Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1493: Are you worried about me?

Long Xiaoqi was startled by seven, ran away with his legs, only halfway to remember his purpose.

The guy just opened his mouth, didn't he get a lot of saliva?

Long Xiaoqi slaps his head in annoyance, holding the crock jar and turning back.

Seeing the return of Long Xiaoqi, Qingtian Python's Tongling's big eyes flashed the excitement of bloodthirsty, and opened her mouth immediately.

This time, Long Xiaoqi did not escape, but slid down to its huge mouth.

Long Xiaoqi, while hiding with Qingtian Python, anxiously collected his saliva.

Qing Tian Boa was played a few times and was instantly angry, and flung her giant tail and swept at her.

Long Xiaoqi looked at the giant tail thicker than the pillars, and was immediately anxious, turning back to see that the saliva was almost the same, and she was so happy that she quickly flew out holding the crock.

Without a hit, Qingtian Mang chased Long Xiaoqi angrily.

Long Xiaoqi was chased by Qingtian Python for an hour before he finally escaped.

This guy is too good to chase, isn't it just asking him to drool a bit?

Long Xiaoqi gasped, looking up at a strange forest, suddenly stupid: "Well! Where is this?"


In the cave, Gong Jiuge waited for a long time and did not see Long Xiaoqi return, and suddenly he was a little worried.

He wanted to get up, but he didn't have any strength, let alone to find someone, he couldn't even sit up.

He glanced helplessly at the cave, and finally stopped his eyes on the gray rabbit next to the fire.

"Your master ... she may be lost ..." He looked at the rabbit weakly.

The grey rabbit sat up, his black eyes stared straight at Gong Jiuge.

Gong Jiuge didn't know if the rabbit could understand him, but he just saw the woman and asked the rabbit to help them find the cave. It should be spiritual.

The grey rabbit shook his ears, as if thinking about something, and ran out soon.

Seeing the grey rabbit go out, Gong Jiuge finally lay back on the slate with a sigh of relief.

I hope the rabbit can understand him and take the woman back.

Long Xiaoqi went round and round in the woods, and just when she wanted to give up and want to survive, the gray rabbit appeared.

"You came to me on purpose, do you know that I'm lost again, you're so smart." Seeing the gray rabbit, Long Xiaoqi was happier than seeing her own mother and mother, she lifted the gray rabbit , Kissed her joyfully.

"Thank you for taking me back." Long Xiaoqi hugged the gray rabbit, and finally returned to the cave under its guidance.

"I am back."

Long Xiaoqi's elated voice came, and Gong Jiuge's tight brows finally relaxed.

"Did you worry about me and let the little rabbit go to me?" Long Xiaoqi put down the gray rabbit and let it go to the fire, and he went to the stone bed and watched Gong Jiuge proudly.

"Who is worried about you, I'm afraid you're delaying my medicine." Looking at Long Xiaoqi who was soaked in the body, Gong Jiuge's eyes flashed, just don't look over.

"You can rest assured, I have already searched for all the medicines, and I will give you medicine now." Long Xiaoqi was not annoyed, said with a smile, and ran out to Gongjiu Pharmaceutical.

Long Xiaoqi took out all the medicines he had collected, and then began to make medicines carefully in comparison with Yujian.

Regarding pharmaceuticals, she felt that she was still very talented, and even her three elder brothers praised her.

Looking at the busy little figure beside the fire, Gong Jiuge's heart suddenly settled inexplicably.

After Long Xiaoqi carefully adjusted for half an hour, he finally made a box of paste-like ointment.

"Okay, you're done!" Long Xiaoqi picked up the ointment he made and walked to the stone bed to apply medicine to Gongjiuge.

"What are you doing?" Feeling something cool got on his face, Gong Jiuge quickly waved her hand away.

"Give you some medicine?" Long Xiaoqi raised the wooden box in his hand.

"Have you made those medicated plasters?" Gong Jiuge looked dumbfounded as he looked at the slimy ointment.

"Is there anything wrong?" Long Xiaoqi blinked confusedly. She thought that the ointment she made was very good and should be very useful.

"I just said that the prescription given to you is for decoction." Gong Jiuge was so angry that he stared at Long Xiaoqi silently.

"Oh, you say this." Long Xiaoqi finally understood the meaning of Gong Jiuge and immediately raised his eyebrows. "I didn't remember the recipe you said before. Now this recipe is made into a salve."

Gong Jiuge's black line was even more speechless.

Who vowed before that he had a good memory, but forgot it in a flash.

"You can rest assured, this medicine is very effective, and it is guaranteed that the medicine will be cured." Seeing Gong Jiuge's face was not good, Long Xiaoqi immediately promised.

Long Xiaoqi said that he put on another ointment and rubbed it on Gong Jiuge's face.

A thick stench came, and Gong Jiuge held his breath momentarily, "What did you make, so stinky?"

"Where it's stink, it's just a little fishy." Ignoring Gong Jiuge's disgusting expression, Long Xiaoqi dug a lot of ointment and applied it to his face.

The thick stench blew again, Gong Jiuge quickly held his breath, and stared at Long Xiaoqi with a black face, "You are out of smell."

Long Xiaoqi gave him a direct white look. "You smelled so bad, but I have personally smelled the feces of the wind chimes, and it doesn't smell bad at all, because the saliva of Qingtian Python is a little fishy."

"Do you take feces and saliva for salves?" The words "feces and saliva" were captured. Gong Jiuge's face turned pale instantly, and I didn't know where the strength came from. He sat up from the stone bed and stared at Dragon Xiao. The box of ointment in seven hands.

Long Xiaoqi frowned angrily, and quickly calmed, "Don't be excited first, this is not ordinary feces and drool, these are the feces and drool of spirit beasts, these are ..."

Before Long Xiaoqi explained the words, Gong Jiuge couldn't help but lie on the stone bed and spit up.

"Hey, aren't you?" Long Xiaoqi quickly put down the ointment and helped him back in the past. "Aren't you allergic to bugs, why are you allergic to bird feces and saliva?"

"You also said ... vomit ..."

What evil did he do in his life, and God will send this woman to torture him.

Looking at the spitting Gong Jiuge, Long Xiaoqi finally lost his imagination.

Why is there so many problems with this man? What about the feces and drool? The feces and drool of so many beasts are very precious medicines.

After a scent of incense, Gong Jiuge, who vomited nothing, finally did not vomit. He lay back weakly on the stone bed, feeling that his three souls had almost gone to two souls and a half, and half souls were already on the road Already.

"Can you apply the medicine now?" Long Xiaoqi, who was sitting dozing off, saw that Gong Jiuge was vomiting, and yawned, and walked over with the ointment.

Gong Jiuge gasped and stared, "Don't you dare to wipe that thing on me, you ..."

Threatening stopped abruptly, Gong Jiuge stared at Long Xiaoqi with red eyes instantly.

The **** woman gave him some points again.

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