the monster soldiers spoke fearlessly.

"Your Majesty's bloodline is nobler than Blue Blood, he is deeper than Blue Blood, and he is younger than Blue Blood. Even his looks are hundreds of times more beautiful than Blue Blood. Do you have any reason to choose Blue Blood." value.

"Your Majesty can even produce six in one breath, just because of this, who in the demon world has this ability and who is not satisfied with His Majesty!" Demon soldiers, you can't speak without saying anything. .

Feng Zu, the chief of the Feng clan, felt the angry look of Suzaku, and after hearing so many words from the demon soldiers, he finally couldn't resist the pressure and knelt down.

"The Feng clan sees His Majesty. From now on, the Feng clan will look at the head of the Tianhu tribe. If they betray his Majesty, the descendants of the Feng clan will be slaves for generations." Feng Yi opened his fingers and sweared with blood on his fingertips. .

The other people of the Feng nationality all followed their knees.

The **** frowned and looked at Feng Yi, walked in front of him, reached out and attached his brows: "My emperor believes in you, and will no longer hold you accountable to the Feng clan for betrayal."

The demon clan has the heaviest oath, because if the oath is violated, the oath change will be realized, so she believes that he should not deceive her with the descendants of the entire clan.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Feng Yi Lao bowed his head in tears in tears when he heard Baitan no longer hold them accountable.

He has been regretful all these years. At the time, the White Witch Demon Emperor did not treat them with the Phoenix tribe. However, after the disappearance of the ancestors of the Phoenix tribe, the Phoenix tribe has been going downhill, from the noble race to the middle race. He did not dare to let the Phoenix tribe do this all the time, so he accompanied the Bixue rebellion.

It was originally thought that being a blood demon emperor could treat them with the Phoenix tribe and turn them into nobles again, but it was only a hundred years old. The decline of the Phoenix tribe itself could not be resisted by any force.

He really regretted that in order to make a treaty with Bixue, he also caught up with his favorite daughter and broke up her and Feng Luan.

Other ethnic groups that had rebelled before, saw the Feng tribe forgiven, and swore on their knees.

"I have been loyal to the Sky Fox family for generations, and if they betray, they will be slaves for generations."

"I will be loyal to your Majesty, and will never betray you, if you vow to be slaves for generations."

"My Dai people are loyal ..."

Watching each other's former companions fall, Fu Lin was suddenly anxious.

Everyone is down, the remaining snakes are not their opponents at all, and Her Majesty is not there. What can I do now?

Not only was Fu Lin anxious, other snake clan also died suddenly.

Seeing so many people, in fact, those of the snake clan also wanted to take an oath, but they did so many bad things along the way with the blood. At the time, they were also members of the Emperor Baiyun Demon and Queen Chu Yun. Won't let them go.

While the snake soldiers were restless, all the other ethnic groups surrendered to the beaver.

The **** glanced at those who had betrayed her father and the emperor, and she was still angry, but since they were willing to swear to sell her as slaves, she would barely forgive them.

"Since you sincerely regret it, the emperor will never blame it. In the future, all your treatment will be the same as other races. The emperor will not treat them differently, and I hope you can keep your vows. If you rebel again, the emperor will not Mind the few races in the demon world. "

The **** looked at them coldly, and threw a loud voice.

"Don't dare to wait." Everyone trembled with assurance.

There are many types of demon world, that is the founder of the demon world. The ancestors of the fox family once gave orders. No matter how the inner world of the demon world fights, it is impossible to exterminate the clan. This is why the blood was taken to the throne. The foxes rushed to kill the reason.

His Majesty now proposes to destroy the tribe. How can this not keep them afraid? Fortunately, as long as he does not betray, that vow will not be fulfilled, and His Majesty will not destroy their tribe.

The **** looked at the remaining snakes, "Aren't you willing to surrender?"

"Can we not die if we surrender?" A snake tribe asked tremblingly.

The **** snorted coldly: "He who has never done anything to harm my father and queen and my husband will certainly not die, but who has done my father and queen to my husband's affairs, must die!"

Those who have harmed her can never blame her, and those who have harmed her father and queen and Amo will not let go.

Mo Beichen heard the words, his eyes were soft, and he couldn't help twitching the corners of his lips.

"Your Majesty spares life, we cannot help ourselves!"

"Your Majesty, I have not harmed anyone, I swear."

As soon as Baitan said this, all the people in the snake clan, whether they had done it or not, all fell on their knees, swearing and begging for mercy.

Those who swear that they are all right will let go of the beaver, those who ask for forgiveness, and some leaders who are standing there, will not let go of the beaver.

"Catch the emperor and cut it out in public tomorrow!"

The **** stood down, and the demon soldiers immediately stepped forward and took down Fu Lin.

Fulin had lost their heart of resistance. So many people had surrendered to the beaver, and just a few of them were not enough for them to fight.

Now I can only hope that Her Majesty will be able to come back to rescue them, but Her Majesty was so badly wounded before he escaped that he was afraid that he would never return.

The scenery of their snake clan will never come back.

Half of the snake clan were caught, and the remaining half of the snake clan did not plan to kill them.

After all, the ancestors of the Sky Fox family had such an order at first, but in fact it didn't make sense.

Although there are many races in the demon world, they have become less and less in recent years. If you add insults such as mass slaughter, I am afraid that the demon world will soon cease to exist.

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