Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1398: exchange

The dragon queen hurriedly told the dragon king about it.

"They're here to find the treasure fragment of the seven-color flower." The dragon queen gave the piece of sheepskin to the dragon king.

Dragon King naturally also heard the legend of the Seven-Color Flower, but he did not believe this rumor.

Whoever wants to reverse life and death in this world does not have to pay an extraordinary price.

Even if these seven-colored flower fragments are real, I am afraid that it will take a lot of effort to gather other seven-colored flower fragments.

"King, we can't give this to them easily, at least we have to knock them." The dragon Queen reminded aside.

The dragon king frowned and gave the queen a glance. He was all right, but he was too careful and careful.

What use do they keep for this small piece, not to mention that it was originally their thing, and gave it, but there is a saying that it is not bad, things can not be given in vain, and they must be replaced with something useful.

The dragon king put the sheepskin fragments back into the box, took the box and went to the guest room.

"You follow quickly, you can't let the king give things away to others." The dragon queen was not assured, and he quickly let the turtles follow him.

When the Dragon King arrived, Baiju and Mo Beichen were sitting in the garden.

"See His Majesty Ao Xing."

The Dragon King also understood Li, and bowed deeply to the **** when he met.

The **** looked at the appearance of the dragon king and the dragon head, and raised his eyebrows, "Be free."

"Your Majesty." The Dragon King stood up and nodded slightly towards Mo Beichen, "I have seen the Demon King."

Mo Beichen also nodded slightly towards him.

The Dragon King looked at the two apologetically: "His Majesty and the Demon Rarely visited, but Ao Xing was not able to meet him in the palace, and he was ashamed."

The **** raised his eyebrow and chuckled, apparently more general than the dragon queen.

"It was the emperor and the demon who suddenly visited, how could you blame the dragon king?" Baitan said with a smile, and asked the dragon king to sit down.

After the Dragon King sat down, he looked at Baiju and Mo Beichen and said, "The dragon queen has told Ao Xing, His Majesty and the Demon came this time for this box."

The Dragon King said, and took out the box directly.

The **** did not expect that the dragon king would go straight to the theme, looking at the same box that A Mo and Yu Fan took, and his eyes lightened suddenly: "Yes, this time the emperor came for the contents of this box , I do not know that the Dragon King is willing to cut love. "

Baitan doesn't know if there are any fragments in the box, so she only said that she wanted the contents of the box, and said that the dragon king was smart, and she had to guard against it.

"This is originally the thing of the demon palace. If you can't cut love, it should be for your Majesty." The dragon king said a sincere face, but the box in his hand did not advance a point towards the beaver.

The beaver's eyes were dazzling, and the Dragon King was really smart, which was to make her take the initiative to offer conditions.

But now things have been found, and even if she pays for something, she has to replace the pieces.

The **** thought about it, and then took out a jade box from the storage ring: "I heard that the Dragon King was very interested in treasures. The Emperor deliberately asked for a thing from the Master and wanted to change the box with the Dragon King."

The **** said and pushed the jade box directly in front of the dragon king.

Although she did not want to change Master ’s favorite magic weapon, but according to the savvy level of the Dragon King, if she did not use the beast emperor pen, today I am afraid it will be difficult to change to fragments.

When I heard it from Zi Xiuran, the Dragon King was instantly interested, and he couldn't wait to open the beast emperor's pen inside. "Is this a beast emperor's pen?"

"Master forgive me, and ask the Dragon King to return our things." Baici looked at the beast emperor pen with regret.

Whenever possible, she must give Master a more precious magic weapon.

The Dragon King couldn't help but touch the Beast Emperor's pen with great love.

This beast emperor pen is an incredible magic weapon. It was only when it was used by Zi Xiuran to win the position of Xianzun. This magic weapon has been thought for hundreds of thousands of years, but he didn't expect it.

The Dragon King was surging and excited, and it took him a while to suppress his excited heart.

"Your Majesty is so polite. It was originally a thing from the Demon Palace. Why do we want such a valuable thing?" The Dragon King said apologetically, but the hand still touched the Beast Emperor's pen with excitement.

"This is what it should be, it is the birthday gift of the emperor to supply the dragon Queen." The **** resisted the urge to roll his eyes and dealt with his nothingness.

"Since Her Majesty was so polite, Ao Xing accepted it with a thick face." The Dragon King said, and pushed the box in front of Baiju, "This is a gift from the empress of the **** time."

The **** opened the box, looked closely at the pieces of sheepskin in the box, and let out the air.

Things haven't been changed, and after so much setbacks, things are finally replaced.

"I really want to thank the King of Dragons this time." After changing things back, Baiju's mood was a lot better, and his tone of speech was easier.

The Dragon King's eyes rolled around, and he smiled: "It's convenient to ask, Your Majesty has gathered a few pieces. If there are still many missing pieces, Ao Xing can help find them. You also know that the news of our Dragon Palace is always the most informed . "

"There are only two pieces. It's still early to gather together. The Emperor doesn't know if this fragment is true or not, so I won't bother the Dragon King, and collect it slowly."

The **** is also a cunning man, and naturally he will not tell him the truth, after a few words, he put the box into the storage ring.

"These two days have been more disturbing in the Dragon Palace, and this is goodbye." When the things were in hand, Baitan didn't want to stay any more, and he just got up and left.

"Your Majesty and the Demon Rarely came to the Dragon Palace. It would be better if Aoxing stayed for two more days to make the best of the landlord's friendship." Listening to them leaving, the Dragon King quickly got up to keep.

The **** chuckled: "As the children are young, we will not stay. In the future, we will have the opportunity to meet together."

The **** said so, and the Dragon King was not easy to force him: "That Ao Xing sent some to the sea."

The Dragon King said he took the three of them out of the Dragon Palace.

"Ao Xing will not be far away. In the future, His Majesty will send something to Ao Xing in spite of the letter." The Bai Dynasty of the Dragon Dynasty bowed.

Baitan arched his hand: "Farewell. If the Dragon King is ever in trouble, he can also send a message to the emperor."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The Dragon King thanked him with a smile.

I don't know what will happen to their dragon palace in the future. Although this white raccoon is young, he is not weak in cultivation and has means, and this status is also very noble.

Not to mention anything else, even if she is not a demon emperor, there are Mo Yan and Zi Xiuran supporting her. Hugging Baijuer's one thigh is tantamount to holding Devil and Xianzun's thighs. He will still calculate this account.

Farewell to the Dragon King, Baiju and Mo Beichen, and Feng Yu rushed to the fairyland together.

They've been out for a few days now, and don't know how the children are doing?

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