Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1500: I need money for shopping

"Why not use a flying sword?" He saw that she would make a flying sword before. As long as she flew out of the woods, wouldn't she find the way?

Long Xiaoqi glared resentfully at him, "What do you know? The disciples who go down the mountain in Yuqingmen are not allowed to use spiritual methods casually, and ..."

Speaking of half, Long Xiaoqi Qingling's eyes rolled around, and he didn't go on for a moment.

Gong Jiuge raised her eyebrows curiously, "And what?"

Long Xiaoqi quickly shook his head, "Nothing."

Although she can make Feijian, she has a poor sense of direction. It is okay to go in the wrong direction. If she flies back to Yuqingmen, she must not laugh at her brothers and nephews.

But then she didn't tell the guy.

"Ah ..." Long Xiaoqi coughed slightly, holding the map forward, "I'll find his way."

Long Xiaoqi was seriously looking for the way in front of the map, as if vowing to prove that he was not a idiot.

Gong Jiuge didn't bother her, and Xianting followed her.

After the two had gone for a long time, they finally saw a city.

Long Xiaoqi looked at the big word "Zhou Youcheng" on the gate and jumped up with excitement. "Look, isn't this Zhou Youcheng? I'm too great."

Gong Jiuge looked at the excited Long Xiaoqi, and raised the corner of his lips unconsciously.

He didn't even know how spoiled his smile was.

Long Xiaoqi grabbed Gong Jiuge's hand with excitement, "Let's go, I haven't even entered the city yet, let's go and play while it's not dark now."

Gong Jiuge shook her hand disgustedly, but she couldn't shake it, she could only be pulled into the city by her.

Zhou Youcheng, located at the junction of Youqin and Nanxu.

The caravans of the two countries often buy and sell goods here, so it is relatively prosperous compared to other surrounding cities.

Long Xiaoqi went down the mountain for the first time and felt fresh about everything in the city.

Long Xiaoqi looked at the east, touched the west, and felt that the city was much more fun than Yuqingmen.

The things in this city are so beautiful. When she returns to Yuqingmen next time, she wo n’t have to listen to the brothers all the time. She must play all the fun in the city. She must let the brothers and the nephews know everything. Envy her.

Long Xiao Qi walked across the street gleefully before finally remembering Gong Jiu Ge.

Looking back, she saw that Gong Jiuge was so far away, and Long Xiaoqi went back to him again, "Why are you walking so slowly?"

Gong Jiuge glanced at her quietly.

Long Xiaoqi understood it instantly and whispered to him, "Actually you don't need to be so nervous. You are wearing a robe and a cape on your body. No one will find your pants broken, and you do n’t even wear obscene pants Can't reveal anything? "

"Shut up." Gong Jiuge's forehead protruded, staring at her with a black face.

Long Xiaoqi poked his lips boringly, "Good intentions are not good enough, am I not helping you with an idea?"

Long Xiaoqi turned his head to look at the front, his eyes flashed brightly, and he quickly pulled Gongjiuge Road, "There is a shop selling clothes in the front, we can just go in and buy one."

Gong Jiuge frowned and looked at Long Xiaoqi, "Do you have any money?"

"Silver?" Long Xiaoqi stayed for a while, before he came over to ask for silver.

What he thought of, Long Xiaoqi lamented momentarily, "Why did I forget to ask Master for silver? Oops, I lost money too much."

The cry of Long Xiaoqi crying and grabbing the ground immediately caught the attention of passersby, and everyone looked at her somehow.

Gong Jiuge had a black line, silently away from Long Xiaoqi.

However, Long Xiaoqi didn't care about other people's eyes, and was still sad.

In the past, when the brothers came down the mountain, the master would give them two silvers. Why did she not have a copper plate when she got here, the master was too biased.

No, she must ask him for a lot of money next time she goes back.

When Long Xiaoqi was sad and went to find Gong Jiuge, he found that he had reached the front.

Long Xiaoqi quickly caught up with him, "I have no silver, and you have no silver."

"No." Gong Jiuge replied softly.

He never brought silver, these things were handled by Ling Zhi and Yu He.

"You are a prince, you don't even have silver." Long Xiaoqi gave him a pitying look.

Gong Jiuge was instantly stimulated by Long Xiaoqi's "You are too poor" eyes. He directly took off his jade and gave it to Long Xiaoqi.

"Why?" Long Xiaoqi looked inexplicable.

"Take this." Gong Jiuge raised his chin toward the clothing store in front.

Long Xiaoqi flipped through the jade pendant of the palace and nine songs and thought the texture was pretty good.

"It's too wasteful for you to change your pants with this?"

This jade pendant can change another shop.

Gong Jiuge slanted her, "Do you have any other way?"

He didn't want to wear leaky trousers all the time, and he had been watching after entering the city, and he hadn't seen the secret signs of Lingzhang and Yuhe. They thought they should not have entered the city yet.

Long Xiaoqi thought for a while, his eyes brightened, "Here, come with me."

Gongjiu could not tolerate, Long Xiaoqi pulled him into a drug store in front.

Gong Jiuge looked at Long Xiaoqi unknownly, and said in a small voice, "What are you going to the pharmacy now?"

Long Xiaoqi blinked at him playfully, "Of course it's money, look at me."

Long Xiaoqi stepped forward and knocked on the counter.

The shopkeeper who was doing the accounting now looked up and saw a business come to his door. He immediately laughed, "I don't know what the two want?"

Gong Jiuge lowered her eyes awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I don't know if the boss will not accept medicines here, we want to change some silver." Long Xiaoqi coughed, and opened the door and asked directly.

The shopkeeper raised his eyebrows in surprise, and looked at Long Xiaoqiyi from top to bottom. She saw that although she was simple in dress, she was very clean and smart, and immediately felt a little favorable.

She glanced at Gong Jiu Ge next to her and saw that he was also an extraordinary performer. She smiled and said, "It is naturally collected. I wonder what medicine the girl has?"

Hearing that the shopkeeper was willing to collect her medicinal materials, Long Xiaoqi was instantly overjoyed and immediately began to dig out the storage bag.

The shopkeeper saw Long Xiaoqi's storage bag, his deep eyes shook.

It turns out that this girl is a spiritual person, no wonder she has such aura.

Seeing that the shopkeeper had been staring at Long Xiaoqi's storage bag, Gong Jiuge frowned, hiding in front of Long Xiaoqi without a trace.

Feeling the vigilance of Gong Jiu Ge, the shopkeeper consciously retracted his gaze.

Long Xiaoqi drew two herbs in the storage bag for half a day, but it wasn't that she had no medicine in her bag, but she was reluctant to do so, and she was reluctant to choose two medicinal herbs that were not commonly used .

Long Xiaoqi put the two herbs on the counter, and looked at the shopkeeper, "How much are these two herbs?"

The shopkeeper's gaze was instantly attracted by the two medicinal materials. The girl really was a practitioner, and as soon as she shot, they were two spirits.

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