Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1410: Seven little names

Ling Fenglan raised her eyebrows proudly: "They are all children of the emperor."

"Is this ... is it all?" Baitan stared at him with sullen eyes, surprised.

There are more than twenty elf here. She couldn't have been born to her.

"Everything is." Ling Fenglan didn't feel embarrassed, and was very proud.

The **** was a little speechless. She was too able to give birth. She could have given birth.

What the **** does not know is that the children of the Ling clan are difficult to breed, so there are very few people of the Ling clan. Therefore, whoever can produce more in the Ling clan can get everyone's respect.

Apparently, the current Empress Lingfeng Lan is the most respected woman in the entire Ling clan.

"Mother Emperor, Mother Emperor is here." The elf rushed all excitedly when they saw Ling Fenglan.

Ling Fenglan's original majestic face saw that they also instantly became kind.

The **** looked at Ling Fenglan, who was surrounded by the elves, raised his eyebrows.

Mothers all over the world are probably the same.

Raising his eyes, Baitan saw that there was an elf in the distance. He looked at Lingfeng Lan so far, without any expression on the delicate face.

The **** frowned. Was that little girl born of Lingfeng Lan too? Why didn't she come?

Lingfeng Lan also seemed to glance at the little girl, but did not speak to her.

The little girl stopped for a while and flew away.

Ling Fenglan's eyes dimmed, and they let those elves play by themselves.

Lingfeng Lan and the beavers walked the whole castle again.

Beavers also know a little about the mysterious spirit race.

At night, Mo Beichen went to Zi Xiuran, while Baijue climbed to the top of the castle alone.

Because the ethereal city is mid-air, the air here is much cooler than the bottom, but it is very comfortable for the beaver.

The **** sat on the city wall and looked at the castle below as if in a fairyland, his heart seemed drunk.

"It's beautiful here!" Baitan reached out her hand and closed her eyes slightly, as if to embrace everything here.

"What you see is not as beautiful as you think."

The sudden sound scared the **** nearly jumped off the wall.

The **** clenched at the city wall and grabbed her with a small hand.

Beaver raised his eyes and saw a familiar little face: "It's you."

The beaver's voice was a little surprised. The elf was the little girl standing in the distance she saw during the day, but they did not expect to meet again so soon.

"Sorry, it scared you." The elf was still holding Beaver's hand, but she was too weak to drag her up.

The white raccoon braced hard and finally sat back on the wall.

"Sit down and chat with me?" Baitan patted the position beside him.

The elf hesitated for a while and sat down.

"I saw you today, what's your name?" Baitan asked kindly.

The elf didn't speak, only a moment before he said, "I don't have a name."

no name?

The **** stung, how could anyone have no name?

The elf dropped her eyes and didn't look at Beaver's eyes, she was afraid to see what she didn't want to see.

"Then what's your last name?" Beaver asked curiously again, without knowing what the elf thought.

The elf looked up at her, and saw that her eyes did not seem to show any contempt and dislike as she thought.


The **** raised her eyebrows in amazement. The surname is "Ling". Ling is the royal family name of the Ling tribe. Is she really a child of Ling Fenglan?

"Why don't I give you a name?" Beaver said cautiously. She was a little scared to hurt the child. She could see that the child had a lot of pride.

The elf froze again, she didn't expect she would be willing to name her.

No one had ever thought of naming her, she was the first.

She could see the emotion in her eyes, she didn't want to hurt her, in fact, she didn't feel hurt.

The elf looked at the **** for a long time before nodding.

Beaver's eyes lit up and he smiled happily: "Great, let me think about what name I should give you."

The **** touched his chin and thought seriously.

The elf looked at her and saw her thinking seriously, her blue eyes shook.

This is the first time someone is serious about her affairs. It feels so good!

When Baitan raised his eyes and saw the stars that seemed to be within reach, he was suddenly inspired: "You see how beautiful the stars are in the sky, why don't you call them the spirit stars, how about it? Do you like it?"

The **** looked at the elf expectantly and nervously, as if afraid she would not like it.

Lingxinger ...

The elf silently recited her name in her heart, and suddenly her nose was a little sour.

What a nice name, this is her.

"Don't you like it?" The **** was nervous when she didn't speak.

"Lingxinger, my name." The elf looked up at her, as if to tell her that she liked the name.

The **** laughed: "Just like it."

The two sat on the wall and looked at the stars together.

"I don't seem to have given a name to my child." The Beaver thought of the six at home, suddenly despising himself.

She's really not a competent mother, she didn't even pick up the names of the babies.

Ling Xing'er looked at her: "I can get it for you."

"Okay." Baitan laughed, as if looking forward to her name.

In fact, Ling Xinger regretted this after she said this, because she was really not good at taking names, and she didn't even give herself a good name.

The **** waited for a while, but did not see her have any good suggestions, so she remembered.

"It's better to use stars to name them." Baiju looked at the bright stars.

Thinking of what the Void said before, she and A Mo will have seven children.

"Seven children, it would be better to use the name of the Big Dipper, what do you think."

Ling Xinger nodded, saying it was pretty good.

She seems to like stars, but they are beautiful.

The **** was happy, complacent for coming up with a good name: "The boss is called Mo Tianshu, the second child is Mo Tianxuan, the third child is Mo Tianxuan, the fourth child is Mo Tianquan, and the fifth child and sixth are surnamed Bai Hao. Now, the oldest five is Bai Yuheng, the oldest is Bai Kaiyang, and the seventh is called Yaoguang. If Xiaoqi is a male doll, she ’s surnamed Mo, and if she is a female doll, she ’s surnamed Bai, would you say OK? ”

Looking at the gentle light spots in her eyes, Ling Xinger kept her eyes open silently: "Very good."

She is a good mother. She will be very happy as a child.

"Lier ..." Baici was about to talk to Ling Xinger, and then heard Mo Beichen's voice looking for her.

"I'm here." Baitan quickly turned back and promised loudly.

Mo Beichen searched for the wall and said, "Why are you here, be careful."

Mo Beichen took the cloak out of the storage ring and put it on the beaver.

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