Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1464: Fanwai: Mo Tianyu vs Duanmu Bingyu (5)

Castle of the Emperor.

The seventh, the sixth, the fifth, the fourth, the second, and the eldest are all around the third and the iceberg.

"I was really hit by you. The third child really brought the woman back." The sixth child hit the second child.

The second child also looked at Bingyu with a strange look: "Just say that the third child is better than you, and see how long it took to go out, then you lied to the young wife."

The fifth child also looked at Bingyu with interest: "The third child has good eyes!"

Xiao Qi blinked with a big eye and exclaimed, "Wow, Misaki is so beautiful."

Hearing Xiaoqi ’s phrase “Three Sisters”, his third face turned dark, but he did not refute it.

Following these explanations is to play the piano, and the more such things are explained, the more unclear it becomes.

Bingyu swept all the beautiful men and beauties in front of him, and immediately pulled the sleeves of the youngest man excitedly: "Wow, there are so many beautiful men in your family. Well, does that black dress look too handsome? It ’s the best, and the enchanting guy in the red dress. I like that the beautiful boy in the blue dress is so cute, and the sunny young man in the blue dress, the white one, God, it ’s so handsome. . And the little beauty in purple is also very cute! "

Bingyu held her hands on her cheeks, and looked lovingly at the opposite beautiful men and young beauties.

They are all dumbfounded.

Alas, why are these three sisters so cute?

Everyone stared at Bingyu, even Mo Tianshu was a little surprised.

The third child looked at Bingyu's idiot's expression with a black line.

Damn idiot woman, it really is right so all men are idiot.

"My third child, where did you find the little beauty? This is too cute." The fifth child looked at the third child with an envious face, only to find that the ice cream was so much fun.

"That is, the little beauty has such a good personality that it is too bad to be a third child." The second child also followed.

Xiao Qi nodded quickly: "Yeah, yeah, Misaki is so cute!"

This is the first time she has seen such an interesting girl.

Seeing that everyone likes her very much, Bingyu quickly and kindly came forward to shake hands with them: "Hello, hello, my name is Duanmu Bingyu, who lives far away in the Huang Dynasty Yancheng, by the way, I have not married my husband yet. If anyone of you is single, you can consider making up with me. "

Bingyu said babbling, shaking hands with them one by one.

With every word she said, the youngest boy's face turned darker. When he heard the phrase "just make up", the young boy's face was completely black.

After listening to Bingyu, the sixth child was also stunned.

"Why, the third child hasn't gotten you done yet?" The fifth child grinned and glanced at the dark face of the third child.

I thought it was really fun. I didn't expect the third child to have today. At first glance, this girl is the third child's nemesis.

The sixth boy also glanced at the third boy, looking at his ugly face than shit, and deliberately raised his eyebrows: "Oh, unfortunately, we are all married, there is no chance. But my second brother is not married yet."

The second child immediately cooperated with a smile and said, "I'm still single. I think the girl is good. We might as well make up."

Bingyu looked at the handsome smiling man in white clothes, and immediately he was excited to speak, but the youngest man covered his mouth and dragged her away.

"Hmm ..." Bingyu struggled quickly, but the third child was unwilling to let go, holding her with one hand and leaving.

The others watched the two of them making fun, all secretly.

"Hey, the third brother has fallen." Xiao Qi chuckled, pretending to sigh deeply.

"At first glance, the youngest girl liked that girl, and she was still pretending to be there." The oldest girl said with a smile, and bumped into the second child, "If you said that girl really wanted to make up with you, would the third child be crazy?"

The second child raised his eyebrow: "What we should guess is, how can the third child get a girl?"

As soon as Lao Liu's eyes lighted up, she immediately became excited: "Good idea, walk around and go to the theater."

Lao Liu pulled Xiao Qi and ran.

The fifth and second children also followed, and the second half ran halfway, not forgetting to come back to see Mo Tianshu: "The third child's joke doesn't have to be seen every day."

Mo Tianshu raised his eyebrows, but he followed.

The third child directly carried Bingyu back to her room before putting her down.

Bingyan blinked with wide eyes and looked around the room and said, "This is your room, it's pretty good."

The third child with a black face stared at Bingyu: "You just wanted to make up with the second child?"

"The second child?" Bingyu blinked confusedly, "Who is the second child?"

Suddenly, the third old man was mad, and forced his anger, "That's the white suit."

"Oh!" Bing stared blankly: "The one who smiles very handsome and handsome."

The blue veins of the old three's forehead burst out. Is this what he wants to hear?

"Do you like him?" The oldest stared at Bingyu with a stunned look, as if she said yes, he immediately made her look good.

Bingyu did not see the anger of the third child at all, and smiled heartily: "Of course I like it, who doesn't like it?"

The third child ran away instantly, so angry that he wanted to curse, and Bingyu smiled unconsciously: "I didn't expect your brothers to look so good. Now it seems that you are the ugliest parent. "

In a word, Bingyu was annoyed and killed the third child, and he enjoyed the eldest brother, the second child, the fourth child, the fifth child and the sixth child who watched outside.

Several people unanimously decided to like this new three siblings (Mikasa), it's really too enlightening.

Isn't the third child the most ugly of their parents? This is fine.

Xiao Qi was also happy to hear this sentence. The third brother was obviously the best-looking in the family, and the third brother actually said that he was the ugliest and was really fun.

The third brother has always been most concerned about his face value. It is said to be ugly at this moment, and it will definitely explode.

Xiao Qi thought about quickly snapping a hole in the window, and then several other ones followed suit.

After a while, the window changed from one hole to six holes.

In the room, the third old man was flushed with red eyes, approaching Bingyu step by step: "You say I'm ugly?"

At last he felt his anger, Bingyu shook his head with a rattle: "No, nothing at all, you are the most handsome!"

This flattering shot didn't make the third child's face slightly relieved: "Do you like the second child?"

Feeling that this guy was on the bar with his second brother, Bingyu quickly shook his head again: "I don't like it, I don't like it at all, I only like you."

"Do you want to make up with them?" The third child approached Bingyu again, and growled angrily.

"Well, you've heard it wrong." Bingyu said flatly without admitting to death, "I'm all your lady, I'm born to be yours, death is your dead ghost, and I will never betray you."

Bingyu said he jumped into the arms of the third child, holding him like an octopus, showing his sincerity.

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