Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1408: The Elf Empress and Zi Xiuran's Adultery

Mo Beichen returned to the demon world, while Baijue asked Jun Yan and Feng Yu to take the important affairs of the demon world to the fairy world to handle.

On the second day, Mo Beichen returned to the fairyland, and the two played with the children for several days.

Mo Beichen eats a large pot of soup every day, but he eats a lot of white beavers.

"When are you going to go to the spirit world?" Zi Xiuran asked the old boy casually.

Beaver raised his eyebrows: "We are just trying to tell you, we plan to leave today."

"So urgent?" Zi Xiu frowned.

The **** reluctantly teased the old sixth in his arms: "I can't help it, I want to find the last picture as soon as possible, and quickly revive the father and mother.

Zi Xiuran nodded silently: "Let's go, deity goes with you."

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen looked at each other with surprise, "That's great."

It happened that she and A Mo were both unfamiliar with the spiritual world, and there was a master to lead the way.

"Then let's go now." Baitan can't wait.

Mo Beichen turned around and ordered Long Yue to ask him to bring more magic soldiers to guard the mountain.

Zi Xiuran is not here. It would be a bad idea to fight against the child in the event of the blood, and I would like to send more people to protect it.

The **** also let Jun Yan stay at the Qingqing Peak, which can help to take care of the little ones, and if there is something here, they can also recruit the monster soldiers in time.

Settle everything and the three are on their way.

"Have you ever been to the spiritual realm before?"

"Um." Zi Xiuyan's indifferent eyes shook, and he stopped talking.

The **** frowned, and felt that Zi Xiu's expression was a little strange.

But she didn't think too much, after all, Master has always been so weird.

With Zi Xiuran's lead, the three successfully reached the spirit tribe.

"Here is the spirit race?" Baitan sat on the back of Qinglong, looking at the picturesque scenery underneath, couldn't help but want to go a little bit, "Are we going down?"

"No need to."

Qinglong continued to fly forward, and after crossing a hill, the **** seemed to have seen something extraordinary, and his eyes widened slyly.

Gosh, is that the castle of the spirits? This is too cool.

The **** blinked and stared at the castle floating in the sky in front of him, his eyes full of amazement and curiosity.

Even Mo Beichen was stunned, and it seemed that the Ling clan would not live in the air.

Just when Beaver was shocked, two people suddenly flew over.

Yes, it is flying, because they have wings.

"Somebody, how dare you approach the Ethereal City." The two of them held a spear, blocking them in front of them.

The white raccoon eyes looked at them brightly. Both of them had white hair, pointed ears, and they were very delicate and super high in value.

It turns out that the people of the spirit race look like this, aren't they the same as the elves?

"Xian Zun Zi Xiu Ran asked to see the Emperor." Zi Xiu Ran passed his pair to the two elves.

Hearing the name of Xiu Ranran, the two people immediately paid attention.

"Just a moment, I'll report it."

An elf flew back to the ethereal city.

After a while, the **** saw a group of elves rushing out of the ethereal city.

When they flew closer, the **** saw that the head was a female elf wearing a crown.

Moreover, the female elf was so beautiful that she was more beautiful than the most beautiful Amo's mother she had ever seen.

The female elf looked at Zi Xiuran with a look of surprise, as if she didn't believe he would come to the spirit world.

"Aran, is it really you?"

When he heard the word "Aran", the **** suddenly became numb.

She glanced at her master's face paralyzed, and looked at the excitement of the female elf, secretly guessing the relationship between the two.

Zi Xiuran arched her hand expressionlessly: "I have seen the Emperor."

The white **** raised his eyebrows frantically. It turned out that this is the empress of the spirit world, and she really looks good.

"Linghuang." Bai Tan and Mo Beichen also arched their hands at the woman.

Spirit Empress Lingfeng Lan noticed Baiju and Mo Beichen this time: "Aran, are they?"

"She is the disciple of the deity, the demon emperor beaver, he is her husband, and the devil is the ink." Zi Xiuran introduced them compared to the two.

Ling Fenglan looked at Baiju and Mo Beichen with a surprised look.

The spirit world has always closed its eyes, and the news is not very well-informed, but Bai Juer and Mo Yan know that.

Unexpectedly, they actually returned to the Six Realms, and also returned to the Demon Emperor and the Demon King.

"Let's go in and talk."

I just told Lingfeng Lan that they had something to find her, but it was not good for them to talk outside.

Lingfeng Lan took several people into the empty spirit city.

When the beavers entered the ethereal city, they finally understood why they wanted to avoid the world.

Because the elves here are not as beautiful as men, whether they are men or women.

If such a person goes out, I am afraid that regardless of men and women, they will be scrambled by all walks of life. Then I am afraid that the world will be in chaos.

Lingfeng Lan took the three into the castle garden.

"sit down."

Ling Fenglan greeted them to sit in the gazebo, and made people pour tea.

The **** looked at the beautiful flowers in the garden, but felt that it was just like a fairyland.

Such a place made her willing to stay for several lives.

The tea of ​​the Ling clan is also scented tea. Baitan was originally lactating and could not drink tea, but it does not matter if it is scented tea.

After the three of them drank tea, Ling Fenglan looked at Zi Xiuran: "You should find something with the emperor."

He has always avoided her to be afraid of it. This time, it should not be as simple as telling her the old.

Zi Xiuran didn't want to waste time, so he took out the box directly: "This deity is here for this."

Lingfeng Lan's eyes were darkened, a little disappointed.

Although she had long guessed that he had other purposes, she still hoped that he came for her, after all, she had extravagant hope.

Lingfeng Lan recognized it at first glance at the box: "Do you want the Seven-Color Flower Fragment?"

When the three-colored flowers were spoken by Lingfeng Lan, the eyes of all three were bright.

"Yes." Zi Xiuran nodded.

"Who do you want to save?" Ling Fenglan's first reaction was to wonder who Zi Xiuran wanted to save, male or female?

"Baiyu." Zi Xiuran didn't hide her.

Hearing Bai Bai's name, Lingfeng Lan was silently relieved.

She knew it, he was his friend, and was once the demon emperor.

Ling Fenglan looked at Bai Tan'er, no wonder she came along with her. It turned out to be Bai Bai.

"I don't know if the Emperor is willing to cut love, we can exchange other things." Baitan asked tentatively.

"Swap?" Ling Fenglan hooked her lips and looked at Zi Xioran, "If the emperor wants him."

... The **** was stupid for a moment and looked mechanically at Zi Xiuran.

Master ...

She can't be the master of this.

The corners of Mo Beichen's eyes were also drawn. It seems that the two men have adultery. No wonder he would follow suit.

Zi Xiuran remained expressionless: "No kidding."

Ling Fenglan lowered her eyes and smiled evilly, "You are still so boring."

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