Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1428: Extra: Hakuyoukou vs. purple dyeing

Imperial Palace.

Xiao Qi became the new emperor of the immortal world. She sat on the left side of the main seat and listened to the reports of the people below.

However, the centered position was always empty. People in the fairyland knew that it was left to Xianzun. When the emperor came to the throne, he said that Zi Xiuran will always be their fairyzun in the fairyland.

When Xiaoqi took over as the emperor of the immortal world, everyone in the immortal world agreed with everyone except Huayan and Yufan, especially those stubborn. After knowing that Xiu Xiu dyed into reincarnation, everyone wanted to sit in this immortal position.

The immortal world was so chaotic, Xiao Qi went to the palace with the seal of Xianzun given by Zi Xiuran after knowing it, but those stubborn people still did n’t recognize Xiao Qi ’s identity even when they saw the seal, even if Hua Yan and Yu Fan testified. Before his death, he passed the position of Xianzun to Xiao Qi, and no one still wanted to be Xiao Qi.

It wasn't until Xiaoqi demanded a contest and defeated all the old stubbornness of Xiangong with one person's strength. Then everyone finally had to serve.

Perhaps, Xiu Ranran had already expected such a day before he would pass on his repairs to Xiao Qi in advance.

Xiao Qi relied on the master ’s position to sit on the master of the immortal realm, but was unwilling to replace Zi Xiuran ’s immortal title, but he created a new one, the emperor of the immortal realm.

In fact, she was not interested in this at all. The reason why she still wanted to stay here was entirely for Master. She was waiting for the day when Master returned.

After finishing the affairs of Xiangong, Xiao Qi returned to the Qingqing Peak.

This is her habit. No matter how late, she will return to Qingfeng to look at the stars. She cannot bear to miss any time with Master.

Xiao Qi sat alone on the edge of the cliff, staring at the stars as if in front of him.

Next to Yao Guangxing, there is an extra shining star.

Master, are you okay over there? Do you remember Xiaoqi?

Xiao Qi was sitting on the edge of the cliff for one night. Hua Yan always came to her to remind her to go to sleep, but she always refused. After a long time, Hua Yan did not press.

Flowers stood in the distance looking at Xiao Qi by the cliff, her eyes were a little wet.

Xianzun, where are you? Xiao Qi has been looking for you for a long time.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang stopped on the branches were also pulling their heads, looking listless.

Xianzun, when will he be back? I really miss him.

Hey, now not only can't hear the sound of nature sound, even the magic sound can't be heard.

"Little Qi Shimei." Xiao Qi was watching the stars, and Yu Fan flew over excitedly.

"Brother Yufan." Seeing Yu Fan, Xiao Qi was instantly excited, and before he stopped, he rushed over, "Is there news from Master?"

Yu Fan was also excited: "Someone just came and said that he saw Xianzun in the human world."

"Really." Xiao Qi suddenly rejoiced. "I'm going to find the master."

Xiao Qi said and ran out excitedly.

"Well, the human world is so big, do you know where Xianzun is?"

Yu Fan wanted to follow the lead, but was pulled by Hua Yan, "Xian Zun really has news."

Yu Fan laughed: "It's true, I have secretly confirmed it. It is indeed Xianzun."

"It's so good!" Huayan burst into tears with joy.

God bless, Xianzun finally has news.

"Brother Yufan, hurry up." Xiao Qi, who flew to the sky, was already impatiently shouting.

"Come here." Yu Fan flew over quickly.

"Well, wait for me." Hua Yan also quickly followed, and finally found Xianzun, how could he not go and see.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang glanced at each other, and fluttered their wings to Huayan's shoulders. They had to go and see.

Several people went to the human world together, and Yu Fan took them directly to a very lively flower building.

The name of Hualou is Zuixinge. Because it is night, there are so many people in Zuixinge that there are too many men and women.

"Where is this? Why are there so many people?" Huayao squeezed into the crowd, feeling that her heart and lungs were almost squeezed out.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang who stopped on his shoulders also flew to the heights, afraid to get down and be crushed.

Xiao Qi looked around anxiously, but couldn't see the shadow of Zi Xiuran: "Brother Yufan, where is he, Master? You won't be in the wrong place."

Huayao squeezed into a slightly more spacious place, panting, "Is that your kid in the wrong place? This is obviously Hualou. How could Xianzun come in such an unruly place?"

"Hualou?" Xiao Qi glared.

Although she has n’t been in human world, but she heard her brothers talk about a lot of human world. She still knows this flower house. This is a place where men are looking for fun, Master. How come to such a place.

"Brother Yufan, why did you lie to me?" Xiao Qi turned and grieved Yu Fan.

Doesn't he know how anxious she is to find Master? She even lied to her with fake news.

Not to mention that Huayao and Xiaoqi did not believe it, even Xiaobai and Xiaohuang did not believe it.

They don't know what a flower house is, but they know that so many people are still crowded in such a place, Xianzun will never come.

"I'm going back." Xiao Qi said angrily and was about to leave.

She didn't want to waste time in such a place.

"Well, don't go, I didn't lie to you." Yu Fan quickly held her. "If Master is really not here, I'll be full to bring you so far and far."

Does he seem so free?

Xiaoqi frowned.

Hua Yan also said suspiciously, "Do you mean that Xianzun is really here?"

"Of course." Yu Fan pointed to the men and women who were desperately pushing forward. "If it weren't for the beauty of Xianzun, you thought there could be so many people."

Both Huayan and Xiaoqi were dumbfounded.

"You mean they all came to see Master?" Xiao Qi frowned at those people.

Yu Fan nodded with certainty, as he did last time.

"I heard that Qingran Boy will be playing today, but I came to see Qingran Boy from a long distance." A young man pushed forward as he pushed forward.

"Isn't it? I rushed to occupy the place without even having dinner, but I was pushed to the back. It was really bad luck."

"Why do you like Qingran so much? Is this Qingran so good?" A man said unknownly.

Before the men around him answered, the women were excited.

"You don't, don't even know Qingran."

"That is, you don't even know Qingran, you're alive."

"Qingran son is the most, most and most beautiful man in the world."

The interrogating man was stunned by a group of women.

The man beside him shrugged at him: "Now you know how powerful Qingran is."

Look at the appeal, it's almost!

Xiaoqi blinked with big eyes. Is this Qingran son the master? How many people like him?

"I'm coming!"

A scream came from the crowd, and everyone raised their eyes together, and saw a white man floating down from the flower floor patio.

The man took the guqin in his hand, and when he got down, the quaint sound of the day spread across the entire building.

Xiao Qi looked at the man in white foolishly, his heart forgot to jump.

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