Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1396: bother you for something

The turtle prince first glanced at the beaver, raised her eyebrows at her somewhat familiar appearance.

This is Bai Yaohuang's daughter, the former demon princess, and now the demon emperor, she really looks like Chu Hou.

"See the demon emperor!" The tortoise bowed politely to the beaver.

Whether she is a demon emperor or a princess, she can stand up to him.

"The prime minister is free." Baitan raised his hand slightly.

The turtle torso straightened up and looked at Mo Beichen again. The perfect face like the gods dazzled the turtle torso.

This is Mo Youming's youngest son. Once the demon, when he heard that the demon world was in turmoil, he seemed to have regained the position of demon.

This one looks more reliable than his brother.

"I've seen the Demon King." Compared to the ritual to the beaver, the tortoise's ritual is obviously lighter than that of Mo Beichen. After all, they belong to the demon world, but not the demon world.

The **** looked at the turtle salute gesture and nodded silently.

I heard that the dragon king has a bad temper, but the turtle looks good, but he is polite and courteous.

"Your Majesty wants to see our King?" Gui Gui asked, bowing.

Feng Yu had just asked the Dragon King to come out to meet her, but the Dragon King did not come out in person, but only sent a turtle to the side. This was to give her a power.

"My emperor wants to see the Dragon King." Baitan raised his chin.

Turtle hurried and bowed again: "It's a coincidence that the king went to the East China Sea and is not in Dragon Palace now, so he can't come to see His Majesty."

The beaver's eyes flickered, so it happened that he was not in Dragon Palace.

The **** thought for a while, and then said, "Then see you Queen of Dragons."

Since the things were given to the dragon Queen, it was the same when she saw the dragon Queen. She didn't want to run again in the future.

The turtles stunned each other, apparently did not expect that Beaver was so attached.

He glanced at the beaver, wondering what she was doing this time?

"Why, aren't your dragon queens anymore?" The **** was suddenly unhappy when he saw the turtle turtle staring at her.

The unexpected imperial prestige came under pressure, and the tortoiseshell panicked with cold sweat.

The momentum of this new demon emperor is even stronger than that of Bi Xue.

"Of course, I'll ask the dragon to see your Majesty later." Turtle hurriedly bowed back to answer.

"No, just take us to the Dragon Palace." The **** interrupted him.

After hearing the words, the Turtle Prime Minister immediately became vigilant, but he did not dare to resist.

"Then please come with the three."

The turtle prince cast a water avoidance spell on the three of them, and led them to the sea.

I don't know what they are going to do in the Dragon Palace. It will be better for them to be vigilant for a while.

The three will follow the tortoise and a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs to swim to the Dragon Palace.

At the deepest part of the sea floor, the Dragon Palace is equipped with many formations and enchantments. If it is not for this turtle to lead the way, they can only find it by their own efforts.

Looking at the dazzling Dragon Palace, Baiju was in a happy mood, and quickly followed in.

Mr. Turtle took the three men into Dragon Palace.

"The three please wait for a while in the main hall. The younger one will report to our queen of the dragon." The tortoise bowed to the **** and went to the harem.

Immediately after the tortoise left, a girl came over to have tea.

The **** did not care about drinking tea, looked around, but was surprised by the luxury of this dragon palace.

This Dragon Palace is indeed a treasure trove, which is several times more luxurious than their demon palace.

The Dragon Queen heard the Demon Emperor and the Demon King coming over, and was shocked: "What are they doing here?"

"Weichen don't know," Turtle said, bowing, "But the Dragon King is not here, please ask the Queen of Dragons to be careful."

The dragon Queen narrowed his eyes, and he got up and took the tortoise and some maids to the main hall.

After the dragon queen arrived at the main hall, the first thing he saw was a pair of puppets sitting in the main seat.

Men's prosperous beauty is as beautiful as a god, women are stunningly beautiful, slightly delicate and smart.

Looking at the woman's familiar appearance, the dragon Queen had already guessed her identity.

This should be the new master of the demon world, beaver.

As for the person next to her, it should be Mo Mo, the former demon prince, and I heard that Baijuer was Mo's wife.

"I do not know that Her Majesty the Emperor Demon and the Lord Demon are coming here. It is really a long way to go." Dragon Palace looked back, and bowed apologies to the two.

Before they said that the dragon Queen was unreasonable, Baijue looked up at her and saw that there was a mean face between her eyebrows and frowned. "The dragon Queen is polite."

Seeing the **** was not very happy, Longgong "sucked" in his heart, and quickly turned to reprimand the turtle Prime Minister: "Why didn't I know the announcement when I came to visit, so I didn't meet."

Gui Xiangxiang looked down and bowed: "It is Weichen's fault."

"Forget it." Baiju waved his hands quickly, not wanting to look at the pretending appearance of the dragon Queen.

The dragon Queen bowed slightly towards the beaver, and then ordered: "Not ready to get good tea and good snacks."

The maids heard and immediately prepared again.

The main character was seated by Baiju and Mo Beichen, and the dragon queen could only sit down to the first position.

She first glanced at Feng Yu across from her, and a bitter surprise flashed on her bitter face.

She is no stranger to this Feng Yu. After being a demon of blue blood, they are considered to have been in contact. It was just recently that Bi Xue married Mo Youming's woman, but she was degraded to be a concubine. Tanuki, she has some skills.

The dragon queen glanced at the **** again, and smiled embarrassedly: "His Majesty's first ascension to Dabao, the King and his servants should go to the court, but the King has been busy lately, so please delay your Majesty.

Beaver raised his eyebrows: "Anyway, Ben didn't make a big show."

In fact, this is not a glorious thing, and to her, this demon world was originally their fox family, she just took back the father's thing, and there is nothing worth celebrating.

Seeing the **** does not blame, the dragon Queen is naturally relieved.

This **** is the daughter of the former demon emperor Baizhang and Chu Yun, and is the apprentice of Xianzun Zi Xiuran, the wife of the demon monk Mo Yan, and now she is the master of the demon world. Already.

"I don't know what your Majesty and the Demon have come to my Dragon Palace."

"Ah ..." When it comes to the point, Baici coughed and raised his eyes. "That's it. I heard that the dragon Queen had a long life before. Bixue once sent such a box to the dragon Queen. The dragon Queen still has an impression."

The white raccoon took out the box containing the pieces of sheepskin and showed it to the dragon.

The dragon Queen took the box, his eyes flashed, and he smiled: "Chen Ye really can't remember such a long time ago. Besides, Chen Ye's birthdays are many times. Every time gifts are piled into mountains, where does Chen Ye remember this clear."

The **** looked at the exaggerated expression of the dragon queen, sneered in his heart, and looked at Feng Yu.

Feng Yu replied deliberately: "In fact, it's not too long, it was from your last birthday, I sent it in person, I wonder if you have any impression."

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